Super Tycoon

Chapter 16: Mom, you're a big boss

   "What are you father and son doing? These days of running around, the family's money has been tossed out, and it will not stop after the new year." Yang Sulan murmured while making a face.

   "Mom, my dad and I are discussing new products. Congratulations, you will be a big boss in the future." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

   "What big boss?"

   "The big boss who placed orders for the electronics factory. My dad contracted the county electronics factory for two years and agreed to pay a total of 10,000 yuan in profits, mainly to produce electronic products according to the orders you placed."

   "I placed an order with the electronics factory? When did I do both of you?" Yang Sulan also stopped meeting, how much did the two men hide from her?

   "I didn't do anything. I just registered a small company with your name in the city. My cousin helped. This was not the last time all the procedures were down. I also registered a trademark. This is the trademark logo. Let's take a look."

   Yang Sulan looked at the document in his hand. There was a cartoon little boy on the first sheet of paper with the words Zhiduxing printed on it. Looking back, I saw some documents such as business licenses. The company's name was Zhiduoxing Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. The legal person was Yang Sulan, and the funders were Yang Sulan and Zhang Yang.

   "Isn't this nonsense, why did you get a company? Why is Zhang Yang's name on it? There is also a registered capital of one million, and one million from you!"

"Mom, don't worry about that first. That one million is just a number. In fact, we spent less than a thousand dollars. This number is also very important. It is related to our future loans. It can also make the county more Value."

   Registered capital is not paid-in capital. Many companies with a registered capital of 100 million may be only a few million, while many companies with a registered capital of 1 billion may be worth tens of billions.

  Of course, if the registered capital is high, it means that your company needs to bear a large debt service responsibility. But Zhang Yang doesn't think they will lose money. In this year and month, he shouldn't make too much money.

   "And the company must be registered so that a formal contract can be signed with the electronics factory contracted by Dad, and some future disputes can be avoided."

   "You think, the things produced by the electronics factory are becoming more and more profitable. The county will know when the time comes and will not be jealous? But if there is a contract, the county cannot breach the contract, otherwise it will pay a high amount of liquidated damages."

   In fact, Zhang Yang did not say a word. At this time, there were many things that the political axe breached the contract.

   But if the county breached the contract, it must be the end of the year. At that time, my dad could also resign and go out to do it alone. It is not difficult to restart the stove in another place.

   The most important point is that the brand is in the hands of their family and can be more recognized by consumers.

   "Mom, these are all guaranteed by law. Think about the past few years, our county also has a lot of self-employed people, as well as small wineries and the like, and all of them were fined for finding faults."

   "Can we repeat the same mistakes, these are the guarantees. The official seal of the electronics factory has been stamped on it, and it will be settled. After all the electronic components have been bought back, production will officially start on the fifth day."

"My dad has already signed an order for a plastics factory or a wire factory. If you regret it now, not only will the money you put in before go away, but my dad will have to go in, but it also involves the old What about Maozi?"

   "What?" Yang Sulan panicked this time, "What should I do? Son, don't scare your mother."

"It's enough to start production according to the contract, to produce Zhiduoxing brand video game consoles. Mom, you go to the city when you are in the third year, and the cheapest game consoles are all sold for more than six hundred. Can get it done."

   "At that time, we will sell 300 yuan to those wholesalers. They sell 400 yuan, and many people are sure to buy it."

  In fact, after the purchase channel of the Soviet Union was completed, the cost of game consoles was in the early 100s. This is still because of the small production volume. After mass production in the future, it can be reduced to less than one hundred yuan.

   "Four hundred, it's still very expensive. Except in the city, how many people can buy in our county?" Yang Sulan was worried.

"Mom, you look down upon the people in our county too. Some of them go to the south to flip electronic watches, some to flip clothing, some to flip shoes, some to flip calculators, some to flip video tapes, tapes, and even toss a hat, Can make a lot of money."

   "Those who have money, don't spend it? Rich people in the city, then more. Selling a fried melon seed can earn 500 yuan a month, do you believe?"

"No one buys four hundred, what about three hundred? There are more people buying three hundred? The more we produce, the lower the cost, and the profit will not decrease much, but the amount sold is more, Will make more money."

   "Mom, you don't understand these, you just don't care, just wait to count the money later." Zhang Yang was somewhat smug.

Yang Sulan grabbed Zhang Yang's ear: "What do you say, stupid boy? I don't understand what you know? During this time, I will make up for you. UU reads the book You just find a reason to run out, and give me home before the school starts. Stay honest!"

   "Mom, Mom, let go, am I busy making money for my family."

  Zhang Yang went to help wash the vegetables. Yang Sulan whispered with Zhang Weiguang: "Did you say that my son has changed a lot recently? Where did these ideas come from?"

   "Doesn't he say that he reads books and newspapers? Our son is a genius, which shows that our old Zhang family is good." Zhang Weiguang was proud.

"Just bullshit, it must be a good education. The son has been to school these years. Have you ever managed it? I haven't managed it. But I can't let my son get into the eyes of money. Learning is the main task. Even if I have money in the future It’s not a big boss."

Zhang Weiguang looked at his wife seriously: "I’m staring at the factory, it’s definitely not going to be bad, son, you will work hard for a while. Let him go to the city to go to high school in the second half of the year, the school there is well taught, in the future we will You must have a college student at home."

   "Oh, at first, the factory may not make much money."

   "It's okay, I have a salary. Our county has been working in education~~ in the same year, and it has never been worse than the teacher's salary. If it wasn't for the son, I wouldn't let you toss like that."

   "Yeah, I can't let my son live like us in the future. I have the opportunity, I want to send my son to study abroad, go to the United States to see, gain knowledge."

   "Like Li Junsheng, the child of my teacher's family, they just went to study abroad, but I heard that they can only finish college by washing dishes in restaurants. Our son will go out in the future, but he can't wash dishes for foreigners."

   "That's it. Zhang Yang, have you finished the dishes? Just brush two clean dishes."


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