Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 942: Big head doll

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His words obviously gave Yi Hong an inspiration, and it made Old Man Yi's expression quick and solemn.


"What are you talking about?"

Shi Dali couldn't help asking, looking at them eagerly, but didn't understand the reason.

After a brief pause, he handed the cold medicine into Shi Dali's hands again, and then Yi Hong slowly said out.

"This time we went deep into many medical schools and pharmaceutical factories, in order to understand the evil deeds of Chun Cao Tang over the years, and at the same time unite these people to fight against Chun Cao Tang! It was in this process that we learned about Chun Cao Tang. An unknown action!"

Sure enough, Yi Hong immediately raised Shi Dali's interest at the beginning.

According to his understanding, Chuncaotang and Sun’s Exchange are all closely related to the Eighth Day Research Institute, so any clues about them are vital to the fight against the Eighth Day Research Institute. effect.

"What action?"

"Over the years, with the continuous expansion of Chuncaotang, on the one hand, they have continuously penetrated into the hermits and medical families through special drugs, and on the other hand, they have transferred some mysterious drugs from foreign research institutes to China. , And then conducted a drug experiment quietly. Although it was said to be under the banner of Chun Cao Tang, it was actually a fake drug without a certificate at all, and the sales area was also some small shops and remote areas. If I am not wrong, , The cold medicine in front of you is one of them!"

Obviously after a lot of investigation, that's why Old Man Yi gave a conclusion so sure.

When Shi Dali heard this, his fists clenched in anger.

It's like a beast!

Selling out one's own country and compatriots for profit, this kind of practice is simply a waste of human life, the crime deserves death!

"Don't they worry about these things being found out?"

Hearing this, the poisonous insects couldn't help asking.

Even if he was a sly, he knew that at least this river and lake belonged to China, so he was equally angry.

"Check it out? You see, this medicine doesn't have any batch number at all. It is clearly a fake medicine! As long as it is found out, they only say that some small workshops use Chuncaotang's reputation to make fake medicines, and then launch a few small characters. ..."

Shaking his head, Yi Hong was also very angry, but he was helpless about this kind of thing.

"So what are these drugs for? What are they doing?"

Taking a deep breath, Shi made great efforts to adjust his emotions. It is understandable to say that any pharmaceutical company is experimenting with new drugs.

However, it seems that Chun Caotang used such shameful means to achieve their goals, it really makes people's backs chill... Especially these medicines, what are they doing?

"I don't know. According to our understanding, there is a special organization in Chuncaotang that is responsible for the experimental work of these drugs. Only they should know the specific situation."

Yi Hong continued to speak out. He originally planned to talk to Shi Dali about the results of their investigations during this period of time, but now he just happened to have such an opportunity to speak out.

"That's it! But... if Hu Si really eliminated the effect of the mother-in-law water because of this medicine, it would be a good thing for us."

Looking back at Hu Si, Shi Dali also felt strange.

No one could predict things in the world. If you want to come to Chun Caotang, you would never expect that the cold medicine they used for experimentation would actually solve the trouble of the mother-in-law water by accidentally hitting it.

That being said, even Shi Dali must thank them.

"It is still not certain that it is the effect of this kind of cold medicine, but right now there are just a few people who can experiment, which is not bad."

Yi Hong also nodded, and then turned to attract wind to them. was originally standing aside, listening to a few people in a daze, but this moment was an exciting moment.

Obviously, they are going to treat them as guinea pigs.

"You can't do this..."

Swallowing, Zhao Feng's ears screamed and wanted to talk harder.

But the poisonous insect came over with a smile.

"Think about it clearly, are you planning to be a guinea pig? Or are a baby?"

This sentence, but frightened Fengfeng's ears were bloodless.

Especially after thinking about it a little bit, compared to the great thing of giving birth, it's better to be a little guinea pig.

So, he also forced a smile.

"Let's be the experiment."

In this way, Ren Haoran took Hu Si away from here, and went out late at night to find the pharmacy in his mouth. The purpose was naturally to get more so-called special cold medicine back.

As for the empty Erdan, he took a little cold medicine left by Hu Si, muttered in his mouth and entered the laboratory.

Shi Dali and Yi Hong didn't know what he was going for.

However, originally empty Erdan is a relatively special character, he has his own plan if he wants to come, so it would be better not to interfere with him.

In this way, everyone fell into a quiet wait.

It was during this waiting process that Shi Dali noticed a few other things wrapped in the box except for the statue of Niaka.

"What are these?"

Looking at Zhaofenger naturally, Shi Dali asked aloud.

Thinking about this problem, the wind ear should be the clearest.

"These are all things that the boss of Beasley asked us to get from Huaxia. We don't know exactly what they are, because other teams are responsible for a few other things. We are only responsible for taking them away from Huaxia together."

At this time, Zhao Feng Er didn't dare to hide anything, so he said quickly.


When he said this, Shi Dali became more curious, so he got up and opened the contents of the box.

As a result, following behind, Teacher Shi was taken aback.

Even the sleepy black beard and the poisonous insects all gathered together, and then stared at the contents of the box.

There is no doubt that it should be the skull, the skull of a few people!

Originally, the skull was nothing special. Everyone is an adult, so I shouldn't be surprised.

But the skulls in front of them are different from any ordinary skulls they have seen. Simply put... these skulls are very big, almost a circle bigger than normal people!

In other places, it is no different from normal people.

"What is this? The big head doll left behind?"

Looking at the front blankly, the poisonous insect couldn't help asking, then reached out and knocked.


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