Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 716: Zhang Linran's invitation

"Now remember, it was two slaps."

Standing up, Teacher Shi said calmly.

At the same time, there was a burst of joy in his heart, and it was really refreshing to be a master. With this big mouth pulled out, every pore in his body felt refreshed.

But it was completely different from his indulgence. Zhang Linran got up from the ground and almost died alive. Those eyes stared at Shi Dali as if he was about to bleed.

The other classmates also looked at this side in astonishment.

Of course they still remember the last time Shi vigorously did it, but now it is in the classroom, who would have expected this guy to do it without any ambiguity.

"Shi Dali, you remember today's things, come to the fighting game if there is such a thing, I will let you know that I am someone you can't afford!"

Gritting his teeth and standing ten meters away, Zhang Linran almost roared vigorously at Shi.

But as soon as he finished speaking, someone next to him pushed him behind.

"Okay, stop talking..."

Zhang Linran couldn't understand, but the other classmates felt that this kid was a bit reluctant. He was much better than you, and he was still provoking him. What is this not beating?

In this way, Zhang Linran was dragged out.

Zhou Sichen walked next to Shi Dali at this time.

"Don't worry about him."

Obviously, she also heard what Zhang Linran said about fighting games, and now she came to persuade Shi Dali to ignore it.

"It's okay, but to be honest... I still want to see it."

But Teacher Shi smiled slightly, and he actually put away the invitation.

This sentence is even more of his sincerity.

After today's class, Shi Dali began to realize that he might have disappointed Mr. Leshan. In this seminar for advanced talents, it was a waste of time for him to stay here in class.

If this is the case, it would be better to use the time to do other things.

For example, it would be nice to join in the fun!

In this place in Beijing, Shi Dali has already had big plans since Anbei.

Not to mention other things, just Meihuazhuang and Cao's family, it is worth his investigation and understanding.

Especially now, plus the eighth day of the research institute!

For these reasons, Shi Dali needs time and opportunity to dig out these things and the secrets behind them.

He didn't have much interest in fighting Zhang Linran to win this kind of thing, but this kid said before that a lot of powerful and powerful forces from Beijing will participate in the fighting competition, which is what made Shi Dali interested.

Perhaps this will become a breakthrough for him to understand Meihuazhuang!

"But no one knows what Zhang Linran will prepare to wait for you, I think you better not go."

Zhou Sichen also looked at Shi Dali again after hesitating a little.

"It's okay, don't worry... Are you two going?"

Teacher Shi had already made up his mind, the whole person was quite relaxed, and finally he looked at Zhou Sichen and Sweet Bread and asked.

"My dad would kill me if he knew that I went to such a place... But it's very exciting to think about it, I'm going!"

Sweetbread mumbled a few words, and then the whole person was already excited.

Zhou Sichen glanced at Shi Dali, then nodded in agreement.

"Well, let's go together."

The reason she wanted to go was naturally that she was uneasy about Shi Dali, so she could be a little more steadfast if she followed to take a look.

"That's fine, let's make an appointment again when the time comes... There are no classes this afternoon, right? I will leave if there are no classes."

After checking the time, Shi Dali asked Zhou Sichen.

"There are no classes, but it seems you don't want to come when there are classes."

Obviously, he had a good understanding of Shi Dali, so Zhou Sichen was a little helpless.

"Hey, you still know me! I do have very important things to do, so the class will be troublesome for class leader Zhou!"

With a grin, Shi Dali continued to speak.

Sweet Bread stood by, blinked when she heard this, and then looked at Zhou Sichen.

"Squad leader, I also have very important things to do with Brother Dali, so you can help with the teacher's affairs."

Obviously this kid understood that Shi Dali was not ready to come to class, so he took the opportunity to help himself and fight for it.

Shi Dali is not interested in the course at all, so is he!

In the past, he might choose to play games all the time, but now because of the appearance of Shi Dali, he has different ideas.

After all, following Shi Dali, it will definitely experience a lot of stimulation.

"I can't control Shi Dali, but if you don't come to class...I will report to the teacher."

But Zhou Sichen's complexion was calm, and he didn't intend to be accommodating at all.

"Why is this! This is not fair, I protest, I protest!"

Immediately, Sweet Bread was in a hurry.

But it's useless to be anxious. The two people in front of them ignore him at all, and have separated from the classroom, leaving only Sweet Bread to continue shouting desperately.


There was no delay for a moment, and Shi Dali directly stopped a taxi on the side of the road after coming out of the school.

After getting in the car, he immediately dialed a familiar number.

Not long after, the familiar voice of Guo Nuxia rang on the phone.

"How is it? You came to Beijing?"

It is still so simple and neat, but there is more joy and urgency in it.

"Yes, I'm already in Beijing, how is the situation on your side? Is there time for us to make an appointment to meet?"

After speaking, Shi Dali asked the driver to start the car.

When he was in Suhai before, Teacher Shi received a call from Guo Li. At that time, Guo Li told him that there is a very difficult case in Beijing that needs to be dealt with. She is a little unsure and wants Shi to help.

Speaking of the relationship between Teacher Shi and Nv Xia Guo, it is really a deep friendship forged from the battle, especially since both of them have a common goal, that is, promotion and promotion of Guo Li!

This is so, so no matter what difficulties they encounter, the first person Guo Li can think of must be Shi Dali.

"Yes, there is a northern dumpling restaurant in the northern suburbs. Come here! I will ask you to eat dumplings!"

Then, Guo Li gave an answer here.

"Eating dumplings again?"

"Okay, don't waste time, I haven't eaten for a whole day."

In this way, after finishing the call, Shi Dali rushed to the dumpling restaurant directly according to the address Guo Li gave him.

When it took him more than an hour to get to the place, he really saw the familiar Guo Nuxia standing at the gate of the dumpling restaurant at first sight.

I haven't seen each other after a few days, but Guo Nuxia is still quite capable.

Only from her eyes, Shi Dali saw haggard and sadness...



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