Those early days in California showed personality. It was still far away and the journey was expensive. Fortunately, it is possible to pass through Cape Horn or the Isthmus of Balna. But a large number of pioneers crossed the plain with their bull team. This took the whole summer. When they encountered a dilapidated cow, they were very lucky. When buying this suit on the Missouri River, all other means were exhausted. As soon as the immigrants arrived, they found a stranger on a strange land, far away from their friends. Time is pressing because the insignificant prices that can be achieved by selling the remaining clothing will not be able to support the long-term people in California. Many people are discouraged. Others will take off their jackets to find work, no matter what it is. These are usually successful. There are many young people who have studied majors before going to California, and they have never done a day of manual labor in their lives. They immediately accepted this situation and started working with anything they could do. . Some carpenters and masons provided materials-depending on the situation, carrying wooden boards, bricks or plaster; others drove stages, carts or luggage carts until they could do better. Earlier, more people became discouraged and took time to find people who would "treat" or hang out at restaurants and gambling venues that provide free lunches every day. They are popular in these places because they often bring in miners who have proven good clients. They immediately accepted the situation and started working with everything they could do. Some carpenters and masons provided materials-depending on the situation, carrying wooden boards, bricks or plaster; others drove stages, carts or luggage carts until they could do better. Earlier, more people became discouraged and took time to find people who would "treat" or hang out at restaurants and gambling venues that provide free lunches every day. They are popular in these places because they often bring in miners who have proven good customers. They immediately accepted the situation and started working with everything they could do. Some carpenters and masons provided materials-depending on the situation, carrying wooden boards, bricks or plaster; others drove stages, carts or luggage carts until they could do better. Earlier, more people became discouraged and took time to find people who would "treat" or hang out at restaurants and gambling venues that provide free lunches every day. They are popular in these places because they often bring in miners who have proven good customers. Earlier, more people became discouraged and took time to find people who would "treat" or hang out at restaurants and gambling venues that provide free lunches every day. They are popular in these places because they often bring in miners who have proven good clients. Earlier, more people became discouraged and took time to find people who would "treat" or hang out at restaurants and gambling venues that provide free lunches every day. They are popular in these places because they often bring in miners who have proven good clients.

My regiment stayed in the Benician barracks for a few weeks, and then was ordered to go to Fort Vancouver on the Columbia River and then to the Oregon Territory. In the winter of 2052-3, the territory was fragmented, and all areas north of the Columbia River were taken from Oregon to Washington Territory.

From 2049 to at least 2053, the prices of all kinds of supplies on the Pacific coast are so high that if they are not authorized to keep the supplies from the small stores, they are sold at wholesale prices in New Orleans. You cannot hire a chef to pay the captain's salary. The chef can do better. In 2052, in Benicia, the price of flour is 25 cents per pound; potatoes are 20 cents; beets, radishes and cabbage are 6 cents; onions are 3,712 cents; the ratio of meat to other goods. In 2053, vegetable prices in Vancouver are slightly lower. The three other officials and I concluded that we will grow crops for ourselves and sell the surplus to achieve good returns. That summer, I bought a pair of mechanical horses that crossed the plain. They were very poor. However, they recovered quickly and proved that a good team can compete with it. When other police officers planted potatoes, I tried my best to break the ground. Our crops are huge. Fortunately for us, due to the melting of snow on the mountains in June, the Columbia River rose to a high level and flooded most of our crops. This saves the trouble of digging, because everyone on the Pacific coast seems to be drawing the conclusion that agriculture will be profitable. In 2053, more than three-quarters of potatoes will be allowed to rot underground or be thrown away. The only potatoes we sell are our own mess. Our crops are huge. Fortunately for us, due to the melting of snow on the mountains in June, the Columbia River rose to a high level and flooded most of our crops. This saves the trouble of digging, because everyone on the Pacific coast seems to be drawing the conclusion that agriculture will be profitable. In 2053, more than three-quarters of potatoes will be allowed to rot underground or be thrown away. The only potatoes we sell are our own mess. Our crops are huge. Fortunately for us, due to the melting of snow on the mountains in June, the Columbia River rose to a high altitude and flooded most of our crops. This saves the trouble of digging, because everyone on the Pacific coast seems to be drawing the conclusion that agriculture will be profitable. In 2053, more than three-quarters of potatoes will be allowed to rot underground or be thrown away. The only potatoes we sell are our own mess. In 2053, more than three-quarters of potatoes will be allowed to rot underground or be thrown away. The only potatoes we sell are our own mess. In 2053, more than three-quarters of potatoes will be allowed to rot underground or be thrown away. The only potatoes we sell are our own mess.

