Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 876: No matter what

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In the living room, everyone who heard this could be said to take a breath.

Although it is said that the world is so big, there are no surprises, but this kind of thing is really incredible, especially when working with such an identity as a ghost.

A rattan can really play such a big role.

As for Teacher Shi, there was a bit of a whisper in my heart.

Although the Ghost Men Taoist's remarks sounded like a liar, it was just because the Chen family entered the game, so they might be willing to believe it.

But this time, Shi Dali also wanted to see.

Because if it is only theoretically speaking, he is the most special existence. Since everything that happened to him can exist for real, it is not impossible for this ghostman to be really capable.

"The Daoist Chief is really a man of God! Our Chen family is really lucky to meet you."

Chen Ye said again at the right time, and his performance at this moment seemed to be a little uncontrollable, as if the ghosts and Taoists had solved the troubles of the Chen family.

"Okay, everyone keep quiet and look at my fairy vine!"

Taking a deep breath, the ghost door Taoist suddenly stretched his hand into his arms the next moment.

Then, time seemed to pause, everyone was looking at him, waiting for the immortal vine to appear.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

In this way, a full ten seconds or so passed, but the ghost door Taoist still kept that posture motionless, not knowing what the situation was.


Looking at each other, Chen Ye couldn't help but say something.

Then, the ghost door Taoist finally took his hand out of his arms, but it was a little strange that his hand was empty and there was nothing.

Where is the fairy vine?

Naturally, the big guys have the same doubts.

"Ahem, I was too hurried to go out, and forgot to bring out the fairy vine, but it doesn't matter...There is a second way!"

With a dry cough, the ghost door Taoist finally explained the specific situation.

Although it felt strange, everyone in the Chen family accepted this explanation.

After all, when no one is careless, the Taoist leader is inevitable, anyway, there is still a way.

"Hahahaha, the Daoist's methods are much stronger than we thought. There are other ways for his old man. Don't worry."

Chen Yegan laughed, and at the same time gave an explanation for the ghosts.

"Yes, the second method is the soul-calling bell! This child has already stepped into the ghost gate with one foot. It looks very dangerous. In fact, I just need to swing my soul-calling bell three times in his ear, and then he Will wake up!"

Taking a deep breath, the ghost door Taoist regained his unpredictable temperament, and when he spoke, he put his hand in his arms again.

"Yes, yes, the soul-calling bell! I once heard Dao Master say that this soul-calling bell is very powerful, he got it from the body of the monster after killing a monster."

Chen Ye seemed to be a fan, and said again.

But then, one second, two seconds, three seconds...

It was another ten seconds or so, but the Ghost Doorman once again maintained his previous posture motionless.

The scene became quite weird, and no one knew what had happened, until the ghost door Taoist suddenly took out his hand and followed with a sound."Let’s skip the second method and use the third method. Once and for all, I think it’s not convenient to take out the soul-calling bell here."

Such an explanation makes the big guys feel weird.

Fortunately, everyone's guess was that he forgot to bring it 80%.

"Master, this last way...what is it? Did you bring the equipment?"

Really couldn't help it anymore, Chen Ye asked the ghost doorman.

Today's things are very important to him. He will never allow any accidents to happen, so the tension now is quite real.

"Bring it, it's in this box!"

This time, the ghost door Taoist was very sure, and pointed directly at the big metal box in front of him.

Before eight men carried this thing and rushed in, the big guy was quite curious about what it was. Now that he heard the ghosts say so, he naturally turned his eyes here.

The same is true of Shi Dali!

After watching this for a long time from beginning to end, Teacher Shi was a little disappointed. Originally thought that this ghost and Taoist could show some jaw-dropping things, it turned out that this guy seemed to be acting like a sketch. !

Like these fairy vines, bells, I don't know if they are reliable?

I don’t know what the so-called third method is now.

At the same time, the ghost door Taoist had already walked towards this big box, and slowly said in his mouth.

"Everyone knows that there is an inevitable boundary between Yin and Yang. The living is called the living, and the dead is called the dead..."

When they heard this, everyone in the Chen family was attentive, but Shi Dali couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Is not this nonsensical?

It's like a neurotic!

But he is a master, and at this time he can only wait patiently and continue listening to the back to see what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

"The reason why my name is Guimen Dao Ren is not only because I can bring the living people out of the Guimen Gate, but more importantly, I can also bring the dead people out of the Guimen Gate! This box contains my 30 years of hard work. , Four living corpse puppets that have been fed by countless treasures of heaven and earth!"

Suddenly raising his voice, the ghost master made it clear what was inside the box.

Almost everyone took a breath, and even took two steps back under their feet.

It's just that Teacher Shi froze for a while, and then felt something was wrong.

Living corpse puppet? And there are just four, can it be said...

Just when he was guessing in his heart, the ghost door Taoist had already planned to open the metal box in front of him.

"Next, I will use the corpse jade pendants on the four living corpse puppets to instruct them to perform kung fu together, and then pull the child back from the ghost gate! Wait and see!

With a loud shout, the ghost door Taoist finally opened the metal box in front of him in the eyes of the big guy extremely expecting.

At this moment, everyone's heart is mentioned in the throat.

But then, the whole living room fell into a strange silence again.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

After another ten seconds, Chen Ye couldn't help taking a step forward.

"Dao Master, where is the puppet you are talking about?"

It was his words that made the ghosts and Taoists of the fairy wind and Dao bones directly curse.

"I know nowhere!"


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