Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 697: Li Yuhua

Shi Dali immediately shook his head with a spirit of excitement.

"Keep your ideas for now, let's use them later if they are suitable."

I was afraid that Brother Erdan would have some whimsical ideas at this time, so Shi Dali immediately stopped him.

He was really scared, especially when a wave of unrest occurred again. Even if Teacher Shi had experienced a lot of battles, he felt that his heart might not be able to stand it.

"Dali, do you really have the confidence to restore the laboratory to its original state within seven days? I think... you are a little impulsive."

At this time, Qian Muran pulled Shi Dali aside, and then spoke out about his concerns. After all, he was a teacher, so he was more aware of the difficulty of this matter than others.

"Let me try. If Teacher Qian has any relevant news, remember to tell me."

With a light smile, Shi Dali's mentality is good.

"Do you want to help?"

Zhou Sichen walked over at this time, then looked at Shi Dali and asked.

Although she didn't understand what this matter had to do with Shi Dali...

"I don't know yet, but I will tell you if I need to."

There is no need to be more polite with Zhou Sichen, Teacher Shi agreed.

"Okay, you and everyone will go back first, I am waiting here, I guess it will take a lot of time."

Then, Shi Dali continued.

A bunch of classmates I just met today followed, and now the rain started to fall again. It is indeed not appropriate for people to stand here with themselves in the rain.

"Well then, I will send you the class schedule tomorrow. Remember to come to class on time."

Knowing exactly when and what to do, Zhou Sichen did not insist on staying here, and after saying this with Shi Dali, he left with the other students.

As for Teacher Shi, they stood under the eaves with Kong Erdan and waited until evening.

At this time, Director He hurried over, and then handed a thick material to Shi Dali.

"I probably counted it up. These are the more important things, especially these machines. According to my knowledge, apart from ours, only a foreign research institute has it in Beijing. Do you... have any confidence in getting it? ?"

Looking at Shi Dali again, Director He expressed doubts.

In fact, he was taking a risk by doing this. If Shi Dali could not complete the task after seven days, he would undoubtedly have to bear some consequences.

"Don't worry, you just wait for my news, besides... what is the name of the institute you are talking about?"

At this time, I can get a little clue, Shi Dali will definitely not miss it.

"The Bright Institute, in the north of Beijing, is very well-known in the circle, and the forces behind it are not simple! I know that the director of this institute is called Li Yuhua, an American Chinese, and it is very difficult to speak."

Regarding this matter, Director He didn't have any reservations, and said almost everything he knew.

"It's hard to talk?"

"It's really hard to talk, especially on the experimental equipment. I don't want to share it with us..."

Obviously, he had dealt with in the past, so Director He even shook his head when he mentioned this person.

"Understand, leave the rest to me!"

Putting away the materials directly, Shi Dali finished speaking without delaying a little time, and then left with Kong Erdan.

Time is pressing. Instead of continuing to waste time here with Director He, it is better to act quickly.

In this way, before dark, the two rushed back to the villa, almost as soon as they walked in, they saw two people lying on the sofa as drunk.

One green hair, one purple hair, the gurgling ones didn't know what they were talking about. "Big Brother Erdan, sit down first, let's study the things on this, we must quickly find a way..."

There was no way, originally I wanted to discuss it with Black Beard, but seeing that the drink became like this, it must be no good, so sitting on the sofa, Shi Dali could only turn his eyes to Kong Erdan.

"I know!"

But this kid, following behind, suddenly shouted with excitement.

Then, Teacher Shi was stunned.

"What do you know?"

"The previous reagent volume was wrong. If I reduce the reagent volume by one more point, and then continue to add the No. 6 will definitely succeed!"

He continued to finish talking excitedly, and then Kong Kong Erdan didn't have time to explain to Shi Dali, and rushed directly into his room.


Seeing the door closed again, Teacher Shi just felt like crying without tears.

Do evil!

Why did I meet such a strange flower, and when I looked at the two Super Saiyans on the sofa, I felt even more powerless.

There was no other way. He could only focus on the material in front of him again. Shi Dali knew that he had to figure out a solution by himself.

Lin Jing is reliable, but she hasn't returned yet, and she is probably still busy with the antiques market.

He calmed down quickly, and Shi Dali began to study the equipment and reagents on the materials. However, after all, he was only an ordinary graduate, and Shi Dali didn't really understand these things in the laboratory.

Bite the scalp and watched for a long time, at last Teacher Shi felt that if he continued to watch this way, he was simply wasting time!

Not to mention anything else, only the equipment mentioned in it, he didn't know one, and he couldn't find too many useful things on the Internet.

"Check this Bright Institute before..."

Since there was no breakthrough in this situation, So Xingshi changed his mind vigorously and began to inquire about the news about the Bright Institute.

After doing so, he actually found something.

From the address of this institute to the main staff, there are some simple introductions on the Internet.

Just as Director He said, this Li Yuhua... is indeed the director, American Chinese!

"It seems...the only breakthrough point is this Li Yuhua."

Looking at the photo on the phone, a chubby face with a smile on his face looks kind.

But since Director He has said that he can't speak well, it is probably correct.

He whispered softly, Shi Dali had plans for the next day in his mind.

It just so happened that Lin Jing came back at this time.

Opening the door and entering, Lin Jing was a little surprised when he saw the black beard and the poisonous insect lying on the sofa as if sleeping.

Didn’t you say go to school?

Why did it become like this?

"You're back, don't worry about them... I'm already fascinated by swimming in the ocean of knowledge today."

Guessing Lin Jing's doubts, Shi Dali said aloud.

As a result, just after he finished speaking, the two guys who even snorted before actually got up from the sofa together.

"Xiao Jing is back? What shall we eat tonight?"



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