Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 849: Unreliable captain

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Especially Shi Dali's side, staring at the hen for a long time, only felt a little familiar.

Following behind, thinking of the story of pulling the chicken, the eight fell down, his face suddenly became a little weird.

"Shi Dali, do you really think that we have no one in Beijing? You actually said such a thing?"

Seeing that Cao Zi'an kept touching the chicken and didn't mean to speak, someone couldn't help it at last.

And this person is surprisingly the sixth son Kang Yousu.

The nine sons have always been a kind of glory in the capital city, but now Shi Dali made it clear that he did not take the nine sons seriously, and he did not put the fourth son in his eyes, so he, the sixth son, also felt he should say What to order.

"Yes, Sixth Young Master is mighty!"

"Isn't it the ring competition? I will tell my family to let my elder brother come back. My eldest brother is a master of missions in America!"

"Yes, we can't lose our reputation in Beijing!"

"Call people, call people, you must call back all the masters, and teach this guy a lesson!"


There was a sound, and these young masters of Beijing were obviously stimulated.

But in the face of such an uproarious scene, Teacher Shi simply waved his hand.

"Go to class, I'm busy..."

After speaking very casually, he has turned and left, leaving only a group of people getting more and more angry.

But inexplicably, due to Shi Dali's prestige, all of them did not dare to make a loud noise. After all, the little bald head had already been unlucky before, and they did not want to follow the same back and forth.

However, in private, a group of young masters are already communicating.

This breath was absolutely impossible to swallow, Shi Dali made it clear that he was bullying them no one in Beijing.

As the saying goes, people live a breath and a tree lives a piece of skin, so they have to do something, or it would be too useless.


At this moment, Teacher Shi didn't know what the consequences would be if he was purely scaring the young masters. After he got out of the class, he hurried to the place the master said.

Time is running out, and his current task is quite tight, especially looking for the Zibing Grape Fairy, still has no clue.

Just muttering on the road, Shi Dali reached the place after twenty minutes.

Almost half of the crowded team are crooked nuts.

Just take a look and estimate the number. It is already over 1,000. A team from Beijing University is busy checking documents and maintaining order.

As the first day of the exhibition week, the exhibition hall has not yet opened, and now they are only checked in according to regulations.

Such a large-scale event has been held by Beijing University before, but the sensation caused by the statue of Niaka is unprecedented.

Along the line, Teacher Shi followed and saw An Xiaobei.

The girl was still what she had seen last time, with a clean face and a clean ponytail.

At the same time, she saw Shi Dali.

Some helplessly paused a little, then An Xiaobei put down the work in his hand and walked towards Shi Dali.

"You came?"

The tone was flat, this girl obviously still had the impression of Shi Dali at the previous stage.

This uncle, who should be legendary, is actually a sleepy bug with narrow knowledge. "You should call me Xiao Shishu." 520 Novel.520fsxs.

It felt a little fun, and Teacher Shi corrected it.

However, An Xiaobei didn't want to pay more attention to him, and then took out the relevant documents from his body and handed it to Shi Dali.

"This is your certificate. In the next seven days, you will be the leader of our team to supervise and participate in the exhibition week. The certificate must be collected and not lost."

Quite seriously, An Xiaobei vigorously told Shi.

"Understood, are you the deputy captain?"

Nodding, Teacher Shi has already picked up the things.

"I'm not the deputy captain. The deputy captain is Brother Zhimo and a disciple of the principal..."

An Xiaobei continued to explain, but in the end it was his big eyes that vigorously blinked at Shi, apparently asking him what else he wanted to know.

"I see, that nephew, you are checking in now, right? Do I need to participate? If I don't need it, can you find a place for me to sleep for a while? I spent the night in the Internet cafe last night. Sleep well."

With a grin, he said that this is his own person, so Teacher Shi was quite honest and directly expressed his appeal.

An Xiaobei, who had felt helpless towards this little uncle, felt even more incredible when he heard this.

Going to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet after such a big person?

Even if that is the case, on the first day of work, such an important task, as the captain... he wanted to sleep when he came up?

What do you think?

But it is a pity that no matter how much she hates that iron cannot become steel, this is indeed her little uncle, and he has said so, An Xiaobei can only point to the nearby lounge.

"There is a bed in there, you can go in and sleep for a while, I will call you if I have something to do."

The conscience of heaven and earth, this may be the best patient An Xiaobei has ever done, otherwise she would have been blasted away when she met such a person in the past.

"Okay, then you work hard, Master Nephew, if someone bullies you, call me to wake up and I will solve it for you."

With a wave of his hand, Teacher Shi said happily.

However, An Xiaobei had already turned around. If it were not for her teacher to personally confess, if this guy was not her little uncle, she really didn't want to delay a second.

A teenager who should be the most struggling and active, but he likes to be self-willed and degenerate, but the teacher and they are very trusting, really makes people wonder?

What's more terrifying is that he is the captain!

Teacher Shi didn't care about the reaction of the master nephew.

He was really sleepy, and he was really at ease with An Xiaobei, so it couldn't be better to squint in front of him for a while.

Immediately after entering the lounge, Shi Dali fell asleep on the bed.

A lot of staff who went in and out saw him, but because An Xiaobei had already greeted him and introduced the identity of Captain Shi Dali, no one bothered him.

It's just that the big guy couldn't help muttering in his heart.

This captain is really unreliable...

Besides the outside of the lounge, as time progresses, more and more representatives from universities and institutions from all over the world, as well as some famous domestic experts and scholars, are coming.

However, the check-in process is inherently cumbersome, so some people can't wait anymore.

"What's the matter? This is the efficiency of your Beijing University?"

"It's ridiculous, actually let us line up?"

"Yes, you can just line up by yourself, so why let us follow in line?"

Suddenly, people yelled from all sides, and they were all crooked nuts.


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