Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 796: Terrible Spring Cottage

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Shi Dali's reaction to these two words is quite sensitive.

Those who came to participate in today's medical skill competition can almost be regarded as the majority of Chinese traditional medicine, but now He Xiniu actually uses the word control.

This makes people feel weird.

Those forces have developed for so many years, why can Chun Caotang control them?

"Yes, it's control! And this control method is more direct than any situation. Even our two families have actually been greatly affected. It is very difficult to get out of it now, even if it is no longer possible. How to get out..."

Zhang Wusheng followed He Xiniu and explained the control.

The appearance of these two old people at the moment is full of regret and despair. It is not easy to think that things can make people like them react like this.

"Don't worry, the two elder brothers, say slowly, since we meet here today, it means that I believe in you and you believe in me, so no matter what kind of hidden information is in the Chuncaotang, you can tell it! "

Old man Yi's voice sounded again, obviously also calming the emotions of the two people in front of him.

Shi Dali didn't say anything. In this case, it is most appropriate for Yi Hong to grasp the situation. After all, he is really an outsider in the field of traditional medicine.

"That's it. Spring Caotang was suddenly established that year. After that, they began to use their strong economic strength to continuously annex the supply channels of medicinal materials, and at the same time use their profits to entice others in the industry! If they are willing to accept their annexation, they will naturally be in peace Things, if you resist... not a few will die!"

Zhang Wusheng said again, and when he mentioned the three characters Chuncaotang, there was even a scent of gritted teeth.

"That's right! At the beginning, there were voices of resistance, but then no one spoke, because their power was really terrifying!"

He Xiniu nodded, his tone low.

"Foreign forces! Chun Caotang was supported by foreign forces from the very beginning, and their development over the years has also been fully supported by foreign forces. The other party’s financial resources are amazing and they are unscrupulous. In fact, Chun Caotang is basically doing things for crooked nuts. running dog……"

This sentence was said by Shi Dali.

He really knew these things. After the dispute between the first floor and Xiao Jin Mao, Sweet Bread and Zhou Sichen talked about it.

The children of these big families are quite clear about many things, and they will know a little bit if others don't.

Such as Spring Cottage!

"Yes, it's an overseas power! Three years ago, Brother Zhang and I talked about this matter, and have been trying to investigate after that. Our investigation results are almost like this. Chuncaotang has always been behind them. Ren do things!"

Gritting his teeth, He Xiniu was very excited, but he was also a little surprised that Shi Dali knew this aspect.

"It's so..."

Yi Hong, who had been sitting in a chair listening, frowned and sighed.

Again, the traditional medicine community was left behind by our ancestors. It is my own business to argue in my own nest, especially traditional medicine has not been recognized overseas.

But now, Chun Caotang is actually doing things for foreign countries, and coupled with their current monopoly scale, it is equivalent to saying that what the Chinese ancestors left behind is now being held by foreign countries.

This kind of thing can be said to be extremely scary!

Once that mysterious force chooses to do something to China through Chun Caotang, the consequences are simply unimaginable. qq novel.qqapp.

Or... they are already doing it!

"Zhang Heshun, this bastard, has already lost his conscience! And, there is this thing!"

He slapped the table with a sharp slap, and then Zhang Silently took out another thing from his body.

It was a blue pill, not very big, just like a common western pill.

Before Yi Hong and Shi Dali could ask them clearly what it was, He Xiniu who was next to him was already shivering with anger, but apparently more of them were helpless in that expression.

"What is this?"

"Concentrated pills! This is how Chuncaotang controls many medical families and hermit schools! I don’t know when this kind of thing began to flow out of Chuncaotang, and it only circulated among our peers. In the beginning, it was just A simple blood-activating pill, but after someone took it, it was discovered that this thing is basically a western reagent they developed. Obviously they are experimenting with our people, and they want to further control it in this way!"

Zhang Wusheng calmed down at this time, and at the same time crushed the pill with his hands under the gaze of the big guy, and then turned it into a pile of powder.

"Does this kid have some ideas?"

Even the poisonous insect who has been busy eating fruits with Blackbeard, can't help but sigh at this moment.

Zhang Heshun's approach is really vicious.

This clearly shows that you are going to kill traditional medicine!

"In addition, through our investigation, another thing has been discovered! While promoting this medicine, Chun Cao Tang is collecting a large number of patients and corpses."

It was He Xiniu who said again, this time he even took out a document and handed it to Yi Hong.

"Patients and dead bodies? What do you collect these for?"

Shi Dali also asked, and at the same time, there were some speculations in his mind.

"No one knows exactly what they did, but these patients and corpses were secretly taken away by them, as if they had evaporated. This is an investigation I got. What Spring Caotang did in three years is comparable. We imagined too much..."

Yi Hong frowned, and he began to look down at the report.

In this way, there is no more sound in the room, and Teacher Shi also has a solemn expression. Although he said that this matter seems to have nothing to do with him, it is important to think about it carefully.

He was even thinking about whether he should inform the security team of this matter!

This kind of behavior by Chun Caotang is really damn!

"With regard to the forces behind Chun Caotang, have you found anything?"

Suddenly remembering this, Shi Dali asked Zhang Wusheng and the others.

Unexpectedly, the two of them actually nodded, and then pointed to the report in Yi Hong's hands.

"There are many forces involved, and what we can investigate is only a part of it. This investigation has written..."

Almost they had just finished speaking, Yi Hong looked at Shi Dali, his eyes looked a little strange.

It took about three full seconds before Yi Hong's voice reverberated, and at the same time he handed the things to Shi Dali.

"Sun's Exchange!"


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