Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 671: Make great contributions

Maybe this is the will of God in the dark, Shi Dali felt that things were simply weird.

The man with the hat before, now remembered that he had been pressing down the brim of his hat all the time, and his behavior was also very careful, as if he was worried that someone would recognize him.

Had it not been for the empty two eggs, he would have left long ago. It is absolutely impossible for him to take diuretics in the toilet, and he would not fall down in a hurry and drop his wallet and phone on the floor.

Moreover, the name Ding Shuishui is really special, so Shi Dali dare to make such a speculation at this moment.

Then, after seeing the doubts of the few people facing him, Teacher Shi sorted out his thoughts and began to tell the whole story.

It wasn't that complicated at first, so it was just a few words, Shi Dali had already made it clear.

Then, the three Leshan people on the opposite side looked at Kong Erdan's eyes with a strange expression.

"You mean... Ding Shuishui is now urinating in the public toilet after taking his diuretic?"

Wei Nan was most concerned about the whereabouts of Ding Shuishui, so he asked after finishing his thoughts.

This matter has troubled him for a long time, so he couldn't believe that it could be solved just like this.

"If it's not the same name and surname, it should be him."

Nodding, Shi Dali gave an affirmative answer.

"Go, go and see!"

Nodded, Wei Nan really couldn't wait. If he could really catch Ding Shuishui so easily, it would be a gift from God.

Especially after saying this sentence, Wei Nan has already left the house.

When he left like this, Leshan and Wu Yuqiang looked at each other, and then decided to take a look together.

On the one hand, it is true that Ding Shuishui cannot be lost. On the other hand, they are really a little curious now. What kind of scene is it like when a person spills thirty liters of urine?

Naturally, Shi Dali and Kong Erdan also left with them, especially Kong Erdan's very excited.

After all, he tossed out such an experiment in order to show the final results to everyone. Now that the goal has been achieved, he is naturally in a good mood.

Especially the results of this experiment are related to whether he can enter the laboratory of Beijing University, so this kid is quite worried.

In this way, a few people came out of the yard together, and saw that many people were already surrounded by the door of the public toilet from a long distance away. They looked quite surprised, and they seemed to be discussing something with great interest.

"It's terrible. I have drunk five buckets of mineral water and haven't stopped yet. I think this guy is going to pee his head."

"No, it's too exaggerated. I think he will cry."

"Why doesn't he stop?"

"Just kidding, why stop? It keeps crashing like the Yellow River. Who can stop?"

Before they got there, Shi Dali and the others had already heard the big guys talking.

Wei Nan looked at Teacher Shi, his eyes getting more excited, and Teacher Shi spread his hands because he really didn't know what to say.

Forget it, go in and have a look.

So Shi Dali took the lead and directly squeezed the crowd away. His body has strength, so doing this kind of thing is quite handy.

"Get out of the way, I belong to the security team!"

At this time, it must be the person who pretends to be the security team who can enter the encirclement most. After all, there are too many people watching the excitement.

Sure enough, as Shi Dali yelled while squeezing the crowd away, the scene inside was also exposed.

God knows how many lords stood there, staring at Ding Shuishui in front of him with red faces, and even clenched his fists excitedly with someone.

This kind of scene is a rare sight in a century. It seems that these people have found the fun of standing in the village and peeing when they were young.

Of course, Ding Shuishui, who was onlookers, had tears all over his face, and those crying were already out of breath.

However, even if he is so desperate, there is no way at all, this guy can't stop at all!

"Ding Shuishui!"

Wei Nan almost saw it at the first glance, and immediately determined that the person he was looking for was the guy in front of him, so a low voice followed.

The moment Ding Shuishui heard this sound, his whole body trembled.

He felt as if the whole person was concentrated by a flash of lightning, and even the rushing water became a little irregular.

Turning his head pale, Ding Shuishui saw Wei Nan, and of course the empty Erdan next to Wei Nan.

In an instant, he seemed to understand everything.

"This is a trap! This turned out to be a trap! You...really mean!"

Gritting his teeth, his face flushed, Ding Shuishui said.

Everything seemed to be strung together in his mind. It turned out that the so-called diuretics were made for himself. No wonder it became like this!

After speaking this sentence, Ding Shuishui was frightened and angry, and fainted as soon as his eyes went dark.

Following behind, the crowds around, but immediately dispersed.

Good guy, this is the same as a water pipe, which is really scary.

Wei Nan smiled, and then looked at Shi Dali and Kong Erdan.

"You have done a great job."

It can be seen that he was really excited when he said this sentence.

"Then can I go to the laboratory?"

Before Shi Dali could speak, Kong Erdan couldn't wait to ask. He prepared so much so that he could enter the laboratory of Beijing University smoothly. So now it is the most important thing to ask clearly about this matter. .

"No problem, don't worry."

Nodding, Wei Nan agreed, with a very firm attitude.

Although Shi Dali said he still didn't know the identity of his second elder brother, he had already guessed a little, so he made such a promise now, thinking that things should be inseparable.

After understanding this, Teacher Shi was also relieved.

Otherwise, they had promised their brothers and sisters to send the two eggs into the laboratory of Beijing University, if they broke their promise... I would be really embarrassed.

After that, Wei Nan quickly transferred someone over, and then sent Ding Shuishui, who had fainted to the ground and couldn't urinate, into the car.

Teacher Shi came back with Leshan and the others.

After the previous events, Leshan was indeed interested in empty Erdan, so he took the initiative to ask him a few questions on the way.

When he returned to the room and sat down, the old man had already dialed the phone himself.

His phone number is different from other people's. It only takes a few words before and after. After hanging up, it is completely negotiated.

"Tomorrow morning, you will report together."



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