Super Tycoon

Chapter 168: Old library, this is for your consideration

After school, Zhang Yang walked out of the school and saw Sun Tengfei waiting for him with the small jeep driving. Zhang Yang opened the door and got in the car, which caused the envious eyes of many students and even parents.

   "Who is that, there is a car to pick up after school?" Some parents asked curiously.

"Zhang Yang in the second year of high school, his father is Zhang Weiguang of Zhiduoxing." A teacher beside him replied, "Don't let your child compare with him, it really can't compare. People not only have money at home, but also focus on the class. University, or go directly to Zhiduoxing to work, the starting point is a lot higher than ordinary people."

   This parent can't help but slap, he can't compare. He has been working in the factory for 20 years, and his salary + bonus is only less than 3,000 yuan a year, which is quite high.

  The new apprentices in the factory only earn 86 per month, and they earn a thousand dollars a year. It takes more than 60,000 for a small jeep. He can't afford it if he doesn't eat or drink for 20 years. The gap between people is really too great.

  However, his brother resigned in the end and made a small business, and actually made more than 600 a month. He is also considering whether to resign to the sea, otherwise it will be too difficult for children to go to university.

   At this time, Zhang Yang in the car didn't know how much impact he would have on others. He was just anxious and didn't want to be late.

   It was already half past five. By the end of the year, although it had not snowed, it was already dark. Some street lights on the main roads have also been lit up.

   "Remember to settle the account later, this place is not convenient for my second brother to reimburse."

   "Got it." Sun Tengfei nodded, turned the steering wheel, and ran to the hotel.

   quickly arrived at the hotel, the car parked directly at the door, the two stepped in, and Sun Tengfei took Zhang Yang to a box inside.

  After knocking on the door, the person sitting down stood up: "Chapter, my friend, you can be regarded as coming."

   "Old library, let you wait for a long time, there is no way, I will be late for get out of class."

  Zhang Yang's excuses made Kurishenko not know how to pick them up. Who would have thought that the core figure of Zhiduoxing Company was actually just a high school student?

   "It doesn't matter, you Huaxia don't have an old saying, a good meal is not afraid of being late."

   Watching Zhang Yang pour Jianlibao to himself, Kurishenko's eyes twitched a few times, this time he didn't bring any wine.

   "Old library, Bingcheng Electronics Factory, have you seen it, how about it, how much do you plan to invest?" Zhang Yang asked after taking a drink.

   "Chapter, before deciding whether to invest or not, I have a question that I don’t understand. Why is China’s productivity clearly increased, and the price of TVs has risen?"

   It is said that as technology and production capacity increase, prices should fall. The price list he saw, compared with what he found, he found the problem. Wouldn’t there be a problem with the market price list given to him in the city?

  Zhang Shengchang is helpless. Why didn't you just ask me this question? If you co-operate, you believe me, right?

  Zhang Yang smiled: "Lao Ku, this has something to do with some of our policies. Three years ago, China Huaxia levied a consumption tax on TV sets, and each color TV set was 300 yuan."

"If there were tickets at that time, the purchase could be cheaper, and most people did not have tickets, so the price will be much higher. This year, electrical appliances that have caught up with the island nation began to enter the Chinese market, and once again raised the price of the TV. Now."

   In some big shopping malls, you can even see 29-inch color TV sales, but they are not in stock and need to be ordered. The mainstream is 17 inches to 25 inches, and the price ranges from two thousand to four thousand.

   Therefore, the market price list obtained by Kurishenko is not fake, and it is indeed doubtful.

   "The color TV market in your country must be dominated by foreign products. Now let me do the color TV and be sure to make money?

  Curryshenko is still unsure. If he really makes money, why doesn't Zhang Yang do it himself? Replacing an electronics factory with an electrical appliance factory actually cost a small amount of money, especially since the factory has already produced electrical appliances and made black-and-white TV sets.

"Because I don't need to use TV to open the market for gaming consoles. Frankly speaking, the profit of making a color TV is not particularly high, and it is not comparable to learning machines and gaming consoles. The homogenization of this product is also relatively serious and it is easy to fall into Price war."

"And this price war is also a weapon for you to open up the Eastern European market. In our China, the wages of workers are much lower than Eastern Europe, and the production efficiency is higher. Therefore, the production of color TVs here and sold in Eastern Europe will still be better than in Eastern Europe. Production is cheap, and tariffs on TV in Eastern Europe are also very low, and you can completely capture the Eastern European market."

"Even if a color TV set, you can only make a profit of ten dollars. If you sell 100,000 sets, it will be a profit of one million dollars. If you sell one million sets, or even ten million sets? The demand is higher than that of game consoles. I think you have done this market survey, have you done it?"

   Kurishenko didn't say anything. Of course he did an investigation. Otherwise, even if the ceiling of Zhang Yang said, he would not come here to invest in the construction of factories to produce color TVs.

  He wanted to make more money and made more money, but he was afraid that in case of failure, he would compensate the net worth that he had accumulated. But the net worth that he has now is not enough for him to have a superior life in the so he has to earn some more.

How can a color TV set only have a profit of ten dollars, and the selling price is more than three hundred dollars, then according to his cost calculation, it may have a net profit of 10%, that is, one can earn more than thirty dollars, one One million units, that is a net profit of 30 million US dollars.

   He invested in the electronics factory in Bingcheng, but he didn't need the cost of 30 million US dollars, maybe not even 10 million US dollars. This factory was not worth that much money. He invested a lot, mainly to purchase equipment and materials.

   "Old library, do you know another advantage of selling color TVs, that is, it can drive the sales of TV game consoles. The previous system is not compatible, and now it is no problem. At least those who have played game consoles, are they very interesting?"

   "In the early days of selling color TV sets, you can also make promotions, such as buying color TV sets and giving away game consoles. In shopping malls, people should also see people playing game consoles on TV to increase the sales of game consoles."

   "As for the price of the game console, it should not exceed 80 US dollars, and the profit is small. But I heard that there are other game console manufacturers on your side that are testing the water, so don't let them take advantage of it."

  Curichenko's company, Zhang Yang's family also has shares, otherwise he would not say so much. This package sales model was also specially formulated for the Eastern European market. The purpose is to quickly open the market and increase product sales.

  Kurishenko wrote down all these silently in his heart. This year his game console did not sell well, and he must start to take off next year!

  :. :

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