Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 594: After all i am a scientist

Wen Xiaotian was reluctant to return to Anbei City, but in the end she had no choice but to agree.

And as Wen Zaian left with that girl, Shi Dali felt a lot more at ease in his heart.

It has been so many days. As a student of his own, Wen Xiaotian's disappearance is largely due to his dereliction of duty as a teacher. Now that he can return safely is naturally the greatest good news, and it can be regarded as an explanation to Wen Zaian.

In this way, except for the meaty black beard in the room, everyone else is his own.

There is nothing to worry about. Shi Dali directly asked Tian Xiaoyu about their disappearance, especially if they encountered Ye Zan'en as the key?

Since the first detective in the world went to investigate Lopez's disappearance, there has been no news ever since.

If it weren't for the note he sent this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

So Shi Dali really wanted to know, what kind of situation is Ye Jianen, and what kind of environment is he in?

Is it related to the masked man?

Or is it all about trading with Sun?

Why can he get those news?

The most important point, what is he investigating?

"No, we have been locked in a dark room, and we haven't seen anyone else... By the way, when I woke up, Xiao Tian said that when I was in a coma, someone came to see We, but the man just lay down and glanced outside, then hurriedly left, so we don’t know what he looks like."

Tian Xiaoyu leaned on the chair and told these memories.

Shi Dali frowned after listening, and Huo Lang and Ren Haoran were also analyzing the specific situation.

Unfortunately, there are too few such clues, so I really can't guess too many things.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, at least you can come back safely. This is already a blessing. Let's take another step and take another step."

When he waved his hand, Teacher Shi didn't plan to ponder any more.

The so-called car must have a way to the front of the mountain, let's talk about the details at that time.

From start to finish, Blackbeard sat aside quite calmly, as if he was a visitor coming out for a walk, with some kind of inexplicable meaning.

When everyone dispersed, and then looked back at him, Shi Dali was really troubled.

At that time, I just wanted to ensure safety, so I brought this guy back.

But now, it has become a problem.


It must be impossible. Although this guy is extremely vicious and doesn't know how many lives are under his hands, he definitely can't do it.

As for the release?

That's not okay. After all this tossing, Blackbeard definitely hates Shi Shi, even if he doesn't say it, he must be thinking about how to find Teacher Shi to avenge him.

Let him go back and find out that the twelve masters were killed by Leng Feng and six. It is estimated that he brought someone there!

The so-called letting the tiger return to the mountain has endless troubles, that's the reason!

so what should I do now?

"Don't think about it so much, I know you are a great scientist, so from now on, as long as you can make my hair grow back and return to the way it was before, we will wipe out the previous things! But if you give me If I can’t restore my original appearance, then I will never end with you!"

He seemed to have guessed what Shi Dali was thinking, so Blackbeard was the first to speak out instead.

When he finished speaking, Shi Dali nodded after thinking about it.

This is really a way. Although I am not a scientist at all, but... just leave him!

Stabilize this guy first, this is the most important thing!

"Okay, I can't guarantee anything else, but letting you regenerate your hair is covered by me! I can even make gunpowder and a compass. You have such a physical problem, it's nothing! After all... I am a scientist!"

Quite happy, Teacher Shi made a guarantee.

Hearing this, Black Beard was very happy, nodded directly, and went to sleep in bed.

Shi Dali originally hesitated whether to untie the rope for him, but finally gave up the idea.

The degree of danger of the black beard is really unparalleled, so for safety's sake, let this rope be kept, anyway, you can untie it anytime.

What's more, Shi Dali himself felt that if this guy tried a little bit of effort, he probably broke?

With a mess of thoughts in his mind, Teacher Shi left the room and followed a phone call to Anbei.

The brothers below Tian Xiaoyu were looking at the manor. Teacher Shi remembered clearly that the reagent kit he had obtained from the Wang family was in the manor.

How to restore the black beard hair?

Because of this problem, Shi Dali thought of the reagent box almost instantly.

Vaguely, he seemed to remember that there was some kind of reagent that almost worked together!

After all, he had personally experimented with the power of those reagents, and Qi Fangzheng's daughter Qi Chunye regained light because of that reagent.

Since even the eyes can grow well, it should be easier to get hair or something?

Besides, after meeting with Wang Qingyue last time, Shi Dali agreed to return the reagent box.

It just so happened to take this opportunity to let the brother over there send it over.

After receiving the call, the brothers who came to see the house were very anxious when they heard Tian Xiaoyu's safe return. Now that they had a task, they came over with the reagent kit overnight.

Teacher Shi had a good sleep this night.

The recent events followed one by one, but it really frustrated him, so it is indeed not easy to have such a chance to sleep soundly.

Opening his eyes again the next morning, it was completely a conditioned reflex, Shi Dali went to Blackbeard's room to take a look.

Seeing that the king of pirates was still lying on the bed, Shi Dali began to feel that he might not be joking with himself, and he probably wouldn't leave before the hair grew up.

I didn't understand what kind of mood this was. Originally Teacher Shi thought that if Blackbeard ran away tonight, he would simply let him run away, and the matter would be over.

It now seems that this guy is really going to stay by his side for a while.

On the other side, when he turned his head back, Shi Dali got the reagent box that he sent over last night.

After getting this thing again, Teacher Shi was quite familiar with it, and after opening it, he saw the reagent bottle inside.

Because of Qi Chunye's relationship, one reagent has already been used, and similarly he still has to keep one for Huo Lang. This is what he promised, so he can't break his promise!

After doing this, now... which reagent can regenerate hair?

The instruction manual is right by, but after lying on the table for a long time studying, Teacher Shi actually got into trouble.



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