Super Tycoon

Chapter 155: Start warming up

The two technicians who came were the heads of the original Institute of Electronics. Both the theoretical basis and the actual operation were top-notch, at least stronger than the technicians over Xiaobawang.

   They communicated for a while, and Duan Yongping deeply felt the technical gap. Zhiduoxing also has such talents, and their gap is too big.

   No wonder Zhiduoxing can make a learning machine faster than them, and it is better than their products. Sometimes it is not acceptable.

  Duan Yongping and others walked away, Zhang Yang also held Duan Yongping's hand enthusiastically for a long time, deliberately avoided other people.

  After they boarded the train, someone came together and asked, "Director, what did Chief Zhang tell you? Are you going to work at Zhiduoxing, can you take me?"

  Duan Yongping froze for a moment. Zhang Yang just chatted with him a few words and said a little about the future of China's electronics industry. He didn't say anything about letting him go to work at Zhiduoxing.

   "Who said that I would go to work at Zhiduoxing and go to bed quickly. People asked Mr. Zhang to buy us a berth ticket. Everyone can be more comfortable. What's the matter? I'll wait until I wake up.

  Everyone else looked at Duan Yongping and woke up and said, did the director really have any agreement with Mr. Zhang? If the factory manager is gone, they will become a yellow stall if they can't make up the factory. They have to find a way to go with the factory manager.

  Even if their technology is not particularly powerful, it is not too bad. It can't be a technical backbone. Isn't it a problem to be a technician? The salary of Zhiduoxing Company is not low. I heard that four sets of work clothes are issued a year and other benefits.

  Zhang Yang sent off Yongping and they left and returned to the company. Sun Tengfei gave Zhang Yangduan a cup of tea: "Xiao Zhang, what are you talking about with Duan Yongping, is he coming to our company to work?"

   "No, we just talked casually, he didn't take the initiative to come over, and he also had a posture to work hard. How can I dig him at this time?"

   He didn't say it directly, but what he said and what he did at the wine table made everyone think that Zhang Yang had already talked to Duan Yongping.

  Don’t even believe it, will others believe it? After Duan Yongping went back, if he did not do well, hey~~

   "Don't worry about those idle things, you inform the agents, you can start warming up the learning machine."

   "Okay, I will call one by one to inform you. Everyone has already prepared it, based on our articles, the streets and alleys that will definitely be passed on are well known."


  【Technology is the primary productive force, and the computer is an important indicator to measure the level of science and technology】

  【Prospects for the wide application of computers in the future industry】

  【The first popular subject of China in the future, computer application】

   [Hua Xia will vigorously develop computers, and ignoring computers in the future will mean illiteracy]

  One article after another appeared in major newspapers and magazines, and was soon seen by many parents. Many parents did not know what a computer was before, only that there was a calculator that could be used as an abacus.

  After reading the article, I realized that the computer is what others say. I heard that this thing is faster than people, and it is more efficient, and it is not easy to make mistakes.

  But what does this thing have to do with them?

   Yeah, those advanced CNC machine tools abroad, the core is the computer? If you learn a computer well, will you be able to make a CNC machine tool that can remember to improve work efficiency and reduce scrap rate?

  Hua Xia is vigorously developing industry at this time, but industry cannot develop with your passion. This is why great men say that science and technology are the primary productive forces.

  You can do a hard day's work, which may not be as good as an hour of advanced machinery and equipment, or even a minute of others!

   For example, in the manufacture of some things, it is impossible to do it at all by simple labor, or it can only be done by luck. While others use mechanical equipment, it can be manufactured in batches, and each guarantee is qualified.

  Some people began to think that the efficiency of our factory was not good, mainly because the equipment was not good, and the reason why the equipment could not be transformed and upgraded by itself was because of the lack of computer-related talents.

  Even after seeing it, some parents have decided to let their children learn computers in the future.

   "Son, what major do you want to study in the future?" A mother smiled at her son who was about to take the college entrance examination.

   "Mom, I want to learn chemical engineering and become a chemical engineer in the future."

   "What kind of chemical industry, look at what your second uncle is studying, what does the factory smell every day. Last time a pipe leaked, what happened to his arm burnt?"

   "You can read newspapers when you are free. You have to learn those majors that are useful in the future to live a better life. It is good to see this computer. The state encourages it. It must be sitting in the office. How good is this?"

   "You don't want to do such a comfortable job, you have to be in the factory workshop like your second uncle? Mom asks you again, what major do you want to study at university?"


"Yes. Good boy, this is what you said yourself. Mom is the most reasonable and never forces you. Since this is your own choice, go back and talk to your grandparents. Mom will do it for you today. Braised ribs."


"Husband and husband, you read the newspaper and said that the most popular major in the future is computer applications, and that you will not be a computer in the future, it is equivalent to being You say we buy a computer for our son? "

   "Computer? That's the computer, right? Your things are expensive, where do we have that money."

   "Expensive? Much more expensive than TV?"

"It's not only a lot. A big color TV sets cost 2,000 yuan, and a computer costs 20,000 yuan! I know you want our son to learn more, but our family's conditions can be obtained with one or two thousand yuan, 20,000 yuan, I can't borrow it."

   The woman's face is frustrated. Isn't my son far behind others? In the future, when I go to high school and go to college, everyone will have a computer, but my son won't.

   "It's right to sell expensive. It shows that there is a future in doing this. You see that socks are cheap. How many people do this? No money. We have to find a way to let our son learn more computers in the future."

"Also, I know my son has been haunting you to buy a game console, but he is not allowed to buy it. Can the child play games every day, and can he study hard? My son will be a college student in the future, and he can’t be like you. I thought it was too much."

"Why do you say that I'm on my head again? Go and go, don't buy him a game console, and cry when the time comes, you come to solve it. Otherwise, I will ask in two days to see if there are second-hand computers, the price Cheaper, within 5,000 yuan, we can afford to gritt our teeth!"

"Five thousand yuan, then we have to tighten our trouser belts after dinner, and my son is growing long. This is not okay. You said that if there are one or two thousand computers, those who sell computers do not know that they are cheap. point?"

  :. :

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