Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 972: What about long braids

In fact, Long Braid did not expect that in the icy sky, the eagle and a group of brothers suddenly thought of him.

"Where's that... long braid?"

Suddenly someone asked such a question, and then the big guy subconsciously began to search among the crowd.

In the end, everyone reached an agreement and the long braid did not appear here.

After looking at each other for a long time, the head eagle finally spoke out the doubt in his heart.

"If...I remember correctly, he should be the first to write his name on the card, right?"

The trembling voice sounded, and the eagle had become a little numb with cold now.

If it weren't for their crowds, they had just avoided the polar bears for a while, and they might have been cold enough to lose consciousness.

"I also remember that he was the first to write his name... But what about the others?"

There was another voice, and the tone was already angry.

"This bastard, he must have deliberately led us to the bait, and then he didn't write the name on it!"

The eagle shouted, with an indescribable collapse in his hoarse.

Especially his voice spread in the ice field, there is a kind of inexplicable desolation and despair.

"Boss, call that gentleman again."

Then, another brother suddenly said.

His words made the big guy's eyes light up.

Almost everyone has tried it just now, and their phones are all paralyzed. It seems that only the phone of the Eagle can be used normally. In addition, Mr. Zheng seems to have promised to rescue them before, so this is the last hope of everyone Up.

"Okay, I'll make another call."

The eagle also nodded, and then dialed the number in the eyes of the brothers.

"Hello, the phone you dialed is turned off..."

Then, a voice without any emotion sounded, making the eagle's heart like an ice cellar.

"Why is it turned off? Has someone been sent to rescue us?"

"It should be, the boss said this gentleman is very reliable."


"I feel... as if we were blocked by others."

The discussion stopped abruptly because of this sentence!

The head eagle also stood in place, completely at a loss. Although he was very reluctant to admit it, he also felt that...the truth of the matter is likely to be like this. People have blocked himself.

"Boss, call the braid again."

Immediately, someone came up with an idea.

This raised everyone's interest again, and then Tou Ying dialed the braided call.


"Long braid, what the **** is going on?"

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been out of power and the electricity bill is being paid. Please call again later..."

"Less outfit, long braids, give me an explanation!"

"I don't know who you are, what can I explain to you? Goodbye..."

Toot toot...


God knew that the eagle was so angry that he raised his hand and broke the phone.

The brothers watched this scene happen, and they were all dumbfounded.

Now staying in such a ghost place, the only hope seems to be this phone, but in the end he was dropped?

Under the gaze of everyone, the eagle suddenly reacted, and then smiled awkwardly.

"Somewhat impulsive..."

Then, there was silence, and obviously the big guy was reluctant to speak.

However, it may be truly an infinite road. Suddenly, a huge ice boat appeared in front of the head eagles.

On the ice boat, a large flag hung.

If Shi Dali were here, he would definitely recognize that the pattern on this banner was the logo of the Eighth Day Institute...

"Brothers, go! Take this ship over, and we can survive!"

At this time, the head eagle was completely excited and directly shouted.

The band of bandits who had been desperate were also very excited at this moment, and immediately followed behind the eagle and began to rush towards the ice ship.

But at this moment, the people on the ice boat could not think that an absolutely unexpected trouble had already come!


In the mountain stream, a group of passengers were all alighted from the plane at this time.

Seeing the ruins and the basically scrapped airplanes in front of them, everyone knew what a terrible life and death crisis they had experienced.

This is also true, so they are full of gratitude to Yan Yan girl.

If it weren't for her, no one would have survived.

The Ma Wuyi gang are also very excited and excited, and full of pride. After all, Yanyan belongs to them, so this kind of glory can also be transferred to them.

It's just words but understanding, the real key person is Shi Dali.

Compared to the plane landing, these bandits of the Black Hawk regiment are the most terrifying.

But now, without anyone knowing, Shi Dali solved these bandits, and no one even knew where they went.

Such abilities and methods are really incredible.

As for the teacher Shi at the moment, he is learning about the phone call with Long Braid.

"Are you sure that the call is really from the eagle?"

After listening, Shi Dali was very shocked.

After sending away the eagle gang through his pocket, he has been wondering where these bandits have gone.

But the pocket **** is unfathomable, and God knows what choice it will make.

Even Yu Shi Dali wondered, is it possible that the Eagles and the gang were sent to another world?

But now it seems that they should still be on Earth, otherwise the call will not get through.

So, where are they?

To tell the truth, Shi Dali wanted to know the answer to this question very much.

Because in the days to come, the Pocket Great God will definitely continue to upgrade, and there will be more magical means that will be revealed. If he can master it a little bit, it will be much easier to do things.

But it was a pity that when I dialed back the head eagle's phone, it was already turned off, and I don't know what the reason was.

"You follow me in the future, if the eagle calls again, tell me immediately!"

He sighed helplessly, then Shi Dali looked at the braid and said.

Hearing this, Long Braid was taken aback.

He really didn't want to follow Shi Dali, although he didn't say it, but Shi Dali's ability to send the head eagles away before really frightened him.

Therefore, it is completely conceivable that with such a dangerous element, God knows what will happen in the future.

Long braid just wants to be a gangster who eats meat and drinks, but doesn't want to live in the shadow of such a terrible figure for the rest of his life.

However, Shi Dali turned around and left without giving him a chance to refute.

Standing in place, after pondering for a moment, the braid cursed.

"Fuck it!"



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