Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 853: real or fake

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Knowing An Xiaobei's family situation, Shi Dali did not insist on inviting anymore.

The big guy had finished packing things now, and then he could go to eat.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a team came eagerly.

"Hurry up, this is the reception place, right? We came from the Conner Institute of America and checked in for us."

The leader is a Chinese, who seems to be in his early twenties, and his words are full of domineering.

Behind him, there were a dozen people, old and young, who were dragging their luggage. It seemed that they had just arrived from the airport.

"Sorry, today's reception is over, you can come over tomorrow morning."

After accumulating a day's experience, the young people next to Shi Dali were neither humble nor overbearing, and said directly.

"What's the matter, you guys? I'm from the Liu family in Beijing! Do you treat foreign guests like this? What kind of service attitude is this?"

Immediately, the young Chinese man yelled and looked very angry.

"I can't do this. You can ask our captain to see if the captain can agree."

After a glance at the young master of the Liu family, the receptionist said.

Just as he finished speaking, Shi Dali walked out of the room.

"Someone is here again? Hurry up and go to the store first, and go through the formalities tomorrow. Don't waste time too much."

Teacher Shi didn't get angry directly, and he gave a polite explanation, but there was still a taste that couldn't be denied.

Immediately, these people from the Conner Institute looked at each other.

The face of the young master of the Liu family in front was a little bit awkward.

"Teacher, don't worry, leave it to me!"

As soon as he waved his hand, Master Liu planned to make a call.

But following behind, a girl's voice suddenly rang from the group.

"Shi Dali?"

Suddenly, when someone called his name, Teacher Shi was also taken aback.

Even An Xiaobei and the others are a little confused. Could it be that there is an acquaintance of Shi Dali in this representative from the Conner Institute?

Especially Shi Dali himself, with this attitude, followed the direction of the sound.

As a result, after seeing the speaker's appearance clearly, Teacher Shi felt quite like being struck by lightning.

To say that he has experienced a lot of things, so he would not easily show such an expression.

But the girl who appeared in front of him at this moment really surprised him.

"Mo Yuqing?"

Standing in place, Shi Dali said the name, and at the same time his heart rolled over.

How could it be Mo Yuqing?

How could Mo Yuqing appear here?

After disappearing from Anbei City, Shi Dali had doubts about this girl, and since then he has not seen Mo Yuqing again.

In the end, who could have thought that at such a moment and such a place, he saw the familiar face again.

"Are you really Shi Dali? Old classmates still remember me? Unexpectedly, I haven't returned to China for many years, and I will meet you when I come back."

Besides, Mo Yuqing's side is slim, and the voice is familiar and gentle.

Shi Dali stood on the spot, looking at this figure in a daze, because he seemed to see Mo Yuqing when he was in school.

Then almost a few tenths of a second passed through his mind, and Teacher Shi was suddenly shocked. Heshun Novels. heshun168.

"You mean... after graduating from university, this is the first time you have returned to China?"

Still standing in place, Shi Dali asked nervously.

The people like An Bei Xiao next to him, and the representatives of the Conner Institute next to Mo Yuqing, looked at the two people blankly.

It sounds like they should be classmates. This can be seen from Mo Yuqing's performance.

But on Shi Dali's side, that is another kind of feeling better. There is no joy of meeting with classmates, but with tension and guard?


At this moment, Mo Yuqing also frowned slightly, and then said.

In her impression, Shi Dali has always spoken little, as if she has been doing her own thing, and there is not much intersection between the two.

But even so, shouldn't it be this kind of reaction?

Besides, Teacher Shi, after getting such an answer, he was completely silent.

No one knows what kind of brainstorming he is going through!

If the Mo Yuqing in front of me really hasn't returned to China in a few years, then she should be the one Shi Dali had a crush on, the girl who went overseas after graduating from university!

Similarly, if she is the real Mo Yuqing, Teacher Shi can be completely sure that the one he encountered in Suhai must be fake.

It is very possible that it has been hiding the bait prepared by the force behind the scenes!

The world is so great that Shi Dali originally thought that the story about Mo Yuqing should be over after he saw through the fake scam.

But who could have thought that the real Mo Yuqing would return to China at this time and meet him at Beijing University at the same time?

"Are you Yuqing's classmate? What are you doing? You don't say anything for a long time, what do you mean?"

Seeing Shi Dali remained silent, the Young Master Liu couldn't help but yell.

Only after he finished speaking, Mo Yuqing shook her head at him.

"It's okay, if it causes any trouble for you, then we will report back tomorrow."

Speaking softly, Mo Yuqing finally looked at Shi Dali, and then communicated with her teacher.

Even if Young Master Liu insisted on calling someone, he was stopped in the end.

In this way, they dragged their luggage and left, thinking they should have gone to the hotel.

As for Shi Dali, standing still there was no movement, his gaze was always watching the direction Mo Yuqing left, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"She is really your classmate?"

An Xiaobei seemed to feel the strangeness of Shi Dali, so seeing that a group of people left Shi Dali completely, there was still no reaction, and then asked aloud.


Finally, Teacher Shi's voice sounded, but the tone was quite complicated.

"you like her?"

As a girl's instinct, An Xiaobei made this judgment.

However, Shi Dali did not answer her question.

Whether I like Mo Yuqing or not, it doesn't matter now!

Because compared to this simple like, there are more important things waiting for him to understand!

If the Mo Yuqing I met today is real, what is the relationship between her and the fake?

And the most important point...what is her relationship with Mo Ran?

Or maybe...this one is fake today?

That... from the Anbei Cultural Relics Research Association is true?


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