Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 839: Lost land

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But just after opening, Chen Shuke said quite unexpectedly.

"It's also from Dr. Russell?"

Immediately, Shi Dali asked.

"Yes, it's the same account before."

Nodded, Chen Shuke opened the email when he agreed.

Then in front of all these people, a whole video was opened.

The content is not very long, only more than a minute, but after opening it, the big guys are holding their breath, because the content inside is too unbelievable.

The video has just opened, from the perspective of a man.

The man was riding in a small boat, slowly advancing towards the endless sea, while advancing, he looked down at something beside him.

Those are some very old dossier materials, but because of the blurring of the picture, it is hard to see the specific content.

As for this man, Chen Shuke and Shi Dali recognized immediately, but it was not Dr. Russell!

Especially his clothes, which seemed to be the clothes he wore after the last meeting with Shi Dali and the others.

"Dr. Russell went to the sea after his disappearance?"

Subconsciously, Shi Dali asked.

At first, according to the news that Chen Shuke got, this doctor should have disappeared after getting off the plane, but judging from the video before him, he seemed to have gone into the sea after he disappeared.

"It's weird, even if Dr. Russell went to the sea, why? It has something to do with that kind of thing? Besides...who made this video?"

Chen Shuke's eyes were still staring at the video screen, and he said in his mouth.

"Keep looking down."

Taking a deep breath, Shi Dali also began to realize that this video is not easy, so he was inexplicably looking forward to the following content.

As for the other people, they are totally confused and don't know what is special about this video. They just followed blindly.

Let's talk about the content in the video. As the picture continued to advance, the ship suddenly stopped after twenty seconds.

It really stopped suddenly, as if even Dr. Russell on the ship hadn't expected it to be like this. It felt as if something was grabbing the hull with a powerful force directly under the ship.

In the endless sea, it was an indescribable loneliness, especially from the face of Dr. Russell, you could see how frightened he was.

But the next moment, something more terrible happened.

Just in front of this ship, a wave suddenly rolled up in the sea, and then a bottomless black whirlpool appeared.

How huge the vortex is, it is beyond ordinary people's imagination, as if there is an entrance to other worlds under the surface of the water, causing the water to flow down here.

Dr. Russell saw such a horrible scene that he couldn't do anything, and in the end his small boat disappeared completely in the whirlpool.

Then, the whole video ended and everything was calm.

After the video ended, no one was speaking in the room for a full minute.

The big guys have the feeling of watching a thriller movie, but the movie is just a movie, and everyone knows that it is fake.

But the image in front of another situation."Where did this video come from? Who made it? Old black stuff...Is the sea really so scary?"

The poisonous insect leaned on the sofa, and asked after looking at Blackbeard.

When he asked such a question, Shi Dali looked at Blackbeard.

This video is obviously from the sea. Speaking of the familiarity of the sea, no one is more familiar than Blackbeard.

So if this thing is true or not, and what is the reason, I should know if I want to come to Blackbeard.

"This kind of thing in the sea is quite common. No one knows what is in the depths of the sea. I don't know! Every year there are many ships mysteriously disappearing in the sea. Many people want to find out, but they can't figure it out. clear?"

Also leaning on the sofa, Blackbeard was quite calm.

It looks like he has seen a big scene, but after saying this, the teacher Shi who listened to it was a bit helpless.

"Just say if this video is true? What could have caused this huge whirlpool? In addition, this place...Do you recognize it?"

Looking at Blackbeard, Shi Dali continued to ask questions.

"The video is real. I don't know where this Maelstrom came from. As for this place...Don't tell me, I really know."

With a grin, Black Beard was quite interested, and finally touched his chin.

But what he said made the big guys interested.

Even if Huo Lang looked calmly inside, he looked at him at this moment.

"Lost Land!"

Before Shi Dali could ask any more questions, Blackbeard said his answer.

"Lost Land?"

Frowning, Teacher Shi was quite surprised, especially since he had never heard of this name.

"Yes, it is the Lost Land. Everyone in our sea knows that there are areas where ships and humans cannot enter. Not only are there terrible behemoths under the sea, but the weather is also irregular. It may suddenly There will be a terrible tsunami, so it is called the Lost Land! This video must be from the Lost Land, I am sure."

After speaking these words in one breath, Blackbeard looked much more serious.

Obviously, even if he, as the king of pirates, mentioned this so-called lost place, he was full of awe.

"According to Old Hei's statement, then what is the reason why Dr. Russell suddenly got into the depths of the sea when he got off the plane and was on his way home? What is he looking for? And the previous question...what is it? A video taken by someone?"

Teacher Shi, with frowning brows, only felt that things were confusing.

"I think I know who shot this video..."

But almost as soon as he finished speaking, Chen Shuke suddenly spoke out here.


This made Shi Dali very surprised, and asked immediately.

"Here, there is an additional note on the outside of the email, and the video comes from the eighth day research institute."

Shaking his head helplessly, Chen Shuke pointed to the note below the computer.

Before the big guys stared at the video to watch, and didn't notice anything else.

Now after Chen Shuke's reminder, everyone can clearly see that there is a small print at the bottom of the entire email to note the source of the video.

Yes, it comes from the mysterious eighth day research institute again!


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