Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 699: From the sky

Fang Fangzheng, it seems that there is nothing special, but judging from the wear of the stone, this well should have been in existence for a long time.

"It should be here..."

After chanting again, Shi Dali turned on the light and looked inside.

Since the task card says that this is a dry well, there should be nothing wrong.

Thinking of this, and seeing the vague image below, Teacher Shi didn't hesitate much, and jumped directly along the well wall.

The so-called daring master of art, the reason why he can do such a thing is indeed because he has enough ability and absolute confidence in himself.


Standing on both feet, Teacher Shi smelled the earthy smell in the air for the first time, and the place had been stuffy for a long time, besides, there was still a damp and moldy smell. I didn't have time to complain about the bad environment here. I adjusted the brightness of the flashlight to maximum, and Shi Dalizi carefully looked around.

Don't say it, it was easy, he saw a pocket.

It is indeed a very old pocket, even if you just look at it, you can feel the breath of the years, and even there are many damaged places.

"It should be this thing..."

Stepping forward and turning over the pocket, Teacher Shi is basically affirmative.

The requirements on the original mission card were strange, and after many times, Shi Dali also had his own knowledge and judgment.

Looking at the time again, adhering to the idea that it should be sooner rather than later, Teacher Shi directly stuffed his pocket into his pocket.

"I didn't waste much effort, but I guess I won't be able to eat when I go back..."

He shook his head. Although Shi Dali had eased the task a lot, the fact that he couldn't eat is still a bit regrettable.

After that, he didn't want to stay in this place anymore, Shi Dali turned around and prepared to leave.

It was exactly at this time that a special smell penetrated his nostrils.

The smell is like a fresh smell of soil mixed with some kind of exotic fragrance after rain.

You know, here is a dry well that has been abandoned for a long time. How can such a special smell suddenly emerge?

Instinctively a little strange, Shi Dali settled down and looked in the direction of the fragrance.

Looking at it this way, it really made him discover something special.

On the left side of this well, a small hole was actually broken, almost just enough for a person to climb in.

It's black, and the flashlight can't reach the deepest point, and the scent comes from it.

"Could it be that... there is a baby in it?"

Suddenly an idea popped up in his mind, which made Teacher Shi really look forward to it.

He walked this way, and it seemed that the mission card could provide something every time, maybe there was a secret in this well!

With this thought, Shi Dali's eyes widened to look inside the cave, and he tentatively touched.

As a result, he touched something soft with his hand.

That feeling is like reaching into the mud.

Suddenly encountering this situation, Teacher Shi was shaking all over, and then quickly took his hand out of it.

Looking at my hand again, it was indeed covered with pale yellow ooze, and the fragrance in the nostrils was much stronger than before.

"It should be the smell of this thing, but why does the mud have this smell in it?"

It's a bit strange, it was indeed the first time that this situation happened, Shi Dali couldn't help but murmured.

Bang! The result is almost that the sentence in his mouth has just finished, and then suddenly a huge voice rang behind him!

Shocked, Shi Dali turned his head and saw a black sack on the ground, which was obviously thrown from above!

What's the situation?

A question arose in his mind, but the reaction was very quick. Teacher Shi immediately turned off the flashlight.

Something will be thrown from above at this time, which means that there is someone on it.

Although I don't know the identity of the other party, it is very necessary to maintain sufficient vigilance and alert in this situation, so turning off the flashlight to prevent yourself from being discovered must be the most correct decision.

But what is in this sack?

Because of the light off, Shi Dali couldn't see the condition of the bag clearly.

The only judgment is that there must be something, it looks bulging, but there is no movement.

"Hehe...get it done!"

The next moment, from the location of the well, a laughter sounded.

Originally, he was watching carefully, but now hearing this voice, Teacher Shi became more cautious.

Close to the well wall behind him, he moved a little bit, and finally moved closer to the top by the raised stones around him.

Because the space under this well is much larger, he absolutely can't see it above this position.

In the end, he lay down slightly below the well head, and Teacher Shi stopped moving.

At the same time, he heard what appeared to be a call from outside.

"Boss, it's done, very smoothly!"

"Don't worry, no one will ever find it. The place I am looking for has been checked before. A dry well will be directly filled in the future... It is called every day and the ground is not working!"

"Of course, this is just the first step. Tomorrow night I will throw that guy in and let them reunite!"


I can only hear this person's voice clearly, it seems to be reporting something to his boss over the phone.

However, it is a pity that he has already left while making the phone call, and naturally he didn't hear clearly what Shi Dali said at the end.

"Is this a murder case?"

This question naturally arises, and then Shi Dali jumped into the well again.

After confirming that the guy above his head had left, Teacher Shi turned on the flashlight again.

Looking at the bag in front of him, Shi Dali was a little nervous.

After all, I heard what was said in the call before, so basically Teacher Shi has already judged that there may be a person in this bag...

Look at the outline of the entire package, it is indeed very similar.

"Could it be that it's dead..."

Shi Dali felt strange that a murder case could also be encountered, and at the same time he murmured a word, and then opened the bag without hesitation.

At this moment, he even thought about how to report the situation to Guo Nuxia.

But following behind, Teacher Shi was stunned.

As the bag was torn open by him, the contents inside were exposed to his gaze.

First of all, what is certain is...this is not a person!



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