Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 898: Good fortune or disaster


Both hands directly fell on the stone platform, and at the same time, the energy in Shi Dali's body was gushing out.

Even the jack-of-all-trades who was pushed under the iron roast chicken felt a strong momentum.

"Boy, what are you going to do? Are you really going to kill you?"

He couldn't help but shouted, the know-it-all eyes were filled with surprise.

To say that he is such a character who knows everything, but at this moment he is a little wondering what Shi Dali wants to do.

Especially this kid seems to be using his own power to consume the energy in the stone platform, but... how can this kind of thing be done?

At least in the mind of know-it-all, Shi Dali couldn't do it.

However, Shi Dali at the moment did not have the time to pay attention to what the old man said.

Gritting his teeth, he directly destroyed the balance of the three powers in his body, and the energy that burst out in an instant seemed to tear his body to pieces.

But since it has already started, there is no option to go back.

Therefore, after suffering this tremendous pain, Shi Dali kept stimulating the energy, and eventually his whole face was deformed.

At the same time, the energy in the stone platform also began to counterattack.

The powerful energy stirred vigorously against Shi, bit by bit, and bit by bit.

That level of collision is extremely surging.

"How can this kid have such a powerful force in his body? And... it seems to be the aura of the ancient dragon descending tree? No, there is a longevity fruit? Qingtian incense wood?"

Seeing that Shi Dali was like this, the jack-of-all-trades mouth began to mumble again.

Only when he got to the back, his face was full of horror.

The four legendary strange fruits, this kid seems to have swallowed three, what is this?

Realized that this young man was extraordinary, so the jack of all trades no longer disturbed him, but also held his breath and watched Shi Dali play his life.

Because in a sense, as long as Shi Dali’s ideas are successfully implemented, not only will he be saved, but the jack of all trades will also be shining.

At this moment, two people are undoubtedly in the same boat. Whether they can go ashore depends on what will happen to Shi Dali?

Besides, on Teacher Shi's side, he finally felt regret when a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Too reckless!

Knowing how crazy this kind of thing was, he had made a choice without careful consideration before.

At this moment, the energy of the three aunts in his body became more and more crazy, and at the same time the energy in the stone platform was much stronger than before.

It was like a fight between two groups of soldiers. Originally, Shi Dali thought that each was a hundred people, and then let them consume it.

But who expected the war to really begin, only to realize that the situation was not what he imagined.

They are not one hundred each, but ten thousand each.

It seems that the number is still balanced, but this kind of fighting and consumption is carried out in Shi Dali's body.

Such words would simply kill him.

At this moment, Shi Dali was more painful than Wan Jian Chuan Xin, but he couldn't give up, because now he chose to give up, then there is no doubt that he will directly become fragments under the impact of two forces.

As a great teacher of the people, Teacher Shi has ideals.

"Hold on, hold on to the door of your heart, let your mind empty, don't control your body..."

Suddenly, the voice of know-it-all sounded.

These words, like a beacon in the night, lighted up Shi Dali's eyes.

Although it sounds ordinary, it actually found him a way out, a way out from the situation.

Immediately closing his eyes, Teacher Shi sat in peace, but his hands were still on the ground.

"There is no distraction in the heart, nothing is left in the empty mind, guarding the door of the heart and opening a hundred doors..."

The know-it-all voice continued, and the old man looked very calm and comfortable.

In fact, he had already seen the current situation of Shi Dali clearly, and he was quite sure how to guide him next.

This is the terrible thing about jack-of-all-trades.

Especially when you think about it, what does a character who can write the first book of the world do not know?

It's just that Shi Dali has no time to think about the jack-of-all-trades anymore. According to the old man, he has already begun to try to empty himself.

Such a process is not very complicated, especially when suffering great pain!

One minute, two minutes...

In this way, after almost half an hour, Shi Dali was completely silent.

His eyes were closed tightly, sweat slipped from his forehead, and his clothes were soaked in the end, but there was no time to wipe them.

"It's really interesting that there will be such a guy appearing? The energy of this Feng Shui array can actually be contended... Isn't it that I haven't been born in these years, people have not been like that?"

Keeping his eyes on Shi Dali, the Know-it-all is worried that something will happen, but the other side sighed.

There is no doubt that this is his heartfelt sigh.

Once the world's characters, as long as they can reach the top, will appear in his pen, so there is a feeling that everything is under his control.

But it seemed that it didn't take long for Shi Dali to be such a strange thing, and his mood was understandable.

"Boy, this looks like a disaster, but it's actually your good fortune. As for which step you can get, it depends on you."

Then, watching Shi Dali shook his head, then the know-it-all stopped speaking.

The next thing to do is to wait, but he can't relax, he must be ready to help at any time.

As for the so-called good fortune, he really understands it alone.

Otherwise, just wait for Shi Dali to wake up!


When the sun rose, the entire Qingya study was finally a little more vibrant than the night, at least the feeling of dispelling the dense fog was really good.

When Mo Yuqing and Charles came out, she walked in front and Charles walked behind.

The warrior who was quite proud and vowed before, is now cautious and frightened to walk a few steps!

The reason for this is naturally the experience of last night, which caused incurable trauma to Charles's heart.

And he has vowed that he will never come to participate in any adventure activities in this life.

Mo Yuqing didn't pay attention to him at all. After looking at the yard, her mood was extremely solemn.

Because Shi Dali never came back, no one knows where he went at this moment!



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