Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 949: what happened

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"I am, what is going on here?"

Immediately speaking, Shi Dali was indeed surprised by this scene, and at the same time the unpleasant feeling in his heart became stronger.

"These cars are caused by your friend Chen Shuke. Four hours ago, she drove a black off-road vehicle and clashed with a group of people here. Then, in order to escape the scene, she drove the off-road vehicle into a rampage. It was hit by her like this."

Staring at Shi Dali, the members of the security team were very careful. While repeating the previous situation, they kept their eyes on Shi Dali, for fear of something strange on his side.

And Teacher Shi, it seemed once again that a basin of cold water was poured over his head.

It's incredible, it's like a joke!

Shi Dali knew what kind of woman Principal Chen was better than others.

Even if she was more serious in her daily life, she would definitely not be the one who did this kind of thing, especially when she had a conflict with a group of people and fled the scene?

What is going on here? Could it be that someone threatened her safety?

Thinking of this, Shi Dali suddenly became anxious again.

"Are you really sure that that person is Chen Shuke? So now? Where is she?"

"We don't know where she is now. If we know, we won't notify you to come and assist in the investigation! As for whether the person who caused the accident is your friend Chen Shuke, please come and check this surveillance video. I know."

The security team on the opposite side was a little helpless, and then took the initiative to signal Shi Dali to follow him.

At this moment, Shi Dali would definitely break in without hesitation, even if it was a sea of ​​flames.

It was so, so he immediately followed.

Finally leaning against a car next to him, surrounded by several security team members, he saw the relevant surveillance video before.

At the beginning of the picture, this fork in the road seemed very normal, with cars coming and going, everything was very orderly, without any confusion.

"See? It's this black off-road vehicle. Now I will enlarge the image a bit. You can tell if this is your friend Chen Shuke."

Suddenly, the video was paused, and then the security team said.

Nodded, Shi Dali's eyes condensed, and he looked at the picture attentively. He didn't need them to remind him. At this time, he would definitely not be sloppy.

Then, Teacher Shi's face changed.

Although the picture could not be said to be so clear, relying on his familiarity with Chen Shuke, Shi Dali immediately determined that the woman in the off-road vehicle was indeed Chen Shuke!

But why did he never remember that Chen Shuke had such a car?

Besides, what is she doing here?

If judging from the area, this is already around the East Sixth Ring Road in Beijing.

However, both the Liberal Arts School and Shilili’s villa are in the north, so this area should be completely unfamiliar to her.

"Is she Chen Shuke?"

"It should be correct."

After a simple question and answer, the screen continues to play.

But everything that followed really made Shi Dali hold his breath, and even cold sweat came out.

Seeing that Chen Shuke's off-road vehicle was about to cross the intersection, several black cars suddenly chased up from behind, and then stopped directly in front of Chen Shuke's car.

In desperation, the off-road vehicle stopped, and then Chen Shu could get off from above.

Following closely behind, a dozen big men rushed out of those cars, and rushed toward Chen Shuke aggressively. Seeing this scene, Shi Dali clenched his fists unconsciously.

Although everything is over, he can still feel the helplessness of Principal Chen at the time.

He had no intention of wondering why this happened, he was just worried about how Chen Shuke would survive such a difficult situation.

In the next moment, Chen Shuke unexpectedly greeted him.


It was just a face-to-face, but she could clearly see that she broke the arm of a big man, and then moved very sharply, directly rushing towards the second person with an extremely fast speed.

Originally in Shi Dali's imagination, Chen Shuke should be captured by these people.

But the real situation is that within a few minutes, these big guys were overthrown by Chen Shuke.

Staring straight at what happened in the video, Shi Dali felt completely confused.

He can be sure that this woman is really Chen Shuke, but... how could President Chen have such strength?

Simply put, this kind of skill is already considered a master!

Could it be that... this is someone using a mask to disguise?

In any case, I have also seen the side-by-side disguise of Hokkaido, so this is the most reasonable explanation Shi Dali can think of.

Of course, all the speculation was in his mind, Shi Dali didn't say anything, just continued to watch the surveillance video.

In the screen, as Chen Shuke eliminated all the chasers, she also got on her black off-road vehicle again.

Everything that follows should have been a logical departure.

After all, there are no chasing soldiers, and Chen Shu naturally doesn't have to worry or worry about anything.

However, this is not the case!

If Shi Dali was surprised by Chen Shuke's explosive strength to bring down these pursuers, then the latter situation was even more beyond his imagination.

The off-road vehicle that was supposed to leave quietly from the intersection suddenly lost control.

That's right, it really is!

Without warning, the car suddenly turned around and then ran into a rampage.

Such an intersection is originally a traffic jam area, so there are many cars.

No one would have thought that this kind of thing would happen. Everyone just watched the black off-road vehicle crashing around like crazy!

In the end, after turning the scene into a mess, the car drove to the east and disappeared directly into the surveillance screen.


Until the video was turned off, Shi Dali still had no fluctuations in his eyes.

What happened today really gave him a huge shock.

He couldn't understand everything, as if things that shouldn't have happened happened, and they happened to someone who should never be.

"Shi Dali? Are you sure this person is Chen Shu, right? So now we need your help. Please tell us, where is Chen Shu?"

The voices of the security team members sounded, and the eyes of several people were all focused on Shi Dali's body.

For them, Shi Dali has become a breakthrough point in the case.

On the other hand, Mr. Shi is in a state of confusion, and his mind is full of thoughts.

What is going on...


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