Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 772: People are gone

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The black and lacquered Chun Caotang old house, the breath of that time is very strong, it is almost like a giant beast lying on the ground.

In any case, it was considered a successor of the same family, so when he first saw this house, Shi Dali felt uncomfortable all over his body.

That kind of feeling may not be noticed by others, but it seemed very strange to him.

It's as if something in this house shouldn't appear like this at all!

To give a simple example, it seems that ordinary people like to sit in a house facing north and south, because there is plenty of sunlight, warm in winter and cool in summer...

But the house in front of him was not like this, plus the whole kind of breath, it even made people shudder in the dark.

"What's wrong? What are you looking at?"

Poisonous insect asked, obviously aware that Shi Dali's eyes were a little strange.

"It's okay, let's go! I remember that after I entered the house, I was all counting on you."

He shook his head and didn't say much. After all, Shi Dali was not too confident and sure of his own eyesight, so if he read it wrong, it would cause some unnecessary guesses and trouble.

"Just watch it."

Again, Poison is very confident.

"Hurry up, I can't wait!"

The black beard next to him is flexing his hands, this gesture is like a homeless man about to eat at the table.

As Shi Dali nodded again, they began to touch under the high wall little by little. When they finally stopped, the shadows of the three people seemed to be completely hidden in the darkness.

Being able to have this ability to constrain the breath is naturally because the three of them have a simple relationship.

Blackbeard is the king of pirates, and the ghost knows how much blood is stained on his hands. It is really a skill that has been trained from the killing fields.

Poisonous insects represent the extreme of a side-by-side approach, and of course this kind of thing can't trouble him.

Not to mention Teacher Shi, now he is definitely a master, a real master!


In the darkness, as the three of them were motionless, suddenly there was a rat sound from under the corner.

This sound is not very loud, but because of the very quiet surroundings, it can clearly reach everyone's ears.

To say that this is really interesting, the whole old house of Chuncaotang is really only one street away from the commercial street next to it, but there is a lot of people over there, but there is no sound here.

Besides, the mice made by the poisonous insects really seemed to have brains. They crawled to different positions along the wall, and finally blocked all the cameras.

"You can go in."

As the voice of the poisonous insect sounded again, the three of them worked together, jumped directly from the position of the high wall, and then fell inside.

The whole process is very fast, and it can be said that there is no unnecessary movement.

As they entered, the mice moved again, rustling back into the darkness.

"Let's go, here, we have to pass through a three yard, there are several monitoring points in the middle, but I will handle it, after waiting for these three yards... not far from Zhang Heshun's room."

For these things have already been understood, so the poisonous insect quickly said. Shi Dali’s eyes were very serious, and he immediately followed after nodding.

Blackbeard still didn't make a sound. It seemed that the potion wasn't very effective at the moment, so he didn't mean any cramps.

Besides, the whole house is indeed very large. With such a place in Beijing, the financial resources of Chun Caotang have exceeded ordinary people's imagination.

However, there were not many people in the house. Anyway, as the three of them kept advancing, only occasionally encountered a few security guards who patrolled at night, and there were no extra people.

As for the security guards, it is very simple for the three of them to avoid it.

"I heard that Chuncaotang has always been under Zhang Heshun's personal control. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but what is his purpose like this? Did the old man Yi say...He has a secret in this place?"

Once again, he stopped behind a rockery, looked around to make sure it was safe, and then the poisonous insect murmured, actually communicating with Shi Dali.

"I don't know, but this place... is definitely not that simple."

At this moment, Shi Dali looked very serious.

As he said, as the house continued to deepen, he felt that something was wrong with this place, just like the overall feeling of being outside before.

But teacher Shi couldn't tell what was wrong.

At this time, he was quite regretful, how to say he was also the inheritor of the eyeless old man. Those things were already in his heart, but he never paid too much attention to it, nor did he understand it at all.

There is no doubt that if he has the skills of an eyeless old man, he can definitely spot the problem here at a glance.

But now, obviously he felt something, but he still couldn't see deeper problems.

When Shi Dali was speaking, the poisonous insect blew out something with his weird whistle again. Shi Dali was very close and heard nothing, but soon the sound of insects rang out again.

"Let's go, the security has passed, the front camera is also blocked, we get to the next position, we are very close to Zhang Heshun!"

At this time, Mr. Poison was also more serious than ever.

In fact, Mr. Poison has always been the master of this kind of thing, and has almost never failed.

The only two failures were completely on Shi Dali's body.

Teacher Shi was quite relaxed when he heard the poisonous insects.

He was very glad that the poisonous insects came back, otherwise, if this guy is not there, it is not that simple to take Zhang Heshun away smoothly.

Afterwards, they planned to leave again.

As a result, at this moment, Teacher Shi suddenly stopped, followed his gaze to the left and right, and then his heart sank suddenly.

"Where is Blackbeard?"

Looking at the poisonous insect, he was quite at a loss.

Hearing this question, the poisonous insects were also confused.

Also looked around, especially the poisonous insect checked his own chain and found that the lock did not know when it was opened, and then he could only look at Shi Dali.

"I don't know, I was still here just now!"

Looking at each other, neither of them knew what to say.

Although they are very reluctant to admit it, the facts are already in front of them.

That's right, Blackbeard is gone, this guy quietly separated from them!


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