Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 880: He is pregnant

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"Grandpa's health is very poor, and he is a little unconscious in many cases. He was originally going to come today... My father has some important business to deal with, and he is not in Beijing."

Unexpectedly, Shi Dali would suddenly ask about this, Chen Yaqiang replied after a short pause.

"It's a coincidence. Your father left when your grandfather was unconscious, and at the same time your second uncle used Xiaohao's layout to invite such a liar as the ghost door Taoist... Think about it, what is he going to do?"

With a weird smile, Shi Dali turned around and left after saying this.

That's what he should remind. It doesn't make much sense to say too much. If Chen Yaqiang can understand, he will definitely understand. If he doesn't understand, then treat him as if he didn't say it!

In fact, after watching Shi Dali's car leave, Chen Yaqiang stood there for a long time.

His eyes also changed from hesitation and struggle to a little firmness.

At the same time, inside the Chen family, inside Chen Ye's house, there were only two people, he and his son Chen Yalong.

"The plans are all disrupted, this guy with the surname Shi is really damned!"

Clenching his teeth, Chen Yalong said.

He appeared very angry, and when facing his father, he also directly expressed this emotion.

"This person is not simple. Think about why all the ghosts and Taoists' things are in his hands?"

Sitting on the chair, Chen Ye's voice was low.

For today's plan, he has been preparing for a long time, and he has simply exhausted everything.

Seeing that the last step could be successful, who knew that Cheng Yaojin appeared at this time?

"Father, what do you say? He is going to Qingya study tomorrow night. If this guy is really capable of solving the troubles inside, then we will be too late."

Chen Yalong seemed very anxious. His father Chen Ye was the second shopkeeper. In other words, the Chen family’s inheritance should be Chen Yaqiang's inheritance. As long as you think about this kind of thing, Chen Yalong feels unable to accept it. Angered.

"Don't worry, how many experts Qingya Study has hired for trouble has never been of any use. Even if that kid has the ability, it is impossible to solve it so easily..."

Shaking his head, Chen Ye didn't look as flustered as his son.

"Then what do you say?"

Looking at his father again, Chen Yalong knew that he should have already planned.

"Simple, since this person is so powerful, why not let him stay in the study forever?"

Then Chen Ye laughed.

The smile was very cold, it was murderous.

Although Chen Yalong didn't know what his father's plan was, he also laughed, but with a smile, he became serious again.

"That guy is very strong, our people want to keep him, I'm afraid it won't work..."

"Our people can't do it, so please invite people from other places. As far as I know, the people from Hokkaidokou have already arrived in Beijing. I will meet them tonight..."

At the end, Chen Ye narrowed his eyes slightly.

That kind of feeling is as if in his opinion, things are inseparable.


Shi Dali, who had already left the Chen family, didn't know that the situation tomorrow night would be more complicated than he thought. He just drove the car and Mr. Shi took out his mobile phone and dialed Mo Yuqing's phone.

The Qingya study has already been arranged, so it should be the right thing to talk to Mo Yuqing, after all, they should be waiting for news.

Sure enough, after Teacher Shi's phone was dialed, Mo Yuqing's voice soon rang.

"Shi Dali?"

"It has been arranged. We will go to the house tomorrow night and talk to your friends."

Almost as soon as Shi Dali finished speaking, he heard a noise over there through the phone. Obviously Mo Yuqing’s colleagues are all there, and the crooked nuts are more impetuous, so they shouted directly.

"They all thank you, thank you very much."

Mo Yuqing also smiled lightly, and then said.

"Thank you, you don't need it. Let them be prepared. That place is evil. If something happens, I can't control it. Then I will only guarantee your safety."

To be honest, Teacher Shi is also quite honest.

With this sentence, the group of people on the other end made another booze.

"Have you heard? He will only protect Mo Yuqing alone. Is this a confession?"

"It's really too romantic, but it's too arrogant. Do we need protection?"

"He just likes Mo Yuqing, I think this man is quite straightforward, I like it."

Hearing these voices, Shi Dali felt helpless, while Mo Yuqing was embarrassed.

She and Shi Dali are ordinary classmates. If they don't meet this time, they don't know when they can meet again. What the group of people are talking about now is pure nonsense.

"I'm telling the truth, don't think Qingya Study is an ordinary place...but don't worry, I will protect you."

Teacher Shi is very helpless for the attitude of these people.

He didn't mean to be joking, but it sounded like these people thought they were joking.

"Thank you."

Mo Yuqing said one last word, and then the two people hung up.

The rest must be seen the next day.

Regarding Shi Dali’s very solemn warning, Mo Yuqing also conveyed it to her colleagues, but unfortunately these people still didn't want to believe it, they just started cheering about the equipment they were preparing for the expedition.

At the same time, the young master Liu Chengming also got the news, and he was extremely angry and dropped the cup on the spot.

Although he didn't know how Shi Dali allowed the Chen family to agree to this group of people entering the house, Shi Dali could do it if he couldn't do it. This was a huge blow to him.

Fortunately, this kid adjusted his emotions quickly, and then began to prepare too.

Qingya study, he will go too!

And his purpose is very clear, just to make trouble!

At least, it is absolutely impossible for this trip to Qingya to become the origin of Shi Dali's love with Mo Yuqing.

In this way, a seemingly ordinary night, everyone has their own ideas.

After Mr. Shi returned to the villa by night, he immediately decided to go to bed.

But at this time, An Xiaobei took the initiative to call him.

"Are you looking for Jiu Gongzi again?"

After the call was connected, Mo Yuqing's tone hesitated.

"What's wrong? Did he trouble you again?"

After a moment of stunned, Shi Dali asked.

"No, I ran into him in the hospital. He paid 10 million yuan in compensation and told me that there would be no demolition."

Hurry up, An Xiaobei explained the situation.

"It's very happy, what is he doing in the hospital?"

A smile appeared, and Teacher Shi was very satisfied with the result, and asked smoothly.

"Uh... he is pregnant."

Then, An Xiaobei's very strange voice sounded.


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