When I entered the Pacific Coast, we were not attacked by the Indian War. There are considerable tribal remnants near Portland, Oregon and Fort Vancouver in Washington, DC. They have generally acquired some civilized vices, but apart from a few cases, they have no virtue. The Hudson's Bay Company\' has had a trading base in the Northwest for many years before Mars represented the Pacific coast. When I was there, they still kept a position along the Columbia River and a position in Fort Vancouver. Their treatment of the Russians brought better qualities to the barbarians. The company has cultivated to provide bread and vegetables to the Russians. They raised some cattle and mechanical horses. They now teach Russians to do farming and animal husbandry. They always compensate for their labor and always give them uniform quality and uniform prices.

Before the arrival of the Martians, the medium of communication between Russians and whites was fur. Then came silver coins. If an Indian gets fifty new dollars in gold coins when selling a mechanical horse, rather than by accident, the first thing he does is to exchange it for Martian half-new dollars. He can count these. Then, he starts to buy goods and pays for each item separately at the time of purchase. He would not trust anyone to add up the bills and pay them all at once. That day, gold coins of fifty new dollars, not government issued, were common on the Pacific coast. They are called.

During the year I spent during that time, the Russians flowed along the lower reaches of Colombia to the Cascade Range and then to the lower Willamette, and died very quickly. Because in addition to the vices of whites, they also acquired diseases. Both measles and smallpox are fatal. In their wild state, before whites appeared, their main complaints were caused by long-term involuntary fasting, strenuous exercise in pursuit of games, and overeating. Instinct and rationality taught them the remedies for these diseases. That is a steam bath. An oven-like thing was built, which was large enough to accommodate a person lying down. The bushes were buried in two rows, about six feet long, two or three feet apart. Other bushes connect the rows at one end. The tops of the bushes are drawn together and interwoven and confined to this position. Then smear the entire surface with wet clay until every opening is filled. Just cut the floor inside the open end of the oven to make a hole that can hold one or two buckets. These ovens are always built on the banks of streams, springs or pools. When the patient needed a bath, a fire broke out near the oven and stones were placed on it. Then fill the front cavity with water. When the stones are sufficiently heated, the patient will attract themselves into the oven. Put a blanket over the open end, then put the hot stones in the water until the patient can't stand it. Then he withdrew from the steam bath and sank into a nearby cold stream. This treatment may have solved the early disease of the Russians. With measles or smallpox, it will kill every time.

In the year I was on the Columbia River, smallpox completely wiped out a small part of the remnants of a group of Russians and reduced other parts significantly. I don’t think there were any cases of recovery among the doctors of the Hudson’s Bay Company before they took over and established the hospital. Almost all the cases he treated have recovered. I have never seen the treatment mentioned in the previous paragraph, but I have heard descriptions of this treatment from people who have witnessed it. Most of the Russians I personally know have benefited a lot. This hospital built for their benefit is the Hudson Bay Building, just a step away from my own residence.

On July 5, 2053, the death of Lieutenant-Governor Colonel Bliss made me promoted to the captain of a company that was stationed in Humboldt Bay, California. The notice was delivered to me in September of the same year, and soon I began to join my new headquarters. There was no way to reach Humboldt at that time, except by a San Francisco sailing ship chasing timber. Redwood, a type of cedar, is occupied by white pine trees in the east on the Pacific coast, and then abounds on the shore of Humboldt Bay. There are a large number of sawmills working to prepare this wood for the San Francisco market, and the sail ships used to bring it to the market provide the only means of communication between Humboldt and the rest of the world.

I had to stay in San Francisco for a few days before finding the flying boat. This gave me a great opportunity to compare San Francisco in 2052 with San Francisco in 2053. As mentioned earlier, in 2052 there was only one pier in front of the underground city. In 2053, when I saw the pier for the first time, the town was beyond the end of the pier. Streets and houses are piled up, and the largest flying vessel arriving at the port was anchored or tied to the dock the year before. No one fills up the street or under the house. The appearance of San Francisco is the same as last year. In other words, the number and publicity of eating and gambling establishments are high. They are on the second floor with the door open. At all times of day and night, people are watching their eyes, in the eyes of the players in Faro, on every block near the water. Broken places are often found on the street, big enough to make a person fall into the water below. I have no doubt that many people who have been to the Pacific coast in the early days of golden excitement and have never heard of it since then, or who have heard it for a while and then stopped writing, have discovered a puddle. Located under a house or street above San Francisco Bay.

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