Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 84: Training group

From beginning to end, Zhou Sichen stood by and said nothing.

In fact, when she heard this news, her reaction was similar to Zhou Zilong.

In the past few days, she has been thinking seriously, is there any way?

But the answer is really cruel, the only way is to find Yi Hong, there is no other way!

"Can't find it? No one really knows? I remember... Brother Dali must know! He can do everything, and it must be right to ask him!"

Suddenly Zhou Zilong's eyes lit up, and he took out his mobile phone.

I don’t know what Shi Dali would feel when I heard this kind of honey. I’m probably quite moved, right?

However, Zhou Sichen stopped him before Zhou Zilong could dial out.

"Calm down, this kind of thing... how does Shi Dali know?"

Staring at his younger brother, Zhou Sichen felt that he was a little ill and went to the doctor, just like she said... the world's number one genius doctor who retired from the rivers and lakes, even the expert did not know where he was, Shi Dali Why do you know?

There is no logic in this kind of thing!

Zhou Zilong himself was stunned for a moment, and then fell silent slightly.

In fact, he himself felt a little impulsive. Although he said that Dali's previous performance was omnipotent, it seemed a bit inappropriate to ask him about this matter.

In this way, the mother and son lost their voices.

But at this time, suddenly a phone call broke their silence.

This call came from Yuan Bingxue's elder brother, and a slightly excited voice rang almost immediately after the call.

"There is a clue, you take Sichen to Beijing for a trip, that Mr. Yi is in Beijing right now!"

Suddenly hearing such news, Yuan Bingxue was also excited.

"Are you sure? I just came back from Beijing, didn't I say I made a mistake?"

But somewhat skeptical, Yuan Bingxue asked.

"Don't worry, you won't be mistaken this time, so hurry up and bring your kids over!"

The man's voice was very positive, and he urged.

Naturally, Yuan Bingxue didn't have too much guard against her own brother, so she agreed and hung up the phone.

After Zhou Sichen and Zhou Zilong understood what their uncle meant, they were also quite surprised.

If you can really find that Mr. Yi Hong, there is a high probability that your father's illness will really see hope!

So in the shortest time, Yuan Bingxue had arranged for Fubo to book tickets, and then took the earliest flight to Beijing, and according to what his brother said on the phone, he brought Zhou Sichen with him.

Although Zhou Zilong said he wanted to go there together, he always needed someone to take care of him at home, especially since his father was still in a coma at the moment, so he stayed and waited for news.

That is, this evening, a special training group set out from Suhai City to the Boya branch of Anbei City in accordance with the arrangements of the senior management of the Boya Group.

After the entire training team had all set off, the vice president of the group Lu Youqi leaned against the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office and poured himself a glass of red wine.

And on the sofa behind him was Zhao Rushuang, the wife of the chairman of the group.

"Suddenly bid farewell and leave everything to me to deal with... What kind of medicine is sold in this old gourd, Gao Lin?"

Frowning slightly, Lu Youqi's voice suddenly sounded.

"I don't know, but I think he is really a little powerless." Zhao Rushuang leaned back lazily, and said to Lu Youqi, those eyes were quite attractive.

"Oh? Do you really intend to give up? Give me all the rights?"

With a slight smile, Lu Youqi's tone was slightly mocking.

As Gao Lin's deputy for so many years, he knew too well what kind of person Gao Lin was, at least he would never let go of his power just like that.

"What are your plans? What exactly is that training group going to do?"

Zhao Rushuang also reduced his expression, and then asked seriously.

"What? It's very simple... I want to test the bottom line of the old thing. Since he took the initiative to hand over the power to me, if I don't do something, wouldn't I be sorry for him? Chen Shu is his favorite Trusted student, then I will start from the Anbei branch to see if he can bear it..."

With a sneer, Lu Youqi took a sip of red wine.

"The poisonous thing..."

"I have all the monitoring of the hospital. That Shi Dali is not the doctor Chen Shuke found. He is an ordinary teacher at the Anbei branch school. However, an ordinary teacher can know the poison of black jellyfish, and will I found the antidote together, it’s really amazing! Besides, the recorder hidden in the money was found in the trash can next to the Anbei branch..."

There was a strange cold light in his eyes, Lu Youqi said.

He connected all these things together.

This guy, it is not an exaggeration to call it savvy, even Shi Dali would not have thought that he would be so thoroughly exposed.

"Who is this Shi Dali?"

Frowning, Zhao Rushuang was also confused.

She and Lu Youqi had conspired about the poisoning, and everything went smoothly. Except for the missing cash and recorder, the accident was too sudden, especially when the tracking signal appeared in Anbei City. At the time, both of them almost fell off their jaws.

I don’t understand, I really don’t understand.

"Who is he? I also want to know...that's why I sent a training team. It will be very interesting to come to Anbei campus. I really look forward to how Chen Shuke and this teacher Shi will deal with it?"

Shaking the wine glass, Lu Youqi walked to the sofa and sat next to Zhao Rushuang.

The two smiled at each other, then clinked their glasses and drank.


"Komatsu, eat some of this, it's when you grow up, you can't lose nutrition."

On the train, Shi Dali watched his mother keep giving Komatsu something to eat, gave Huo Lang a little helplessly, but could only follow with a wry smile.

But Huo Lang looked at Komatsu stutteringly happy, but felt that everything was very good.

He once thought that life was a walking dead to himself, but he didn't expect this scene to happen today.

Komatsu's appearance was an accident, and Shi Dali's appearance was also an accident... But no matter how unexpected these were, they all became a little bit rare beauty in his life.

So, he was very happy, the kind of happiness he hadn't had in a long time.

About the bodyguard, Teacher Shi always feels a little embarrassed, so she can't talk to her mother in detail.

That's why he only said that Huo Lang was a good friend of his own. This time he went to Anbei City together to allow Komatsu to study at the Liberal Arts School. In the future, everyone may live together.

These explanations are enough to fool my mother.

Otherwise, I can't say that this is my own bodyguard, three thousand yuan a month...It is really awkward.

What Shi Dali didn't know was that in the soft-sleeper box on the other side of the train, the training group from the senior management of Boya was holding a secret meeting.



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