Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 645: Squeeze

This bride is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. Shi Dali has already seen this very clearly.

So since in her heart, Blackbeard is not a good person, then Teacher Shi can only use Blackbeard to threaten her.

"Don't open the cabinet!"

The bride, who was originally calm, showed strong resistance when she heard this, but it was too late... Teacher Shi had already opened the cabinet.

Then, the scene was a little weird.

The long-mouthed face hiding in the cabinet looked at Shi Dali and Blackbeard, then stood in a stalemate for a second, showing a smile.

"This is a big change... a living person?"

Even if Shi Dali's imagination is rich, he can't figure it out at this time. How can it be that there are two men in the cabinet, and... a long mouth and a big face?

"Stop talking, go in quickly! Don't make any noise!"

Covering her forehead, the bride's face was full of helplessness. The plan was originally seamless, but now because of these two guys who suddenly appeared, it became full of drama.

But because of her long mouth and big face, she didn't want things to be revealed, so she could only hide in the cabinet for the time being.

After listening to the voices of Lord Chang Jiu and the others outside, Teacher Shi did not hesitate, pulled the black beard and went inside, and then closed the door.

Fortunately, the cabinet is large enough for four people to fit in. They just stay in such a small space, relying on a little light coming in from the gap, and two groups of people who have never met are so close together. The scene is quite strange.

"Don't squeeze me, or I will kill you."

Blackbeard is not very satisfied with the current situation, so he completely maintained his nature, and yelled at his long mouth and big face.

The two of them were also honest, or could feel the evil spirit on Blackbeard, so honestly they leaned to one side.

Teacher Shi wanted to ask them clearly what was going on, but at this time the door of the room had been pushed open, and then Chang Jiuye walked in with a few friends.

At this time, it is definitely the most appropriate to keep quiet, otherwise, once it is discovered, it would be better if you don't know how to explain your head.

At the same time, the former bride, who was like a hob, immediately changed her face and greeted Chang Jiuye shyly.


With this sound, it was numb, making Chang Jiuye seem to be poisoned, and it was completely twitching visible to the naked eye.


Then he responded, Chang Jiuye's joy was written completely on his face, he wanted to grab the bride's little hand with joy, but he was just avoided.

"Who are these people?"

Then, the bride looked at the old guys who came in with Chang Jiuye, and blushed and asked again.

"These are all my old friends. The business can be done smoothly these years, and these old friends have helped, so now I bring them here for you to see...Hurry up, call my sister-in-law!"

Chang Jiu, who looks gray-haired, is quite awkward when he marries such a charming young girl.

But these old guys, it was quite slippery, they all shouted.

"Hello, sister-in-law, sister-in-law is really beautiful, but Jiuye is blessed."

"Haha, I really envy Jiuye, at this time I can continue my love relationship again!"

"My sister-in-law is so beautiful, I don't know if I have any sisters or sisters, so I can introduce them to us..."

Listening to these sounds in the ears, and then looking at the appearance of these old guys, Teacher Shi hid in the cabinet and curled his lips.

These old guys are really shameless, and it's no wonder that Master Chang Jiu can become a third-rate local snake in Dongxi City. The face of this guy is completely qualified first.

However, it's hard to tell who will take advantage of such a woman.

As for the black beard next to Teacher Shi, the two people with long mouths and big faces were completely pressed under the **** at this time.

Originally it was just a cabinet, but this guy was so unreasonable that he still sat in it.

The poor face is full of grievances, but there is nothing to do.

Under such a situation, you can't shout, and you can't go out, so you can only let it be bullied by this old fat man.

"Everyone is a friend of Jiuye. The little girl is honored to meet with you, so let's... I toast you a cup."

At this time, outside the cabinet, the bride made a sound again, and it seemed that she was already generous, but there was still a lot of autumn water in her eyes, and the eyes of a bunch of old guys were ticking.

This woman's performance is simply textbook level!

Shi Dali murmured again, but after looking at the wine glass on the table, he felt that things would not be that simple.

"Is there something in the wine?"

Thinking of this, he lowered his voice and asked with a big face.

Obviously these two guys are in the same group as the bride, so they should know what the situation is.

"It's... Mongolian sweat medicine."

Sitting on it firmly by the black beard, the two people heard this question, and then looked at the appearance of the black beard, they could only answer honestly.

And this answer made Shi Dali's mouth happy.

now it's right!

It seems that the bride has planned everything, as long as these people drink the wine, they will immediately fall here.

Then... you should steal things, you should run away, everything is quite safe!

Understanding this, Shi Dali held his breath, then watched Chang Jiuye and the others fall to the ground.

Sure enough, following the bride's proposal, a group of people including Chang Jiuye immediately picked up the wine glass in enthusiasm and was about to drink it.

However, at this time, two people from outside rushed in directly.

"Jiuye, Jiuye! Something happened! That gang is here! A post for you!"

The sweaty subordinates already looked very anxious, and they handed a black post to Chang Jiuye.

Almost the moment he saw the black post, Chang Jiuye's face changed drastically, as if he was a ghost in the middle of the day.

"They... they're here! Those guys are here! They're here to kill me!"

Trembling, Chang Jiuye holding the black post seemed to be scared to death.

The old brothers next to him looked at each other and didn't know what was going on, and the bride next to him was also solemn.

"Jiuye, what should I do? Our people..."


The subordinate on the opposite side wanted to say something, but only halfway through it. Suddenly, bloodshot fills the corner of his eye, and the whole person crashes to the ground.

The next moment, a purple spider crawled out of his mouth, the size of a ping-pong ball.



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