Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 745: I lose

The vain air was rather thin at the beginning, and intermittently.

But in a very short time, these white qi had become dense, and Qin Lele couldn't help closing his eyes.

"Mr. Shi, this situation..."

Qin Guanhu became more and more nervous, and subconsciously looked at Shi Dali and asked, obviously wanting to get an answer from Shi Dali.

"His body has been invaded by fire poison all these years. This purple snow silkworm is also a treasure of extreme cold. Therefore, when water and fire meet, there is naturally such a scene. Think about it when an ice cube is thrown into the fire. Isn't it like this?"

When they asked him, Shi Dali didn't know exactly what caused the situation, but... he can analyze it!

Therefore, after analysis, Mr. Shi gave such a conclusion.

Sure enough, most of the principles are the same, and such a simple physical phenomenon actually solved this problem.

"That's it!"

"It makes sense!"

Qin Guanhu and Guo Wanhai nodded almost at the same time, and then said.

This made Guo Li all a little weird, as if Shi Dali became a primary school teacher, with two older children underneath.

In the next time, the big guy just waited.

No one said anything. After all, no one knew the real situation in Qin Lele's body at this moment. If he became confused because of external reasons, it would be troublesome.

Seeing the time passing by, Qin Lele still didn't mean to wake up, Shi Dali couldn't help but want to call Old Man Yi several times.

But he also understood that he could not mess around at this time.

If he showed panic, then Qin Guanhu and the others would be even more nervous.


Suddenly, with several violent coughs, Qin Lele opened his eyes.

At the same time, he coughed up a black blood clot in his mouth. The temperature of this blood clot was very alarming. When it fell on the ground, it even gave out a hint of heat.

"Lele, how are you doing?"

Qin Guanhu was the first to come to his son's side, and Shi Dali secretly smacked his tongue at that instantaneous speed.

What kind of character is this?

But following behind, he himself came to Qin Lele's side.

"I...I'm very comfortable, I feel as if I have strength, and I don't feel that uncomfortable anymore."

Besides, Qin Lele who opened his eyes again, his voice was a lot louder than before.

Especially that kind of excitement from the heart, also very clearly expressed his perception.

"Good, good! That's good!"

After a slight pause, Qin Guanhu said with shaking hands.

At this moment, this man who is like a demon seed, and his body like an iron tower has an unprecedented softness.

"Ahu, congratulations! Lele is fine!"

Even Guo Wanhai's voice was trembling slightly at this time, as was Guo Li's mother on the side.

They have been friends with Qin Guanhu for many years, so they know how much pain and despair Qin Lele has caused Qin Guanhu.

It was a great surprise to see Qin Lele safe and sound today.

Besides, Shi Dali took a deep breath.

Thank goodness, it's all right at last!

If there is something wrong in the middle, it will be really troublesome!

"Mr. Shi, really...thank you!"

It was also at this time, Qin Guanhu took his son and walked to Shi Dali together, then bowed and said.

"Thank you!"

Qin Lele was in the same posture, looking at Shi Dali with grateful eyes.

This gift is really something that Teacher Shi can't afford.

"It doesn't need to be this way. This is also Qin Lele's good fortune. After this catastrophe, his future road will be very smooth."

Hurry up, Shi Dali was also very happy.

As for the latter sentence, other people may think that he is just a simple blessing. In fact, this is indeed what Shi Dali saw.

Although it is completely nonsense that he pretended to be a blind old man in Fengbo Pavilion.

But in any case, Shi Dali might really be a descendant, even if the eyeless old man just stayed with him on a boat for three days and three nights, even if he didn't understand anything at that time, it was just rote memorization.

But after all, he got in.

Everyone’s growth is closely related to his experience. Before today, Shi Dali was hazy, but as Qin Lele recovered because of him, at this moment when Shi Dali looked again, he really learned from Qin Dali. I saw something new between Lele Meiyu!

That kind of thing may only be understood by those who count.

"Mr. Shi still knows Xiangshu?"

Qin Guanhu also noticed that Shi Dali was staring at his son at this time, so he asked with some curiosity.

"I don't understand, I just take a look."

Hurry up, Teacher Shi waved his hand.

This thing is better hidden in the stomach, if someone guesses through clues that the person in the storm pavilion is his Shi Dali, then it is estimated that troublesome things will annoy him alive!

Therefore, Shi Dali’s idea of ​​inheriting the secret of the eyeless old man is to hide it for one day, then hide it for one day.

All in all, there is not much benefit in speaking out.

"Okay, okay, everyone eat! Everyone eat!"

Guo Wanhai laughed out loud at this time, such a happy situation, it is good to have a happy meal.

After what he said, Teacher Shi really felt a little hungry.

"Eat and eat! Then I will borrow flowers to present the Buddha, and thank Mr. Shi for borrowing this meal at your home!"

Haha smiled, Qin Guanhu followed, his posture was quite free and easy.

"Uncle Qin, don't call me Mr. Shi, just call me a strong voice, Lele is not a few years younger than me..."

Teacher Shi also smiled, having to say that being able to get in touch with someone like Qin Guanhu is really hard to meet.

"Okay, then I'll call you a big one! Lele will be your brother from now on! Remember that when something happens, tell me, no matter who dares to bully you, I will blow up his house!"

Qin Guanhu was happily listening, and finally slapped the table with a fierce slap.


Following behind, the heavy table split directly in the middle, and then collapsed.

So the scene became a little weird, especially the face of Guo Li's mother was slightly pulled down.

Realizing this for the first time, Qin Guanhu quickly rubbed his hands.

"I lose, I lose!"

"This is the first table..."

Hearing this, Guo Li's mother calmed down, but she whispered a word in her mouth.

Guo Wanhai didn't say anything, and there was a hint of helplessness on his face, especially thinking about it in his mind... As long as Qin Guanhu comes back, the table in the house will be torn down!

However, Guo's family is not so much that they can't afford to change a table. They quickly replaced the table, and then the food was served, and the atmosphere became harmonious again. Everyone was eating and chatting, which was quite joyful!

It was exactly the same, so Shi Dali completely forgot that someone outside the house was trembling and waiting for his life!



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