Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 686: Two monitors

"Hello everyone, my name is Shi Dali. I am an elementary school teacher. I am very happy to meet you. I hope we can work hard and learn together... I am really embarrassed. I have just come here because some things were not reported on time in the morning.

In any case, I was late too. As a gardener who cultivated the next generation of the motherland, Shi Dali showed absolute high quality at this time, so he was the first to say hello to everyone with a smile.

However, it may be that high-level talents don't like to actively communicate with others, so even if Shi Dali said so, the reaction is not lukewarm.

Especially for a few people who were relatively close, Teacher Shi seemed a little surprised to hear them clearly.

"How can elementary school teachers join the class? Didn't it mean that our class... is of high standard?"

"Yes, this person hasn't heard of it before. Which school recommended it? The profession of elementary school teacher is really interesting."


Where there are so-called people, there will be rivers and lakes, even if these people are high-level talents, but this kind of competition will be more intense.

After all, many times, academic qualifications can only represent academic qualifications.

"Stop standing, sit down first."

Finally, someone stepped forward and informed him, which was a little relief from Shi Dali's embarrassment.

This was a chubby young man who looked rather honest and honest, pulling Shi Lili and sitting beside him.

"Don't bother you, all of them are like this during the initiation ceremony in the morning. They look better than others, and no one pays attention to it... My name is Tian Bread, so why are you late?"

It's quite enthusiastic, and this little fat man and Shi Dali can be regarded as introducing himself.

"Sweet bread?"

For such a name, Shi Dali also finds it interesting.

"Yes, my dad gave me my name. He hopes that I can inherit his business, but I have no interest..."

With a slight smile, Sweet Bread can be regarded as an explanation for Shi Dali.

Nodded, Mr. Shi is not good to continue to ask about other people’s matters. After all, it’s the first time I met, and for such a standard seminar, none of the members are ordinary, so I want to come here with a special identity and background .

"Hahahaha, everyone has been waiting for a long time. I just went to meet the chef here specially. I have arranged special dishes on the first floor. Many students who want to come have never been to Beijing before. Today I have a treat , Everyone eat whatever you want."

At this moment, a voice rang from the door, and a kid strode in.

The momentum is very strong, coupled with the hearty voice, as well as the slender figure and specially prepared suits, it does seem to be a bit expensive.

Especially after he finished speaking like this, most of the classmates who hadn't reacted to Shi Dali before showed up smiling.

"this is……"

"His name is Zhang Linran, the young master of Chuncaotang. It was confirmed at the start-up ceremony this morning. He is one of the two monitors. It is his idea to come here for dinner today."

At this time, Tian Bread explained the situation to Shi Dali in time.

Because he was always there for the entrance ceremony in the morning, it was naturally clear what happened.

"Oh? Squad leader?"

Nodded, Shi Dali understood, but his expression was a little weird.

No wonder he was going to be a squad leader when he was going to have dinner, but he did not expect that he was the young master of Chuncaotang!

Then there is no doubt that he is Zhang Heshun's son!

I just met with his Lao Tzu last night. I didn't expect his son to become his own monitor. The world is really wonderful, it looks like a book.

Of course, these things were silently muttered in Shi Dali's heart, without showing anything special on his face. Yesterday, Mr. Leshan had already said that things about him are basically under lockdown, so no one of his classmates knows his identity, let alone knows him. special.

The reason for making such an arrangement, Mr. Leshan hopes that Shi Dali can get along with the talents around him as an ordinary person!

Since the old man worked hard, Shi Dali would naturally not deliberately make a high profile.

Besides... it is always a joy to have someone eat.

"Thank you squad leader for your generous donation. Today is a blessing!"

"Haha, thank you..."

At this time, another seven or eight people made their voices, and they were very enthusiastic towards Zhang Linran.

Not to mention anything else, the identity of Young Master Chun Caotang is definitely worthy of such treatment.

The seminar will definitely be over. If you can take this opportunity to build a good relationship with Chun Cao Tang, it will do no harm to anyone.

"By the way, where is our female monitor?"

"Yeah, why didn't you come back?"

Then, someone mentioned it again.

It was a reaction, and Teacher Shi followed to look at Sweet Bread.

"You just said that two squad leaders, is there a female squad leader? Where is it?"

"The female squad leader is beautiful, and her temperament is incredible! I guess she will be back soon. I think Zhang Linran is interesting to the female squad leader.

Sweetbread mentioned the female squad leader, but also a look of admiration, but with a trace of contempt in his eyes.

Needless to say, this contempt is definitely aimed at Zhang Ain!

Hearing this, Shi Dali once again had some understanding of Zhang Linran.

The family is rich and rich, coupled with the relationship between Chun Caotang, and the background is also extraordinary. Basically all the characteristics of the noble son have all the characteristics, naturally including the love for this female squad leader when they first met!

"Here! Look, the female squad leader is here! It's really beautiful..."

Then, Sweet Bread suddenly made a noise, and at the same time, he lightly poked the arm of the stone and pointed to the door.

Subconsciously, Shi Dali looked back.

At the same time, Zhang Linran has already hurried up to meet him, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Sichen, you are here."

The soft voice could not be more obvious.

In fact, almost all eyes in the entire hall were on this female squad leader.

Especially Shi Dali, his eyes widened at this moment.

"Zhou Sichen?"

Completely unconscious, Teacher Shi's voice rang and stood up at the same time.

As an elementary school teacher who has the least sense of existence and intends to act in a low-key manner, at this time there was no place for Shi to speak.

But no way, he really couldn't hold back.

Because before Sweet Bread said that this beautiful and unbelievable female monitor... it was actually Zhou Sichen!



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