Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 987: drop out

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Everyone can see that Bao Daya chose to believe in Shi Dali at this time, but for Ma Wu it was the opposite.

For scholars and experts like Ma Wu, this is almost like a slap in the face, so he doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Hahaha, why is Teacher Ma Wu leaving now? Don't you plan to see the sale of that thing with your own eyes?"

Yan Wushuang may be the happiest person, not only because Bao Daya chose to quit is equivalent to giving up Antique to himself, but more importantly, in such a confrontation, he directly defeated Ma Wu.

"Keep it for yourself."

However, Ma Wutou did not turn back and retreated directly into the crowd.

If it hadn't been for Yanyan girl to stop him in time, it is estimated that the old man would have left.

Rao is so, but staring at Shi Dali with a cold expression.

Obviously, he focused all his problems on Shi Dali's body.

If it were not for Shi Dali, Bao Daya would definitely choose to believe in himself, and he would not be as embarrassed as he is today.

"Huh, it's unreasonable!"

The face of the Chinese character also snorted coldly like Ma Wu, and then retreated to his teacher's side, as if their entire team were about to break with Bao Daya.

As for Boss Bao, he was rather calm.

This is his ability. Now that he has made such a decision, Ma Wu's anger is in his expectation.

So ignoring the rage of these people, he just looked at Shi Dali.

"Wait a minute."

Teacher Shi just whispered such a sentence, and then withdrew from the field together with Bao Daya.

So, the man with glasses looked directly at Yan Wushuang and Da Nose.

"How many gentlemen? Are you willing to take my suitcase away with nine million? So many people are can't be shameless!"

Obviously, the man with glasses was still worried about this, his eyes were also very nervous.

For him, it doesn't matter who takes the things away, the important thing is to give the money.

"Of course, we will never lie to people, and give money now."

Yan Wushuang was very happy, the feeling of invigoration almost seemed to come out from every pore of his body.

The big nose is also very happy, people have started to pay, so in full view, the nine million transaction was completed.

"What's in this box?"

Seeing the completion of the transaction, Yan Wushuang was about to leave with his things, and suddenly a voice of extreme unwillingness sounded.

Everyone turned their heads back because of this voice, and then saw that the stall owner Tosa looked desperate.

"Yes, what's the good thing in it? Tell everyone about it!"

"Yes, talk!"

"So many people are watching, please open our eyes."

Following Tosa's utterance, he immediately yelled from all directions. The so-called big guys are curious, especially when facing such a thing, so it is inevitable that they are eager to understand.

After doing this, a smile appeared on the corners of Yan Wu's mouth. This feeling that everyone is drunk and I am alone is really quite good, especially when the mystery of that thing will be revealed in front of everyone. He slapped Ma Wu in the face severely, so after trying to understand this, he whispered a few words to Big Nose.

Then Yan Wushuang squatted beside the box.

"Since everyone wants to know, then I will talk to you... see this thing?"

While speaking, Yan Wushuang reached out and took out a black crock from the box.

To say that this earthen jar is really nothing special, if there is... it is put together with such a pile of antiques, it looks quite weird, because no matter from the color or the material, this thing They should all be modern.

"What's wrong with this thing?"

"Yeah, tell us quickly."

Everyone's eyes were staring straight at the earthen jar, and their mouths urged to ask.

Yan Wushuang didn't rush, then turned the earthen jar over, and after it was buckled on the ground, he took out a big magnifying glass from one side.

The next thing was quite magical. As Yan Wushuang used a magnifying glass to concentrate the sun's temperature on the earthen jar, within a few minutes, a crack began to appear on the earthen jar.

In all directions, he held his breath now.

It seems that this earthen jar was burnt by the high temperature, but the big guys understand that things are definitely not that simple. Otherwise, nine million bought such a casually burnt item. It is estimated that Yan Wushuang will be destroyed by the next big guy. Ravaged the nose to death, right?

Sure enough, Yan Wushuang didn't mean to panic when looking at the denser cracks, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter and brighter.


In the end, with such a sound, everyone saw that the earthen jar was completely cracked.

But after cracking, it exposed another thing inside.

"Oh my God!"

"This is a different world!"

"Good eyesight, good eyesight!"

The crowd immediately exclaimed, and everyone felt incredible. After all, no one had seen anything special about this crock from the outside.

As for the contents of the earthen jar, Yan Wushuang's movements were very fast, and there was no time for other people to react at all. He had put away the things.

Although the people around said they felt regretful, they all understood that they had spent so much money to show them that this scene was already pretty good, and the contents inside would definitely not be exposed.

But one thing is certain, that thing is absolutely valuable!

Because using such a complicated technique to hide something, you can understand with a little thought, if it's just an ordinary object, would it be so troublesome?

"Teacher Ma Wu, thank you very much. If you didn't take the initiative to quit, this thing must be yours."

Still smiling, Yan Wushuang said to Ma Wu.

Ma Wu, who had a very ugly face, seemed to be stuck in his heart with a knife, and closed his eyes short of breath.

He had already thought about it in his heart. If Bao Daya couldn't give him a reasonable explanation later, he would just part ways with others.

This kind of anger doesn't matter!

Bao Daya also glanced at Shi Dali, but at this time Teacher Shi was still very calm, as if completely indifferent to this scene.

"Okay, today's luck is good... If you say that the pottery figurines in this box are fakes, the others are pretty good, thank you brother."

Finally speaking, Yan Wushuang patted the man with glasses on the shoulder.

At the same time, before people put the box away, he reached out to take out the pottery figurines from the inside, and then threw it out.


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