Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 828: An hour


In the darkness, the eyes of the three people began to adapt a little bit, and then stared at the dirt in front of them.

Compared to the swift and violent speed and movement before, they have been slower now.

After all, it is very likely that the fruit will emerge from the soil in the next moment. If the fruit is scratched due to some mistake, it is a sin.

Especially Shi Dali, really holding his breath and waiting cautiously.

Unlike Old Man Yi and Huo Lang, as long as the fruit came out, he had to swallow it in immediately. Naturally, the requirements were higher.

Besides, the roots of the scented woods in front of them, because of turning off the light, did not melt into the soil as quickly as before, and just like this, they could be clearly observed by the three people.

I don't know why, but a potato appeared in Shi Dali's mind.

The reason for this thought is really because the roots exposed by Qingtian Xiangmu are indeed that kind of feeling.

"Before the thin old man said that Qingtian Xiangmu is also called treasure hunting wood. There must be even more powerful treasures around this thing... You said, is it true?"

Suddenly remembering this, Shi Dali looked at Yi Hong and asked Huo Lang.

He is really curious, if the thin old man is right, what else is around here?

Especially when you think about it again, this is the capital city. Since ancient times, this place has been the residence of the princes and generals, plus those messy legends, so anything can happen.

"It should be true."

Nodded, Yi Hong agreed.

Although he has never studied these things in the past, the identity of the thin old man is there, so if he said so, it is very likely to be true.

What's more, the Sky Fragrance Wood in front of you already meets the previous characteristics.

"If it is true, then what will it be? And the roots of this thing must be very huge, maybe a large area around it, maybe it's extended from somewhere else..."

Continue, Teacher Shi said in his mouth, in fact he was thinking about it in his mind.


Suddenly, Huo Lang's voice suddenly sounded.

Shi Dali was taken aback by this, and when he turned his head, he saw something crystal clear in the mud, like a jade stone.

There is no need to hesitate any more, this thing must be the fruit of Qingtian Xiangmu, and also the purpose of their trip.

After waiting for this for a long time, Shi Dali was a little nervous in his heart, so he rushed forward.

And for fear that this fruit will change, he even ate it on the soil in one bite.

The next thing was amazing. This thing seemed to be conscious, and it went directly into Shi Dali’s mouth, and before he swallowed it, it slid into his stomach.

The whole process was so fast that Shi Dali was a little unresponsive. He touched his stomach and looked at Yi Hong and Huo Lang who were on the opposite side. He didn't know what to say for a while.

"Do you feel anything?"

Yi Hong is the most nervous, after all, who knows what will happen if you swallow this legendary thing.

So when he asked, there was already a silver needle in his hand, and he was ready to help guide him immediately.

"It doesn't feel much, it's just a bit cold, earthy smell..."

I felt it honestly, and then Teacher Shi answered.

However, he had just finished speaking, and suddenly he felt an icy breath in his stomach like a rocket leaping up suddenly, almost instantly reaching the top of his head.

As for Huo Lang and Yi Hong's eyes, it was clear that Shi Dali's hair seemed to be frozen, and even white cold frost appeared on the eyebrows.

Knowing that the situation is urgent, it can be said that he did not dare to delay a second, and the silver needle in Yi Hong's hand pierced Shi Dali's body.

At the same time, Huo Lang turned on the flashlight, he couldn't care about the roots at this time. After all, Shi Dali's life was the most important.

"Quick... Save me."

His eyes widened, Shi Dali felt that he was about to explode.

He also guessed that there may be unimaginable pain after swallowing this thing, but he did not expect it to be such a breakdown.

Especially with this cold force, the Jianglongguo and Wanshouguo, who were originally calm in his body, seemed to be two generals who had been offended, and at the same time they stirred up.

Shi Dali couldn't open his mouth only before he could say this sentence.

His body was cold for a while and hot for a while, and his limbs were completely out of the control of his brain.

"Don't be nervous, leave it to me!"

Yi Hong's expression was solemn, and the next hour was when he promised that Shi Dali must hold on.

Just like that, as soon as the voice fell, Old Man Yi pierced Shi Dali's body with a dozen silver needles.

With the silver needle entering the body, Teacher Shi finally regained some consciousness on this head, but otherwise, he still felt that his body was about to explode.


Almost all the energy in his body was exhausted, Shi Dali yelled out this word.

There is no doubt that what should be done now is to return to the villa immediately, and then transfer the energy in Shi Dali's body to the body of the thin old man.

Otherwise, Shi Dali is over.

Knowing what he meant, Yi Hong and Huo Lang immediately set off, jumped out of the well, and drove back after leaving the yard.

"I can go back one hour, you hold on."

Along the way, Yi Hong's silver needle never stopped. The old man pulled and inserted it, his face was also covered with sweat. Obviously, this process was also very exhausting for him.

As for Shi Dali, he couldn't speak anymore with his eyes open on the road. The only thing he can do now is to pray in his heart, pray for God's blessing, and pray that he can return to the villa within an hour.

In this way, Huo Lang drove the car back to the villa with one arm, which was about fifty minutes.

When he saw the familiar door, even if Shi Dali could not speak, tears of excitement overflowed from his eyes.

Hearing the movement, Blackbeard and Poisonous insects came out of the room for the first time.

Seeing Shi Dali's appearance like a suckling pig, everyone was stunned.

"what happened?"

Eyes widened, Poison Worm asked.

However, Huo Lang moved faster here, rushed directly into the room, and followed upstairs.

At this moment, time is running out, and it is most important to quickly find a way to transfer energy from Shi Dali’s body to the thin old man!

"Immediately, soon! Don't worry!"

Yi Hong continued to be busy getting the needle while continuing to comfort Shi Dali.



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