Super Tycoon

Chapter 172: Do not accept mediation

In a court in Beijing, the plaintiffs and defendants each sit on one side. At the request of the defendant, the court also set up a video recorder.

  Zhang Weiguang was sitting on the defendant's seat, always feeling uncomfortable. He lived for so many years, and he also entered the court for the first time and became the defendant for the first time.

   But looking at the son who was sitting next to him, he also calmed down a lot. All the questions before were answered in advance, and he could answer clearly.

  After the court session, Nintendo’s representative lawyer began to accuse the accused, Zhiduoxing of fraud, selling counterfeit and shoddy goods, infringed Nintendo’s game copyrights, game console patent rights, etc.

   "Defendant, whether to admit the plaintiff's complaint."

   "No, I represent my client, all objections. And I will sue Nintendo later, because these are false statements!"

"First of all, Zhiduoxing did not defraud consumers. The chip we used is the 486 chip. This is a certification document from the Great Wall Company that proves that the chip they produced for our Zhiduoxing is a 6-486 model. We abbreviate 486. No any problem."

   "Like my name is Yao Fenggang, can you call me Fenggang? Is this fraud? As for the other party's 486, it refers to 80486, which is another chip model."

   "But it can't be famous because there is a man named Zhang Fenggang, will Yao Fenggang change my name? It's the same thing as saying we fake 486 core."

   "Everyone knows that a 486 computer costs about 20,000 RMB, and Zhiduoxing's learning machine only sells 1,280, so who would think that the same chip as the computer is used here?"

   "This is a basic common sense. Anyone with a normal IQ can have a basic judgment. The other party deliberately misinterprets the meaning of the digital model, but it is just to cause damage to the reputation of Zhiduoxing Company and discredit the image of Zhiduoxing Company."

   "As for the infringement of Nintendo's game copyright, this is even more nonsense. The product produced by Zhiduoxing is called Super Tetris. The name sounds a bit similar, but the content is actually different."

"They used a combination of four pixels to form a game graphics, and there are only four pixels. We have one pixel, two pixels, three pixels, four pixels, and our Speed, scores, titles, levels are also different."

"You can't just say that I copy the other person's appearance because a person has two eyes and a nose? In summary, everything about the other party is a false accusation, and Nintendo claimed in the media that we are a liar, which seriously affected our company. And the reputation of the brand."

"This is a brand value assessment that we asked three evaluation agencies in different countries and regions to make. We will claim a brand loss of RMB 100 million from Nintendo and donate the money to the Zhiduoxing Education Fund to help more Many children go to school for education."

   "The defendant's attorney, your claim does not belong to this case. After the case is over, the case will be tried again. Does the plaintiff have any objections to the defendant's claims?"

   The plaintiff's lawyer was sweating at this time. Why did he not expect that the other party's 486 even had such an explanation. In particular, he did not know before that Liu Shengan even claimed in the newspaper that Zhiduoxing was a liar.

  If he knows, he will definitely stop it. Before sentence is pronounced, these words can not be casually said, just as the criminal can only be called a suspect before being convicted.

   This time, they accused the accusation is true. Not only did he not get any legal fees, but he also got a bad reputation. Who would come to him to sue in the future?

   The plaintiff's lawyer glared at Liu Shengan, which was a good thing this idiot did. Can't you discuss it with me before you do anything?

   At this time, he can only do his best to fight. They didn’t plan to win the original copyright infringement, because some legal provisions in the Mainland are not perfect enough and there is no chance of winning.

  But they believe that fraud and counterfeiting will win, and the other party will definitely surrender and seek reconciliation with them, so that Nintendo can swallow Zhiduoxing.

  Since then, he has been able to become a member of the Nintendo Law Firm, specializing in the legal issues on the Chinese side. The salary for that year was one zero more than he expected.

   Now, it might be yellow.

   The plaintiff's lawyer kept submitting evidence according to the prepared information, but these were all refuted by lawyer Yao. Zhang Weiguang also got up and answered a few questions. His voice was very loud, and he was very confident.

   Even he can see that the other party's lawyer is lack of confidence, this is a counsel, then what is he afraid of?

   Even Zhang Weiguang followed the story of Zhang Yang and began to tell stories.

   "It's not easy for our company. From the beginning, many people did not support the learning machine, but you see, the foreign game machines are all on the market, and they have made all the money in our pockets."

"Our company is different. We made money and spent it in the country to promote the prosperity of the domestic economy. How many people in the company are working hard, just waiting for the company to develop, they can let them buy some shares, everyone I can be the owner of the company. As a result, the brand is so This discredited is not only a brand, but also the corporate image, but also the children of all our workers! The lawyer opposite, you Fraud us for an islander, aren’t you afraid of being spineed?"

  Liu Shengan couldn't sit still. What's wrong, he didn't know much Chinese, and felt that the situation on his side was not right. This is a lawyer he promised to bring in huge benefits. The failure rate is zero. Is it going to fail today?

  Where does he know that this win rate is 100%, because he is best at reconciliation out of court, and he is always muddy every time, so he has never lost.

   And now, this lawyer is going to use this trick again.

   "Defendant, it seems that this time the verdict cannot be pronounced in court, then can we go to the second court to talk as the presiding judge said?"

"No, we will win. And then we will submit a complaint against Nintendo, and I will tell everyone in the newspaper that if we win, the person who falsely accuses will be punished by law. If someone asks me some details, I I’ll tell you how my opponent’s lawyer did it.”

   The plaintiff's lawyer was shocked, and he was about to suffer bad luck. No, this must never happen.

   He lowered his head and whispered to Liu Shengan: "Your heart is not good, cover your heart and ask to go to the hospital."

  Liu Shengan froze for a moment, and immediately covered his chest, making him look uncomfortable. The plaintiff's lawyer immediately stood up and shouted: "No, my client suffered a heart attack and must be sent to the hospital immediately. I applied for a recess and tried it again."

  :. :

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