Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 729: Missing person

"Instructor Shi, you are not fooling around, are you?"

Captain Xing's voice suddenly sounded, looking at Shi Dali's eyes a little uncertain.

In fact, he had such suspicions since he entered this room. The whole room was filled with traces of fighting, and even Shi Dali had blood on his body, but he did not find anyone else.

This kind of thing is hard to tell... the only reasonable explanation is that Shi Dali has a problem.

In addition, at this moment, he is going to open the coffin himself, which makes people feel more suspicious.

"Captain Xing, what do you mean? Instructor Shi risked his life to help us find out the truth at night. How do you say this?"

Guo Li was the first to be angry. She knew that Shi Dali would not lie, and now Shi Dali was all in a panic. There is no doubt that he must have experienced some very painful things before, but now he is accused of such things?

Therefore, Guo Li was very angry and blamed herself. If she hadn't called Shi vigorously over, he would not suffer these grievances.

"I'm just clarifying, you said that Instructor Shi is investigating the truth? There is always some evidence, isn't it? When the coffin is opened, what is found, then Bai toss the big guy like this... Is it a bit unreasonable?"

Anyway, Captain Xing was not afraid of arguing with Guo Li, and immediately said.

"In this coffin, something will definitely be discovered."

Hearing these words of Captain Xing, Shi Dali didn't turn his head back, his eyes continued to stare in front, and he said something in his mouth.

"Instructor Shi is so sure, I am really curious... You don't need to say, if you really find something useful after opening this coffin, I will listen to what you say later, and I will do what you say! It’s just that if you open the coffin and it’s all innocuous things, ask instructor Shi to leave here early in the morning. If you don’t have the ability to mix things up, don’t waste time..."

Without a smile, Captain Xing continued.

Since Shi Dali arrived here, he felt uncomfortable, because he was originally responsible for the entire case, so it is reasonable to say that he has the final say.

But then suddenly a Guo Li was sent, and he did not obey his command at all, and even went out to invite someone like Shi Dali to come back...

what is this?

Especially if Shi Dali found something, Captain Xing would feel ashamed.

He has been investigating for so long and has made no progress at all, but as a result, Guo Li, such a yellow-haired girl, has walked in front of him?

Isn't this just hitting him in the face?

These things, Captain Xing will naturally not be comfortable, so he clearly wants to take this opportunity to drive Shi vigorously away.

It can be said that all those present understand his thoughts, but no one would say anything, but everyone looked at Shi Dali and waited for his answer.

Seeing that Guo Li was about to argue a few more words, Teacher Shi stopped her.

"Okay, open the coffin, if there is really nothing to be found, I will leave."

Don't want to waste time, Shi Dali has already stepped forward after saying this.

Then, with both hands hard, he directly pushed open the lid of the coffin, and at the same time, the whole person took two steps backwards. Obviously, he was worried in his heart so he was careful.

Even if Captain Xing thought that Shi Dali was playing mystery, his whole body was tight at this time.

As the saying goes, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

However, as the lid was opened, there was no movement inside the coffin, and after waiting for more than ten seconds, there was nothing unusual.

Before, Shi Dali saw with his own eyes how horrible the two hands came out, but now it looks like nothing has happened.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Dali leaned in first.

According to the most reasonable explanation, there should be five talents in this coffin!

Because from beginning to end, Shi Dali looked carefully, three killers plus the masked man in front, and the shadow that is likely to be the mysterious man Xiao, a total of five people entered it!

But in the end, as both eyes saw what was going on inside, Teacher Shi was stunned.

In the enclosed space in front of him, there was no sign of Xiao, only a strange man lying in it, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

In other words, he had a confrontation with the previous killer, so Shi Dali immediately determined that this man was not a killer. Obviously he was not a masked man... Then who was he?

More importantly, what about the others?

The coffin is only so big, can it disappear out of thin air?

"Captain Liu! It's Captain Liu!"

Suddenly someone yelled at him, and the others rushed over immediately, including Guo Li and Captain Xing, who were quite excited.

"this person……"

Teacher Shi was a little puzzled, and then asked Guo Li.

"He was Captain Liu who was initially responsible for investigating the situation here, and he was also one of the security team members I told you about missing...You rescued him?"

Watching other people lift the man inside out, Guo Li also turned to Shi Dali and answered quickly.

Finally, Guo Li looked at Shi Dali expectantly.

Guo Nv Xia's trust in Shi Dali now can't be expressed in any language.

This is also true, so she naturally asked such a question.

In fact, including Captain Xing, who had previously criticized Shi Dali, had the same view at this time.

Before Shi Dali could speak, he waved to Shi Dali.

"Instructor Shi, what you say counts. I don't know how you got Captain Liu back, but from now on you can do whatever you want!"

To say that this guy is really upright, what he said before did not mean to repent, but at this time he expressed it again.

In fact, it was also because Captain Xing was really convinced.

They have been investigating here for a long time, but they have never achieved any results. For more than a month and nearly two months, he was also under great pressure.

Now Shi Dali has retrieved the missing Captain Liu back in just one night, which is really good news for him.

This is the real skill, and he has nothing to question.

"Save people first."

Seeing the gazes of the two Guo Li, Shi Dali paused and then turned his attention to Captain Liu.

Why does he appear here?

To be honest... Teacher Shi also wondered why?

The five people he saw before were not in the coffin, but a person who had long been missing emerged from it?

Such a thing, no matter how smart he was, he couldn't understand it for a while.

So let this comatose man wake up first, maybe there will be something to discover!



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