Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 590: Let the bullets fly

In the vast ocean, a lone boat, after confirming that the ship had broken away from the plan, Leng Feng determined that he had to come over.

Not for others, just for a promise.

He promised to do three things for Shi vigorously. This was the first thing and failed without reason.

So here he is!

Never stop without turning back.

"This really works? There are definitely tens of thousands of pirates. With so many warships, how could he be able to stop him alone?"

Ren Haoran spoke out, reasonably worried.

However, Shi Dali did not make a sound, just looking ahead.

Regarding the Leng Feng recorded in Book One of the World, Teacher Shi remembered it very clearly, and the content was not much.

But in fact, think about it carefully, where so many things are needed, the first shot in the world is enough!

For example, at this moment, when the gun in his hand is taken out, he is number one in the world!

On the other side, the black pirate ship is already fast approaching the cruise ship.

The poisonous shark's gaze was always staring at the front, and those eyes were cold and bloodthirsty.

He didn't know what was wrong with Blackbeard, but thinking about it made him angry.

The belief of the entire pirate group was kidnapped by them. This is absolutely impossible!

So, no matter what, he must stop the ship, kill those bastards, and bring Blackbeard back.

"Second Master, there are almost five minutes before we can launch the steel cable."

The subordinate next to him made a sound, and the poison shark nodded.

For the combat capabilities of their entire team, Poison Shark is very clear and very confident.

There is still some distance from the safe sea area, so even if reinforcements come from Suhai, don't worry too much. Those time is enough for them to get everything done.

"Get ready, at all costs, our goal is..."

Almost halfway through the words of the poison shark, suddenly it seemed as if a cold stream of water flew past him.

The next moment, without any warning at all, a hole was exploded in the chest of the fifth master standing next to the poisonous shark.

No one reacted, and he just fell to the ground.

Everyone, such as Ice Falling Cellar, even widened their eyes and did not understand what was going on.


Finally, as the backbone of this time, Poison Shark immediately understood what happened, and his expression became nervous for the first time.

To say that above this sea, their pirates should be able to gallop, but the snipers are their nemesis!

Especially the top snipers!

At this moment, the poison shark was almost immediately confirmed, there is a sniper hidden on the cruise ship, and it must be the world's top sniper.

At such a long distance, the sea breeze and the light reflected by the sea, there are so many interference factors, but the other party's bullets still fly over without error.

And there is no doubt that the other party is planning to kill the five masters with one shot, because judging from the position just now, he is in the front place.

It feels like he is the leader of the pirate group!

To shoot people, shoot horses first, and capture thieves first, capture the king. Obviously this terrible sniper knew this very well.

"Hide, everyone hide!"

Before he could say one more word, the poison shark shouted loudly, and at the same time he fell down and rolled away to one side, using all his strength to hide in the cabin. No one can guarantee that he is absolutely safe at this time. The ghost knows when the bullet will crush his body.

For that matter, some people still took a step slower. The Nine Master was shot through the shoulder, and followed his life.

"Second Master, what should I do? How can there be such a terrifying sniper? It's almost like a ghost!"

The person next to him is really nervous to the extreme, so the only way to relieve this tension is to ask the poison shark to see what he is planning at this time.

"Everyone hide behind the shield and keep going!"

However, the look of the poisonous shark gritted its teeth more and more ferocious.

What about top snipers?

With so many warships and densely packed pirates, as long as they wait for the chain to fly out, no masters of any kind will be able to escape by then, and then they will cramp and scrape their skins and frustrate them!

Immediately, following the poison shark's order, everyone began to hide behind the shield according to his request.

The black warship did not mean to slow down at all, and continued to move towards the cruise ship at full speed.


With a slight smile, Leng Feng said softly.

The next moment, he had re-aimed, and at the same time quickly calculated the wind and angle.

"I don't believe it, what else he can do! Listen to me, as long as the iron cable flies out, all rush into the cruise ship for me, whoever grabs what, and the same is true for women!"

Continue, Poison Shark said.

His tone was very firm and full of fierceness.

But as the second master of the pirate group, this was originally his true face.

There was nothing to fear from a group of vicious pirates, but now that they heard this, they were even more excited.

Just a sniper, even if you kill one person with every shot, what about?

Your bullets will definitely become fewer and fewer, and so many pirates... will not necessarily kill yourself, as long as you survive... that's great wealth.

However, as soon as the poison shark had finished speaking, a bullet flew in.

The most terrible thing is that there is no sound at all, and someone falls down.

This time, it hit the top ten!

The ghost knew what was going on, but the bullet really seemed to have eyes. It flew in from the cabin and hit the head of the top ten.

The corpse was at the feet of the Poison Shark, especially Lao Shi's eyes were still open, staring straight at him, which made people breathless.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, he must be lucky. We have already hid in the cabin, and his bullet may not be able to hit every time."

It was clear that everyone's emotions must be stabilized at this time, so the poison shark said again.

However, the other leaders looked at each other and did not answer.

From the beginning to the present, this terrifying sniper has fired a total of three shots!

The first shot hit the old five, the second shot hit the old nine, and the third shot hit the old ten!

There were twelve leaders in the pirate group, and three of them were killed by him in a blink of an eye.

Although it is not clear how he aimed, but one thing is certain...He has been eyeing the current ship.

In other words, the next bullets will fly into this ship.

And almost all the leaders are on this ship!

Then think again... what will happen next?



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