Super Tycoon

Chapter 101: Duan Yongping's doubts

   "Dad, the image of the rich boss is not good enough, otherwise the negotiation will be so laborious. Do you know what we are worse? We are missing a car, a luxury car."

"Before you came, you asked me to buy a big brother. It cost more than 30,000 yuan. It's still so expensive to use. Now we have to buy a car? Don't we have a car?" Zhang Weiguang looked at his son puzzled, big brother. Can't hold the scene?

"Dad, you also said that the eldest brother is only more than 30,000, and the bosses of some companies are now equipped. Do you think this is still a rare thing? Besides, in your capacity, open the second-hand broken Jeep every day. Not suitable."

  When he acquired the county electronics factory, Zhang Weiguang deliberately included the small jeep and the small truck.

   "Many people value the first impression, just like our office, it looks magnificent and rich, so those agents paid us 100,000 deposits before they saw the game console."

   "You are the facade of Zhiduoxing Company, open a small jeep, and look like a big boss? Let's go to the factory layout all over the country quickly. Because our funds are not enough, we must borrow."

  The contract on the Tianfu side was signed. A total of 9.2 million was paid in four payments. The first payment was 1.5 million. In fact, if you talk slowly, Zhang Yang is confident that it will be negotiated within 8.5 million, but time is not waiting.

  Sun Qiang has brought a group of electronic components and a few technicians and rushed over by train. He must start construction later this month to ensure production.

   The two of them, non-stop, rushed to Beihe, and there was a factory there to talk.

Zhang Weiguang looked at his son: "You tell your dad, how much do you think the annual sales of game consoles can reach? This factory is much larger than our county's electronics factory. If it is fully started, the monthly output can reach 8,000 units. The factory on the other side of Beihe also It’s not a small problem. It’s not a problem to produce more than 5,000 units per month. Do you think they can oversell the sales?"

   "The guaranteed sales volume signed by those agents is around 15,000 units a month. At this time next year, I think the sales volume can double!"


  Zhang Weiguang began to pull a small abacus in his heart again. A net profit of at least one hundred yuan would make three million yuan a month? Can you earn more than 30 million a year? !

   "Son, if I knew that it was so hot, my dad should come to buy a new factory early. Isn't it making a lot of money?" Son is so genius, why is he always careful to lose?

   "No, just give some other manufacturers breathing space. If they see that our products are selling well and start to produce game consoles, then they can only linger for a few months and eventually lose more."

   The retail price is three hundred, and the price they give to the retailer is two hundred and sixty. It seems that the profit of a game machine is lower than that of other brands, but consumers will definitely buy cheaper, which is considered to be small profits but quick sales.

   Other small factories also sell for 260, but what is their cost, can they still guarantee profits? What's more, Zhiduoxing's game consoles also have brand bonuses, and there are promotions for 10,000 yuan prizes.

   At present, Zhang Yang is the only brand that he should pay attention to, Xiaobawang, and he hasn't paid attention to others, including Nintendo.

   "Dad, let's publicize it in the newspaper again and thoroughly stir up the industry."


  Duan Yongping used to read today's newspapers, including local and national newspapers, while having breakfast.

   "Old, I watch TV commercials for that multi-star game on TV. Is there a big impact on Xiaobawang?" his wife asked.

   "Well, it has an impact. The main reason is that the other party's retail price is actually 300 yuan, which has already appeared in our local mall."

   Duan Yongping is a little puzzled, why the other party's price is so cheap? He purchased electronic components from Xiangjiang, the price is much cheaper than that produced in the mainland, and the wages of the workers on their side are not comparable to some big cities, and their cost is more than 200 yuan. Can the cost be lower?

  Deng Yongping was very confident in the small bully produced by their factory. Even he planned to make an advertisement on CCTV like other products. He also contacted a professional advertising company and was willing to let the other party make an advertising plan at a high price.

   A good advertisement can play an unexpected role in product sales. If the little bully can fire, he can earn more.

   It's a pity that the first soup was first drunk by the Zhiduoxing company. If they want to drink it again, it will be difficult. Moreover, if the factory had no money, it was not that it did not make money.

   No way, who made them state-owned enterprises? Although he has been talking about restructuring and gave him a high salary, the gap with his ideal is still very large.

   He has studied that foreign manufacturers of game consoles have extremely high profits and high reputation. He wants to make Xiaobawang the same as Sega and Nintendo abroad, and will go abroad to become a resounding Chinese brand in the future.

   But looking at the development of Xiaobawang now, it is still a local small factory, which can only sell products to neighboring provinces, and the profit margin is far inferior to those imported from abroad.

   "Old broken, you see the people~~~ Daily, it says that someone has won the 10,000 yuan prize of the Zhiduoxing game machine!"

   Hearing his wife saying Yongping immediately grabbed the newspaper and found the column of news. The layout is not large, but it is equipped with pictures. It is a middle-aged man holding a big sign with nearly 10,000 yuan, and smiles very brightly.

   "Old, they really give prizes? Ten thousand dollars, this person is really lucky. This ad has only been done for a few days, and there are winners. How high are their winning rates?"

  Duan Yongping sighed, yes, how high did they win? Is there only such a prize that has been won, or even a childcare, or is there more 10,000 yuan prizes?

  He remembered that the lottery ticket in the Zhiduoxing game machine box did not say that there was only one million yuan prize. Is there any more million yuan prize to win?

   "You take a look, I'm going to the factory." Duan Yongping stood up.

   "Eh, you haven't finished the porridge yet, take two buns."

   Since the husband led someone to get this little bully game machine, the life at home is indeed getting better and better, but the husband is getting busier. I can't eat well every day, and for a long time, this body has not collapsed.

  At the same time, many people who read newspapers saw the news that Zhiduoxing's first 10,000 yuan prize was won. The first one, does that mean there is a second and a third?

   After seeing this, many people moved a little. Three hundred yuan, which is much cheaper than other game consoles, or a brand, should I buy one?

  Even if you cannot win, you can play by yourself. In case of winning, you will make a big profit!

All of a sudden, the sales of Zhiduoxing game consoles have increased rapidly. Those malls that originally did not agree with the national retail price ~~~ have contacted the agents one after another. And they don’t want to miss it again.

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