Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 823: Chick

"You...what are you doing?"

The fat man's face finally turned pale, even though he was a master at the Disha level in Meihuazhuang, he had never seen such a scene before!

That is the real sky thunder!

It's not vague at all, as long as it falls, even the steel and iron bones have to be finished immediately.

So the trembling voice sounded, he asked Shi vigorously.


With his mouth open, Teacher Shi intends to explain.

As a result, his voice just fell... Hey, pop!

The familiar voice sounded, but this time it was even more violent. The second master fell on the spot, and he happened to be next to the fat man.

Poor, this fat man's legs trembled, almost stupid.

This is a master like him, but he has no power to fight back. It's almost like a lottery, and it's over when you fall!

No one can remain calm in the face of such a weird scene, no matter how awesome they are.

So this time, without waiting for any exchanges with Shi Dali, the two masters immediately jumped in different directions.

They don't care about any tasks anymore, and nothing is more important than being alive at this time.

They were lucky when the sky thunder fell just now, but who can guarantee that they will be so lucky next?

Everyone is raised by their fathers and mothers, no one likes to kill their lives, as long as they can live... of course they have to find a way!


However, it turns out that sometimes even after hard work, the result is still the same.

Maybe the meaning of their lives is the blooming in this instant. As the saying goes, although everyone is the evil spirit, they are destined to be fireworks of different colors.

The cold sweat instantly drenched the whole body of the fat man and the last remaining master.

Especially the fat man, his eyes were staring at Shi Dali, his legs trembling uncontrollably.

"I know, I know..."

Divinely nagging, suddenly the fat man started to speak to Shi Dali, his eyes bursting brightly.

Teacher Shi is stunned by listening, and he doesn't even know, what does this guy know?

"Do you have a master?"

Suddenly, the fat man continued to ask Shi Dali.

Hearing this, Teacher Shi only felt a strange sense of familiarity in his heart. Why did it seem that he had already experienced this bridge?

"It must be so! You also have a girlfriend named Zixia. She gave you the three moles on the sole of your foot, and you also have a name called Zhizunbao. After wearing the golden hoop, you will no longer be a mortal... "

After that, the fat man began to whisper, and the more he spoke, the more excited he was, Shi Dali's eyes widened as he listened.

Judging from what the fat man said, it is very likely that there will be regular movie watching ceremonies in Meihuazhuang, otherwise he would not be so clear about this kind of old film.


While talking, with the crisp sound of his knees, the fat man knelt down directly at Shi Dali.

"Let me go! I'm really just a mortal child with naked eyes, I don't know that you are a celestial being, please..."

Obviously, this fat man is crazy!

Listening to these messy things, Teacher Shi is really too lazy to pay attention to it.

In fact, he didn't dare to move at the moment, although he said that the thunder must have come from his pocket, but who knows if this thing is not familiar to him?

In case of a sudden fall on yourself, buzz...pop!

That's it all!

Therefore, the only thought in Shi Dali's mind at this moment is to keep the current posture honestly and don't move!

Besides, the last remaining master, with a cold sweat on his head, his eyes turned around, and then he didn’t know what was in his mind, as if he had made up his mind suddenly, and actually leaped straight towards Shi Dali. .

"I don't care what gods go to the earth, kill you and it will be all done!"

Gritting his teeth, one sentence can be described as exhausting all the strength of his body, and at the same time his body shoots out very fast, and he is in front of Shi Dali in an instant.

But... hey, snap!

Familiar scenes continued to happen, and after a burst of fire and burnt smoke rose, he also fell.

Looking at this scene, the fat man slumped directly on the ground in the end.

He felt that he was finished, and it was estimated that as long as Shi Dali thought, he would be split in half.

So in this alley, the two of them looked at each other without knowing what the other was thinking. Anyway, they just looked at each other.

"Where is the headquarters of Meihuazhuang? Who is the owner?"

Anyway, I was idle, and suddenly Shi Dali had an idea in his mind, and then looked at the fat man and asked.

Hearing this, the fat man swallowed a nervous saliva.

To talk about these things, it is absolutely impossible to say. Meihuazhuang is the most mysterious Jianghu organization in history, even if he is one of the evil spirits, many things are ignorant, and if he violates the rules, he can kill him.

But compared to the sky thunder in front of him, the fat man felt that this thing was more terrifying.

"The headquarters of Meihuazhuang...I don't know where it is, the owner...I don't know who it is."

Teacher Shi was waiting for his answer with great expectation, but finally heard such a sentence and almost rolled his eyes in anger.

Is this old fat man teasing himself?

Don't know what saliva you swallow?

"But I can tell you, the's terrible, he is simply not human!"

Maybe he was worried that his answer caused Shi Dali's anger, so the fat man said quickly again.

And his words really made Shi Dali feel a bit interesting.

"Not a human? What is that?"


Whoops, pop!

However, when he looked at the fat man, he was about to tell what he knew. As a result, the sixth sky thunder fell from the sky, without any mercy at all, and directly knocked the fat man to the ground.

Seeing the black smoke rising, Teacher Shi felt a pity in his heart and at the same time became more and more worried.

It's a pity that he didn't hear the following text from Fatty, but he was worried because he didn't know if there would still be sky thunder falling down.

If it really continues to fall, then he will suffer!

It is precisely because of this worry that the immediate trouble has been resolved, but Shi Dali can only continue to wait until he hears the car door open and Chen Shu can struggle to get out of the car, and finally believe that this time the pocket comes out The unconventional items that came should be over.

"Go, let's leave from here!"

After checking Chen Shuke's injuries again, Shi Dali drove away from the alley.

He did not expect that everything would end in this way in the end.

However, this mission upgrade card really gave him a great shock.

Even he couldn't even imagine, what would happen when this pocket was upgraded to the level of nine-star connection?



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