Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 913: Shameless

Compared with the enthusiasm before, the atmosphere at the moment has completely cooled down.

The hand that the ghost suddenly revealed, made everyone start weighing themselves seriously.

This is also true, so in the end everyone's inflated self-confidence disappeared.

"I think... I'll wait for my little brother."

Some helpless and disappointed, Wei Nan said after shaking his head lightly.

After stepping aside, he planned to call Shi Dali again to try, but in the end he dispelled the idea.

The reason for this is because he believes that Shi Dali must be doing this with all his strength.

So what he has to do now is to believe and wait. The extra questioning puts pressure on it, which Wei Nan doesn't want to see.


In fact, at this moment, Teacher Shi just followed the little fat girl back to their home.

As the door in front of him opened, Shi Dali was really taken aback.

It is hard to imagine that such old conditions can be seen in a fairly good neighborhood in Beijing.

That feeling is like being isolated from the world in a poor mountainous area.

"Very helpless, right? Now you know how terrible I am every day, right?"

Seeing Teacher Shi's expression, the little fairy immediately understood what he was sighing, and then said.


But then, there was already a Hongzhong-like voice inside.

He raised his head, and then Shi Dali saw a stout man in front of him.

Perhaps the term stout is not very suitable to describe, but at such a moment, this term is indeed the most suitable adjective Shi Dali can think of.

Also from this man, he understood why the legendary Zibing Grape Fairy would be a fat girl.

"Dad, this person wants to take me to fight for the country!"

She was quite upright, the little fairy looked at the man in front of her and said directly.

"Fight for the country?"

With his eyes widened, the man looked directly at Shi Dali.

In any case, he is a man who has experienced many battles, but because of this look, Teacher Shi's heart is a little nervous.

He now feels like he is a weirdo to coax the little girl, and then he was taken home to see the parents.

"Hello, this is Shi Dali, may I ask you...what is your last name?"

After brewing a little emotion, Shi Dali looked at the kind father and asked.

"My name is Chen Yaojin, who are you?"

The voice of Hong Zhong still sounded, and the man stretched out his hand to pull the little fairy behind him, watching Shi Dali's eyes full of alert.

"Hello, hello, my name is Shi Dali and I am a teacher at Beijing University!"

At this time, I was definitely looking for a name that was more capable of bluffing, so I thought about going to Shi Dali and felt that the status of a teacher at Beijing University should be good.

Don't tell me, his answer surprised Chen Yaojin.

"real or fake?"

"Of course it is true. My brother is Dean Wu Yuqiang of Beijing University. It's a fake replacement."

The atmosphere seemed not as tense as before, so Shi Dali's face also showed a smile.

"Then why are you coming to our house? Looking for my daughter... to fight?"

Looking around, Chen Yaojin was obviously a little puzzled.

"Can we talk in advance?"

Standing at the door is not appropriate, so Teacher Shi asked immediately.

This time, Chen Yaojin didn't stop him, so he let him in.

After sitting down, Shi Dali sorted out his thoughts, and then began to speak out.

"Yes, you should know that your daughter has a superhuman talent in the Internet?"

"Blindly playing on the computer is indeed very good, otherwise our family would not be like this."

After receiving Shi Dali's words, Chen Yaojin said.

After these words, Fairy Grape spread his hands vigorously at Shi, and the helpless look came out again.

"It's not just playing with computers, it's really talented! Let me tell you straight, now the entire Huaxia is facing external provocations, and the other party has sent a strong line of hackers. Only your daughter can save us and save China!"

Seriously, Shi Dali wanted to persuade again.

However, after he finished speaking, Chen Yaojin, who was opposite, vigorously looked at Shi again.

"Are you really a teacher at Beijing University?"

"Yes indeed!"

"You are crazy, are you? Huaxia is so awesome... Waiting for my daughter to save? What's the joke? I think you are a liar!"

Following behind, the eldest brother yelled, and he planned to drive Shi Dali out.

Teacher Shi looked at Fairy Grape subconsciously, wondering if she could help to say something, only to find that this little fat girl had an honest face and didn't mean to scream at all.

In fact, this is why Shi Dali did not understand the situation.

Regarding the matter of working for her parents, the little fairy has tried many times, and even said that she has thought about the way she should think, and she has said everything she should say.

However, nothing is used!

Therefore, she is still honestly silent at this time, at least the chicken leg that night will not be cancelled.

"Don't worry, so... I heard that you want your daughter to be a great chef?"

When he waved his hand, Shi Dali planned to find another way.

Anyway, at this moment, he must find a way, no matter what... his idea is to take the little fairy away.

"You all know this? The homework is pretty good, what's the matter? What do you want to say? Is it possible that you can train my daughter into a high-star chef?"

With a grin, Chen Yaojin was very happy.

"Brother, if you want to say this, then I will have a showdown with you. In fact, I am a special chef, the only special chef in China!"

When he waved his head, Shi Dali told his true identity.

As a disciple of a generation of God of Cooking, Teacher Shi really has this honor, because the badge of that special chef is here.

Then Chen Yaojin stayed for a while, even the fat girl next to him stayed for a while.

"Daughter, does this person have a face?"

Looking back at his daughter, Chen Yaojin asked.


Definitely, the grape fairy agreed with her father's opinion.

It's just these words that made Teacher Shi a little depressed, and the eyes of the little girl were hesitant.

At the same time, the little fairy shook her head, again expressing helplessness.

She wanted to help Shi Dali say something, but this guy... bragging about himself as a super chef?

This is really shameless!

Especially in a family like theirs, so I quite understand the meaning of super chefs.

Shi Dali said that he is a super chef, rather than saying that he is the head of America.

In contrast, the latter seems to be more credible!



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