Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 845: Purple ice grape fairy

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"Little Junior Brother is a busy person. I have planned to visit your class several times to see you, but I haven't seen your shadow..."

Watching Shi Dali come in, Wu Yuqiang has already got up and said while smiling.

His words made Teacher Shi a little embarrassed immediately, and he waved his hand quickly.

"I'm really dealing with some troublesome things, and those courses...I really don't understand, I really feel sorry for the expectations of the teachers and seniors."

Quite real, Shi Dali explained.

"It doesn't matter, we all know you are special."

Old Mr. Leshan also smiled slightly, he seemed to be really not angry at all, but after he said this, Wu Yuqiang had already closed the door.

"Teacher, you called me over because..."

Realizing that the next step will be the key to this meeting, Shi Dali lowered his voice and looked at the old man asking.

"You should have seen it when you first came in. Martial law has been strengthened at the school gate. There are actually two reasons for this."

After a short pause, the old man became serious again, and then he looked at Shi Dali and said.

"what reason?"

I was originally curious, but now I heard this, Shi Dali immediately asked.

"The first reason is because of the next Niaka Statue Exhibition Week! After Beijing University got the statue from you, it planned this exhibition week. Scholars and experts from almost all over the world, and major universities Talents from all will come to participate in this week’s exhibition activities. Of course, the protagonist is the statue of Niaka, located at Beijing University!"

Old Mr. Leshan continued to speak, and Wu Yuqiang sat aside and nodded in agreement.

"Exhibition week? I really don't know..."

Shaking his head, it was indeed the first time I heard about it, and Shi Dali answered.

At the same time, he relaxed a little bit in his heart, and he said why the school gate is so guarded. If this is the reason, then there is no need to be nervous.

"This is only the first reason. In fact, what really makes us nervous is the second reason."

But before Shi Dali showed any ease, Mr. Leshan lowered his voice and continued.

"The second reason?"

"Yes, the second reason! Just last night, the security network of Beijing University was attacked by foreign hackers on a large scale. We lost quite a bit of data and the security network was almost paralyzed..."

Nodding, the old Mr. Leshan had very complex emotions in his final tone, ranging from anger to helplessness, from nervousness to determination, almost all included.

"Hacker? Attacked our school? How could this be?"

Shi Dali had an unprecedented feeling in such a field before.

It's as if I have always farmed in the ground, and suddenly someone told myself how to mix a certain reagent in the laboratory?

"We don't know the specific reason. Your second senior brother Wei Nan is already dealing with it urgently, but the hacking incident this time is too sudden and it's fierce! So it will take some time for them to resolve it. What's more, our power wants to fight... it seems to be not enough." Le Kan Novel. laokxs.

People with the identity of Mr. Leshan are no longer just scholars, especially the Beijing University, which is completely equivalent to the hard work of his generation.

So now this kind of thing has endangered this school, and his mood is very tense.

"Do you want me to help? But... I don't know much about the Internet."

I understood what Mr. Leshan meant, but Shi Dali was a little embarrassed to follow.

If he had a fight with someone or something, he would definitely not be surprised at all.

But this kind of confrontation with hackers across the computer network is not what he is good at!

"Teacher and I also know that you may not know this well, and we have no plan to let you fight against hackers. What the teacher means is... Is it possible for you to find someone for your second brother?"

This time it was Wu Yuqiang who spoke after Shi Dali's words.

"Help me second brother? Find someone? This is fine. Who can you find?"

After a moment of stunner, Shi Dali had a sudden realization.

He knew it before that Wei Nan, his second brother, seemed to be responsible for the mysterious security work, and he was also a special person who wanted to come to work for the country.

So if there is a chance to help him at this moment, Shi Dali is definitely willing.

What's more, compared to letting him use the Internet to fight with people, finding someone is definitely more reliable.

"Yes, your second brother is already responsible for the security network attack of Beijing University this time. He can't make time to meet with you now, so he entrusted me and the teacher to find you to find a way! As for him The person I'm looking for is called Zibing Grape Fairy!"

Word by word, Wu Yuqiang finished these words.

Especially when the name Zibing Grape Fairy was finally mentioned, the old man felt a bit sloppy himself, but he was quite sure that he was right.

"Fairy Zibing Grape? What is this guy doing? Anime club?"

I was stunned on the spot, not because of anything else, it was because the name was too weird.

"You may not understand that this Zibing Grape Fairy is a top hacker in our country. According to your second brother, this Grape Fairy can almost enter the world's top three! This time the trouble is very big. But if she can participate in and help, things will be much simpler! But this person is really too mysterious, no one knows whether she is a male or female, but the Zibing Grape Fairy has been left on the Internet. first name!"

Going on, Wu Yuqiang explained that this time Mr. Leshan sat next to him and nodded frequently.

"This fairy is so powerful?"

It was indeed the first time I heard that Shi Dali also naturally expressed his emotions.

"Yes, it's even more powerful than you think. Last year, she directly invaded the high-level computers in the Americas, changing all their screen wallpapers with the words Love Me China, and at the same time announced a secret plan in America. After that, the Americans almost used all their power to find her, but this fairy still only left one name, and there is no flaw other than that!"

When Wu Yuqiang said this, he was also a little lamented.

In the era of the rapid development of the Internet, this kind of character is like a monster, and it makes people stunned to tell her things.

"Dali, see if you are sure about this matter? You helped catch Ding Shuishui last time, so your second brother also thinks that you are very capable in this area, so this idea..."

Following behind, the old man looked at Shi Dali again and said.


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