Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 904: Three women

"what happened?"

Feeling tight, Shi Dali stared at the screen and asked the uncle next to him.

"I don't know, maybe there is something wrong with the circuit, it's really weird, I will deal with it quickly."

Until now, I thought that Shi Dali was sent by the supervisor to inspect, so this uncle was also nervous. Normally, the monitoring was done well, but this kind of thing suddenly happened at such a critical juncture.

If someone is held accountable, he might lose his job.

In these days, nothing is more important than a job, so the uncle will leave as he speaks.

However, Shi Dali stopped him.

"Tell me first, where is this surveillance room?"

Shi Dali at the moment, his face is extremely solemn.

If it is other times, it is very common for a circuit problem to cause a monitoring problem, and even for other reasons, it is not rare at all.

But at such a juncture, suddenly there was a problem with monitoring.

What is in it is quite intriguing.

"This is... the electronic reading room! The east side of the second floor."

Hurry up, the uncle next to him said.

Electronic Reading Room?

At the same time, when Shi Dali heard this answer, his eyes lit up inexplicably, and then he became anxious.

Should have thought of it long ago!

As China's No. 1 hacker, Zibing Grape Fairy loves computers most.

In the entire library, the computer in the electronic reading room is the largest, and even the built-in computers are used in this area.

And now it just happens that there is a problem with the monitoring of this area, so there is a high probability that the killer has determined the target and then intends to do it.

Next, without giving the uncle next to him any reaction time, Shi vigorously walked out.

At the moment of death, Teacher Shi's heart flew out of his mouth.

The monitoring has been destroyed, maybe the killer will act in the next second.

Fortunately, the distance from the monitoring room to the electronic reading room is not very far. With Shi Dali sprinting with all his strength, that is, within twenty seconds, he has reached the door of the electronic reading room.


When he was so nervous, no matter where he could take care of other extras, Teacher Shi kicked the door open with one kick.

This huge sound surprised everyone in the reading room.

Almost highly unified, everyone raised their heads.

And among them, including the short-haired girl wearing headphones...

"Everyone pay attention. There is a problem with the circuit in our room, which may cause a huge danger. Now please everyone cooperate with me to stand up, immediately!"

A deep voice sounded, Shi Dali's eyes swept across everyone's faces almost instantly, and then the voice sounded.

Special times can only be treated in special ways.

Especially when it was determined that both the killer and the grape fairy were in this room, Shi Dali couldn't wait.

At this time, what he believed most was his own strength.

The area of ​​the entire house is not too big. At this moment, there are about forty people in total. Even if the killer chooses to act in the next moment, Shi Dali is sure to stop it directly.

Because these people are under his supervision, he is confident that he must be faster than the killer.

No one expected this to happen, but after a short pause, everyone still followed Shi Dali's words, muttering and hesitating to get up.

Although everyone is worried about the danger, most people are unwilling to believe it when the danger does not happen.

What's more, they were very nervous when they were busy with their own affairs. Now that they are interrupted like this, of course they are reluctant...If Shi Dali's momentum is not strong enough, it is estimated that someone will start to scold on the spot.

In this way, the scene in the reading room became tense.

Teacher Shi stood in place and began to look at these people in front of him more carefully.

An old man with glasses, next to a few thick books...a little fat man with ice cream and a red scarf with a blushing blush, next to the computer because of the earphones being pulled out, there is noisy game sound effects...a high school wearing a floral skirt Birth, biting bubble gum, blinking eyes...A middle-aged woman holding a certain brand computer in her arms...

After reading this round, Shi Dali identified three special people.

The ages of the three are almost between eighteen and thirty, and all of them are women.

As for the reason why Shi Dali can determine this goal, it's not that it's so special... it's just intuition!

A world-class hacker with a special name like Zibing Grape Fairy, then some things can actually be deduced.

And the three people he determined all fit the temperament of such a person.

As for the killer, he should be among the candidates excluded.

However, in Shi Dali's view, the difficulty of finding the killer should be more difficult than finding the Zibing Grape Fairy.

Because this killer from the Americas must have a very good camouflage ability, and today's action must have been carefully planned.

In this case, he may be anyone!

Therefore, Shi Dali wanted to determine the identity of the grape fairy first, otherwise he would not take the lead in focusing on these three women with special temperaments.

The first person has long hair and is very quiet, especially his hands are very white and slender, and he has all the constraints of being a hacker.

Because this person is the closest to Shi Dali, he was also the first to come to this woman.

"Do you know this person?"

While speaking, Shi Dali placed a prepared note in front of the woman and blocked the sight of others.

The words Zibing Grape Fairy were written on this piece of paper, which was prepared by Teacher Shi before, just thinking that you can test it if you encounter this situation.

Therefore, when asking this question, Shi Dali stared at the long-haired woman in front of him.

Human micro-expression is an instinctive reaction that is difficult to restrain, so if this woman is the hacker she is looking for, she will definitely make some special reactions when she sees this name.

However, it is a pity that this woman's reaction from beginning to end is very normal in Shi Dali's view.

"do not know."

Hearing this answer, Shi Dali took the note and nodded, then walked to the second woman.

It was also at this time that the man behind shouted.

"What the **** are you doing? Didn't it mean that there is a safety hazard? Why is it like an investigation?"



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