Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 72: Mo Yuqing's loss

Just when Zhang Shou's thoughts in the industry were about to collapse, President Song and the others stared at Bao Daya in shock.

If you understand everything about the Family Fortune Wanguan Group, you will know the word miracle.

Especially with the development of this generation, there is no way to leave today's boss Bao Daya.

However, many people have only heard about Bao Daya, but basically haven't seen it.

This is so, so the big guy feels like a person who only exists in the mouth of others, but at this moment, it is real.

"Xiao Liu, you take them to the warehouse. There were a few items in the previous exhibition that belonged to others. Wait for them to pick them out and take them away."

Bao Daya didn't care about other people's gazes at all, and simply said to this brother Liu.

When they heard this, President Song and the others were able to react. They hurried forward a few steps, and President Song's smile instantly filled the fat face.

"Mr. Bao, you...Hello, I am the vice president of the Anbei Cultural Relics Research Association. Thank you for your help. We can provide proof..."

Working very hard, Chairman Song wanted to use this little time to say a few more words, but Bao Daya interrupted directly.

"There is no need to thank me, if it weren't for my brother, I wouldn't know you at all! So thank my brother if you want to."

In a word, everyone's eyes were instantly focused on Shi Dali's body.

Teacher Shi was a little weird in his heart, and now he was able to settle down the matter of bowing to Bao Daya.

But it doesn't hurt to think about it, and although Bao Daya is a bit tacky, Shi Dali feels quite comfortable, so he also accepts the matter of betraying a brother in his heart.

"Mr. Shi, thank you... I really don't know how to thank you."

Chairman Song's cleverness naturally didn't need to be said, so he immediately went to Shi Dali and said.

"No need to be like that, little thing."

It's also quite casual, Shi Dali said.

It was originally an antique lost by their association, but it is indeed no problem to take it back to Teacher Shi.

What's more, he also tried to bring up this matter to Bao Daya because of Mo Yuqing's relationship.

At this moment, Mo Yuqing was a bit complicated inside.

Shi Dali helped her a lot again, but she felt even more that she couldn’t understand this former classmate. The only impression that Shi Dali left on Mo Yuqing when she was in school was that she was clean and spoke very clean. Few, the rare few exchanges will make you blush when talking to yourself.

But now, what he showed again made Mo Yuqing even feel a loss of not knowing where it came from.

This loss is not about Shi Dali, but inexplicable disappointment in himself.

"Miss Mo? What you said before counts. Pick three as you like. My brother's friend is my friend. Don't be polite."

Then Bao Daya looked at Mo Yuqing again.

"No, thank you."

With a slight smile, Mo Yuqing said seriously.

She knew very well that Bao Daya did this for Shi Dali's face, and she has nothing to value for others.

Therefore, self-knowledge is very important.

"We may go back to Anbei tonight, when are you leaving?"

Then, Mo Yuqing looked at Shi Dali again and asked softly.

"I will probably also be tomorrow, and I will call you when I go back."

Shi Dali thought for a while and replied.

"Then I will wait for your call."

With this sentence, Mo Yuqing's voice was still very soft, but with a certain determination.

This made Shi Dali a little stunned, and even a kind of ecstatic thing appeared in his heart, although he did not know what he was ecstatic...

After that, Shi Dali separated from Mo Yuqing and the others. After all, Chairman Song was busy going to see those lost antiques. After all, that was the reason they came to Suhai City, and it was their job.

As one of them, Mo Yuqing naturally couldn't leave.

During this whole process, Zhang Shouye didn't say anything, but the resentment in his eyes was deeper, but it was well hidden.

He felt that he still had a chance, especially when he returned to Anbei City, he could definitely achieve this gorgeous reversal!


"Brother Bao, should we just separate here? We don't have much to go shopping, now we are going home."

In the following time, seeing Bao Daya following himself and Zhou Zilong, and seemed to be determined to send a few things, Shi Dali couldn't help but say.

Bao Daya had already helped with Mo Yuqing's matters before, and now Teacher Shi doesn't want to let people continue to spend money.

"Well, if you don't want something here today, don't even want to leave."

When he waved his hand, Boss Bao was very determined.

Many people say that Bao Daya looks like a nouveau riche, and the mentality of a nouveau riche. In fact, this is something that can be said without any brains.

If Bao Daya had such a wealth of wealth, it would have gone bankrupt.

Therefore, his eyes... are more poisonous than anyone else.

Shi Dali is definitely not easy!

Curly, they were subdued to resolve their own crisis... The whole thing seemed very simple, and even a little self-defeating, it meant a mistake, but is it really that simple?

Can it be changed?

Just like this, Bao Daya decided to invest after he was sure he would not be wrong, and it was probably the craziest investment he has ever made.

Seeing Bao Daya's stubborn face, Shi Dali looked at Zhou Zilong again, and wrote it all on his face helplessly.

Just as he was thinking about saying something more, suddenly there was a commotion next to him.

"Hurry up! I'll tell you, if you talk nonsense, I'll smoke, believe it or not?"

It seemed that a man's angry voice was reprimanding someone.

Anyway, it was beside him, and there was nothing else, so the three Shi Dali also subconsciously walked over.

At this moment, just in front of an exhibition booth, a clerk-like person was shouting a child.

The child's clothes were so ordinary that they could even be described as shabby. The clothes were obviously worn by others, and the shoes were dirty and old.

"How many days have passed since I was here every day to add chaos to me, get out of here! Otherwise I will send you to the security team!"

Even though there were already a lot of people around, the clerk still didn't intend to stop, and even reached out and clicked on the child's head while speaking.

However, the child did still stand in place, even if there was obvious fear in his eyes, his feet did not mean to leave.



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