Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 761: You are vulgar

In this way, the bathroom became quiet again.

"This it flushed?"

After looking at each other for a moment, Teacher Shi asked quite honestly.

Hearing this question, Blackbeard and Poison Worm looked at each other again.

"It doesn't seem to be charged..."

Following these words, Black Beard quickly pulled Jiu Gongzi's head out of it again, and then his face was much scribbled.

"Be honest! If you dare to shout, I'll soak you in it!"

Blackbeard's eyes were full of disgust, but he still whispered at this point.

However, after such a tossing, Jiu Gongzi's heart completely collapsed, so the whole person has cooperated a lot, but looking at the poisonous insects is still quite desperate.

"Can you not take my baby, how can I live without it? I am counting on it to pass on from generation to generation!"

With a trembling voice and an imploring tone, Jiu Gongzi couldn't care about his shit-yellow face at this time. He just wanted to preserve his man's dignity.

But this sentence, the three people who listened to the poisonous insects were a bit at a loss.

"Are you so perverted? Are you pointing at that thing to pass on from generation to generation? Are you crazy?"

Therefore, the poisonous insect cursed directly.

He is a master of bugs, so he has feelings for bugs, so naturally the words of the nine sons made him very angry.

This **** actually planned to do that to a little snake!

Then, Jiu Gongzi was also dumbfounded.

"You... don't rely on it?"

With a blank voice, he thought these three people were very strange, and some strange images even appeared in his mind.

"Shao Te Niang's nonsense! Lao Tzu is a gangster, not a pervert like you! Hurry up and take things down for me by yourself, otherwise I will help you with a knife!"

Then, the poisonous insect did not want to waste time.

So after saying this, he pulled out the knife directly.

Anyway, he came today for the emerald green poison core. If the Nine Young Master doesn't cooperate to untie that little snake, he doesn't mind using a knife.

Of course, if the psychic worm like the green poison core is willing to untie the restraint by himself, then it will be easier to cultivate in the stone strong hand.

But if it's for that reason, Jiu Gongzi can't manage that much.

"Yes, hurry up!"

Again, Shi Dali said viciously.

The first time I did this kind of thing, Teacher Shi was also trying to find the feeling.

I have to say that practice is the best teacher. At this time, he feels that he has a good grasp.

Besides, on Jiu Gongzi's side, those eyes were almost stared out.

He couldn't believe his ears!

What kind of beasts are these three? Actually let myself take things out!

Shi can be killed but not insulted, how can this kind of thing be done? How can it be done!

Gritting his teeth, Jiu Gongzi planned to struggle.


In the end, Black Beard slapped directly.

"Hurry up, Haw! Is your life important, or that thing is important!"

With this slap, the nine young masters who slapped him all vomited out of his mouth.

At the same time, he once again saw the knife in the poisonous insect hand, and then began to accept his fate.

Blackbeard is right. In contrast, his life is more important. Even without the dignity of a man, how can he say that there is still this life?

If this life is gone, then there is nothing!

"Okay, I will give it to you! I will give it to you!" So after all, he swallowed the bitterness in his stomach, and then accompanied by a trembling voice, Jiu Gongzi slowly removed the newspaper, and then closed his eyes.

This scene saw the three Shi Dali stunned.

Are you crazy this kid?

What is this?


So Blackbeard slapped again.

"Are you teasing me? What are you doing? What are you showing me?"

Even if Blackbeard was the king of pirates, he felt that such a Sabi was the first time he had encountered it.

"I tell you, don't play these perverted things with me, give them to me quickly!"

The poisonous insects were also so angry that they were about to start with a knife.

Then, Jiu Gongzi felt extremely wronged.

"Don't you just want it? Can't I give it to you?"

Almost he had just finished saying this, and Blackbeard was about to rush up, and then he was stopped by Shi Dali.

"Your brain is flooded? Didn't you count what I want? Put the newspaper back! You are vulgar, you know! The green poison core, did you hear the green poison core for me?"

Gritting his teeth, the poisonous insect felt that he shouldn't talk nonsense.

What the Ninth Young Master did was an insult to him!

On the side of Jiu Gongzi, he was suddenly stunned.

After a full three seconds of blankness in his mind, tears suddenly fell from his eyes again.

"What you want is... the green poison core?"

There was a trembling sound again, obviously Jiu Gongzi's emotions collapsed again.

"Nonsense, or what do you think it is?"

Taking this opportunity, Teacher Shi also said something, and at the same time felt that this time the emotions were more in place than before.

The next moment, Jiu Gongzi cried loudly.

"You want the green poison core... You have to tell me! You don't tell me how do I know you want the green poison core! How do I know!"

A heart-piercing voice rang from the mouth of the nine sons, he felt that today must be the most desperate day in his life, and everything is because of the three second-hands in front of him!

That's right, it's a second product, a complete second product!

"Didn't you say?"

Hearing this, the poisonous insect also murmured, and then looked at Shi Dali.

"I don't remember, I should say it."

Teacher Shi also shook his head, indeed a little vague about this matter.

"Fuck him! Take something and leave!"

Blackbeard hadn't forgotten his business, reminded him at this time.

As a result, the eyes of the three people once again focused on Jiu Gongzi.

"Now that I know, give it to us quickly!"

Taking a deep breath, Jiu Gongzi didn't want to let this situation continue, so suddenly he bit the tip of his tongue, and then spit out blood on his wrist.

Then the original green bracelet, in the extreme time, completely spread out, sliding down the hand of Jiu Gongzi to his fingers.

However, before Jiu Gongzi felt distressed, the poisonous insect's movements were so fast that no one could even see what he used. Anyway, the little snake disappeared into his hands instantly.

"Look, it's okay to take the things out early. After so long, let's go!"

Mr. Poison Worm's voice was full of joy at the moment, and he finally said to the Nine Young Master.

Then, together with Shi Dali and Blackbeard, the three of them left.

Only the nine sons in the cubicle were holding the newspaper, looking sad...



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