Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 719: Anjiazhuang

"Don't worry, I'll let you know if I have news. Let me go to Anjiazhuang for a look."

Guo Li ate the last dumpling on the plate with sincerity in her eyes.

"Let's go, let's go, but what you encountered this time is too wicked, and I can't guarantee that I can help you with anything, do my best."

Nodded, Teacher Shi said.

Before, he thought that no matter how bizarre the case is, there must be traces to follow, but now it seems that what he thinks is too simple. Although he has not really visited this Anjiazhuang, he learned from Guo Li. These are enough to make people feel unbelievable.

So next, he didn't know if he could really do something...

In this way, the two people left the dumpling restaurant, got in Guo Li's car, and went to this mysterious Anjiazhuang.

It was almost when Shi Dali left, a message was sent from a black van parked in front of the dumpling restaurant.

"The target leaves here, I will continue to follow..."

"Received, already closing the net, looking for an opportunity, a fatal blow!"

In this way, after a simple conversation, the black van followed.

However, judging from the trajectory of this car, it is obvious that the stalker is a very experienced habitual offender, so even if Guo Li in the car in front is from the security team, he did not notice anything wrong.


"By the way, when you get to the place, don't say anything to others. If someone asks you, just say it's my friend. I'll explain other things."

Seeing that the surroundings were getting more and more desolate, Guo Li obviously suddenly remembered, so he said to Shi Dali.

"Oh, I see."

Although Guo Li didn't explain it, Teacher Shi is an adult after all, so some things can be guessed.

Obviously, Guo Li was not responsible for the case of Anjiazhuang alone, but other colleagues and personnel were involved.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, this sentence is really quite true.

There is no doubt that Guo Li has the pressure that belongs to her.

Then, continuing to observe the surrounding situation, Shi Dali followed Guo Li into the mountain.

After that, I looked outside through the window, and I couldn't see any figure at all.

It's just that some dilapidated ruined walls are completely covered by the dust raised by the wheel of the car.

"Are no one living in these places?"

As the car bumped up and down, Shi Dali couldn't help but asked again.

To say that he has never been to such a place before, so he is really curious in his heart. Why is there no one in a good village?

"It's all gone. The city has developed so fast in recent years. Many young people in the old villages have left to work in the city. Some old people also left with their children. Those who can't leave will stay behind. This is how it is. ...Mainly because this area is completely in the mountains, and it is also difficult to develop."

After all, he was a member of the security team, so Guo Li had a good understanding of these situations and quickly gave Shi Dali an explanation.

Nodded, Teacher Shi didn't know what it was like in his heart, but more helpless.

But think about it again, this is originally the direction of the world's development, and no one can stop it at all.

Because the road was bumpy, there was no sound in the car. Guo Li was driving seriously, and Shi Dali fell asleep on the back.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and he had walked for more than three hours on the road, and it was estimated that it would be dark in a while.

"It's farther than I thought... Get off the car, this is Anjiazhuang."

Guo Li's voice sounded and at the same time opened the car door.

To say that this girl is indeed stiff enough, even after driving for such a long time, and still on this kind of road, but there is no meaning of fatigue on her face, but because of the arrival of the stone power, the whole person shows a strong A strong sense of expectation.

Teacher Shi got out of the car from the other side, stretched and looked at the village in front of him.

There was nothing special at first glance, and it was not much different from the villages I saw on the road.

If there must be any difference, it is that there are three old people sitting under the big tree at the head of the village. The black skin is covered with wrinkles, and they seem to be unable to open their eyes.

"These are the old people in the village, and they are also one of the few people in the whole village who still stay here."

Obviously they were already quite familiar, so Guo Li immediately explained to Shi Dali, the tone was more solemn.

After all, from now on, they have officially entered Anjiazhuang, which is the core location of the entire case, so naturally any details and clues cannot be missed. After all, they have to explain to Shi Dali.

"Guo Nv Xia, the way you report to me puts me under a lot of pressure... I said I was lucky, so don't really hope too much."

Once again, Shi Dali said with a wry smile.

He could feel how much hope Guo Li had placed on him.

But this matter, he is really not sure.

Of course he didn't dare to guarantee the things he was uncertain about. As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, so telling Guo Li this in advance is to ease her mood.

"Guo Li? Who is he? How could he come here? We are now in a precautionary zone. You can't bring people in casually, you know?"

Suddenly, a voice from not far away interrupted the conversation between the two people.

Looking up almost at the same time, the two saw a man walking over quickly.

This guy is probably in his thirties, he is a little bald, and he looks quite excited when he talks, and he is completely questioning Guo Li.

"Captain Xing, he is my friend and a professional I specially invited over to help with the investigation. I have already greeted him on this matter."

Without any panic, Guo Li immediately gave an explanation.

Standing beside him, Shi Dali had basically guessed that this bald head was the trouble Guo Li mentioned earlier.

"Have you said hello? Why don't I know?"

Hearing what Guo Li said, Captain Xing didn't believe it.

But this time, Guo Li ignored him and went straight into the village with Shi Dali.

With a snort, Captain Xing was very unhappy, but looking at the two people in front of him, he immediately followed.

Obviously, he has to stare at a point to be relieved.

It just so happened that at this time, suddenly an old man who was sitting under the big tree suddenly stood up and staggered a few steps forward, and then shouted at Shi Dali.

"You are all interlopers, once that door opens, all of you will die!"



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