Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 859: old classmate

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"Okay, look at the registration, this Conner Institute, except for Mo Yuqing, everyone else's qualification to visit is cancelled."

Not planning to pay more attention to Liu Chengming next to him, Shi Dali simply said to An Xiaobei.

Following his words, a group of people finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Liu Chengming, what's the matter? Our qualification has really been cancelled?"

An old man with gray hair and looking probably in his fifties was the first to question Liu Chengming.

Just kidding, the big guy traveled all the way, rushing over in a hurry for the statue of Niaka.

If it was stopped at this door, it might be the most tragic thing in the world.

"Teacher, I... I can't help it, they all said that Shi Dali said what he said!"

Gritting his teeth, Liu Chengming felt that these words slapped his face like a slap, and it hurt so fiercely, but the facts were true, and he didn't dare to hide anything now.

Following his words, the group of people behind the institute exploded on the spot!

Especially An Xiaobei is already sorting out the registration book, and it seems that they really intend to cross out their names entirely, there is no joking at all.

Mo Yuqing was suddenly noticed at the very moment of death.

"Yuqing, please plead with your classmate, Liu Chengming would just punish him alone for his problem. There is no need to disqualify all of us!"

When these words were spoken, the others immediately reacted.

"Yeah, Yuqing, help me talk, now only you can save everyone!"

"Yes, you are classmates, your words will definitely work."

Listening to these anxious voices in his ears, and then looking at the Mu Guang who begged by these colleagues around him, Mo Yuqing's mood was extremely complicated.

Yesterday, she was still muttering that Shi Dali seemed to be a little different from before, but this kind of thing happened now.

There is no doubt that the current situation has clearly shown that this person has really changed a lot from the classmates in her memory.

However, she was also quite muttered, not knowing whether her words worked or not. Wouldn't it be very embarrassing if Shi Dianli refused directly?

But in the end, Mo Yuqing bit the bullet and spoke out.

"Shi Dali, these are colleagues from our research institute, and they didn't intend to deliberately target you...I'm sorry for the previous incident. Can you keep their qualification to visit?"

Seriously, Mo Yuqing said to Shi Dali.

Especially the mood at this moment is more tense than before.

She used to be the shining star in everyone's eyes. She never thought that one day she would show such a mentality to Shi Dali.

Looking at Mo Yuqing, Teacher Shi followed and smiled.

"Of course this is nothing. We are old classmates. Since you have said that, please keep their qualifications."

Originally for Shi Dali, visiting the Niaka statue was a matter of one sentence. If you can take this opportunity to get closer to Mo Yuqing, it would be the best.

What's more, according to his plan, he planned to approach Mo Yuqing step by step. Only in this way can he get the information he wants from her. Qishu Novel Network.qishuxs.

I didn't expect Shi Dali to agree to her request so quickly, so Mo Yuqing was really a little happy.

"Thank you."

Immediately, she once again expressed her gratitude.

As for An Xiaobei's side, she didn't continue to cross out the name on the registration book, or she didn't have this plan from the beginning.

Out of a woman's intuition, she knew that things would give up disqualifying these people because Mo Yuqing spoke.

Hearing that Shi Dali planned to let them go, the entire Conner Institute was very excited. This is China, and even if they want to find a relationship, they have no way out. Now the result is the most perfect.

Quite unified, these people expressed their gratitude to Shi Dali.

It's just that Liu Chengming's expression is quite complicated, and the development of things is completely different from what he imagined. It should have been an opportunity for him to show off, but now he dare not let go.

It's very simple, he also wants to go in and visit the statue of Niaka, if anything else is not appropriate to cause this kid to continue to retaliate against himself, it will be over.

That's why Young Master Liu is quite honest right now, as if he was allowed to make arrangements.

An Xiaobei and the others began to step up their work here to help these people check in and obtain visiting cards.

Taking advantage of such a waiting opportunity, Shi Dali chatted with Mo Yuqing.

"So you entered this research institute directly while studying abroad?"

After a brief understanding of Mo Yuqing's work experience, Shi Dali was also a little surprised.

"Yes, I was very interested in ancient culture research at the time, so I made this decision. This institute has been established for a long time, and some of the teachers in it are also very famous. Development and learning are very helpful."

Nodding, Mo Yuqing replied.

"Then what's your opinion in your family? It's not convenient for a girl to stay abroad without letting you return."

It seemed that there was no unnecessary fluctuation, Shi Dali asked afterwards.

"My mother left when I was young, and my father has been living in an unsettled place for these years, that is, occasionally speaking on the phone, he is quite supportive of my decision."

Mo Yuqing was quite natural, and the answer was quite simple.

But the teacher Shi on the opposite side felt that a heart was raised.

Regarding the family situation that Mo Yuqing said at the moment, there was not much difference from the counterfeit claim of Anbei at that time.

Especially when he thinks that Mo Yuqing's father is Mo Ran, Teacher Shi feels an uncontrollable tension.

"Then your father is in China? Are you planning to go back home this time?"

Continue, Teacher Shi asked.

"I don't know where he is now. We have always been in contact by phone, but this time I am really planning to go back. I haven't returned to China for many years. I feel homesick."

Shaking her head lightly, Mo Yuqing felt a little sad.

Just as Teacher Shi was about to take this opportunity to go further, suddenly a group of Liu Chengming next to him shouted. It looked like Liu Chengming had received some news, and everyone was very angry. When someone questioned him, he Explaining desperately.

Such a movement naturally caused Mo Yuqing to look over there, and interrupted the conversation with Shi Dali.


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