Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 777: I like you

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The words guilty of the thief are always correct, even if the thief, the poisonous insect, does it with confidence, now he feels a little cold and nervous.

Who will come in the medicinal material library at this time?

Besides, there are several medicinal material warehouses in the whole house. Why did you enter it without any partiality?

Poisonous insects didn't understand, but he immediately tightened his body and was ready to fight.

Then, he saw the prolonged look, the **** face reflected in the dim light, and the purple hair...

"Black... Brother?"

When these three words were uttered, the poisonous insects seemed to be buzzing.

Isn't this man just the lost black beard?

This is really about Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here!

He just said something in his mouth. Why did he come with a black beard? Could it be that he heard what he said?

After turning these thoughts in his mind, the poisonous insect quickly showed a smile.

He is a master at playing bugs, but he has nothing to do with Blackbeard. This guy is a robber, a naked robber!

"Big Brother Black, why are you here? We have been looking for you all the time. Where have you been before?"

Cautiously approached, the poisonous insect said to Blackbeard.

However, Blackbeard didn't mean to respond to his question. Instead, he turned around and closed the door at the back first, and then looked around at the medicinal material warehouse in front of him.

It suddenly occurred to me that Black Beard was now having a brain, so the poisonous insect swallowed what he planned to say later, and stood quietly to the side.

This old gangster, who knows what is going on now?

Damn it!

The next moment, Blackbeard threw a bag on his back to the place.

I didn't know what was in this bag. When it landed on the ground, there was a loud crashing sound. It made the nervous insects, and the eyelids jumped.

"Where is Shi Dali? Where did he go?"

Finally, Blackbeard looked at the poisonous insect and asked.

"He's looking for you outside! I came over to get something, and I planned to find you together."

Hurry up, and the poisonous insects gave an answer.

Then Blackbeard nodded.

"This place is good, I like it, come here."

While speaking, Blackbeard waved at the poisonous insect.

This action and tone made the worm whisper, but he was worried that the old guy suddenly rushed over to do something on himself, so he could only walk over.

The next moment, Blackbeard pulled open the backpack.

Then, under the gaze of the poisonous insect, he took out a chain from the backpack.

After that, there was no time to prepare the poisonous insects, this guy directly tied the poisonous insects with chains.

The huge power that burst out in that instant, the poisonous insects had no way at all.

"No... you old gangster, what are you going to do?"

After that, the poisonous insect was completely confused.

In other words, he can be regarded as his own, why is this old guy crazy?

But just after he finished speaking, Blackbeard pulled out another piece of tape and directly sealed the poisonous insect's mouth.

Unexpectedly, facing such an encounter, the poisonous insects desperately tried to break free, but when he followed behind, seeing what Blackbeard took out of the backpack again, he was directly desperate.

A dozen locks densely packed! didn't know where the old guy got it. He disassembled it three times and divided it by two, and then clicked and locked the poisonous insect firmly on the cabinet next to it. I love Chinese Net.

Poor Poisonous Insect was like an iron beetle, and it took only a minute before and after, and he was completely immobile.

Of course, the more important thing is that the poisonous insects are completely at a loss for what happened at this moment.

what happened?

This old gangster is simply crazy!

Especially in the eyes of the poisonous insects completely stunned, and then Blackbeard took out another chain.

What are you planning to do again?

Once again a big doubt appeared in his mind, and the poisonous insect suddenly felt a very bad feeling. Is it possible that Blackbeard is planning to lock himself again?

But soon, it turns out that Poison's guess was wrong, and it was very wrong.

Because just under his gaze, Blackbeard tied himself with a chain, and then used the remaining locks to lock him like a poisonous insect, firmly locked on the cabinet next to him.

Finally, when all this was done, Blackbeard looked into the eyes of the poisonous insect.

At the same time, the poisonous insect looked into his eyes.

Looking at each other, the two people in the darkness looked like two groundhogs.

Especially Mr. Poison, he felt that even if he had ten heads, he couldn't understand what was happening at the moment?

In the middle of the night, I was locked up in the medicinal material storehouse of someone else's house without sleeping.

Even more frightening is that the man who locked himself locked himself beside him!

However, this special lady is her own!

After staring at each other for five minutes, Blackbeard moved his body as much as possible, and then tried to use his right hand to pull off the tape on the mouth of the poisonous insect.

This action caused the poisonous insect to open its mouth for a while without making a sound.

The reason for this is not that he has nothing to say, but that he wants to say too much, and the whole thing is blocked.

Finally, after adjusting for a moment, the trembling voice finally rang from the mouth of the poisonous insect.

"Honestly, is your special mother crazy?"

According to the usual situation, Poison Worm didn't have the guts to talk to Blackbeard like this.

But under this situation, he really couldn't hold back!

He can't figure out why this is happening? And maybe I don’t understand it all my life!

As a result, because of his words, Black Beard sighed, and then turned around against the cabinet, obviously adjusting to a more comfortable posture.

"The night is long and I don't want to sleep. I want to find someone to lie down quietly and talk... chat, and see when others will find us two lonely people."

The deep voice finally rang from Black Beard's mouth.

After speaking, the poisonous insect felt that the green hair on his head was about to stand up.

crazy? This old guy must be crazy!

"How? Can you understand my mood?"

Then, Blackbeard turned his head to look at the poisonous insect and asked again.

It was this problem that almost made the poisonous insects cry.

"I understand you! I understand you very well! But... can't you find someone else? It's okay if you can't find another place, right?"

"But, I like you!"

Seriously, Blackbeard said.

It was this sentence that made the poisonous insects completely despair.

He felt that he was just a second-hand, and he knew that this old guy was brainstorming, so it's a fart to reason with him!

All we can do now is to wait for Shi Dali!


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