Super Tycoon

Chapter 182: Disadvantages of learning machine

"Zhang Yang, someone is looking for it."

  Zhang Yang, who was taking a physical education class, was shouted aside by the teacher. After seeing the person coming, Zhang Yang went to the class teacher and asked for leave again.

   "Mr. Xiao Zhang, Duan Yongping is here, and he said he came to sign the contract."

   "Got it, let's go."

  Back to the company, Zhang Yang saw Duan Yongping in the reception room.

   "Small chapter." Duan Yongping stood up.

   "Sit down. Jia Lemei, go get the prepared contract and show it to Manager Duan."

  Duan Yongping probably looked at the contract, picked up the pen, and signed his name.

   "Looking at it so fast, are you not afraid of a loophole in the contract?" Zhang Yang quipped.

   "A company as big as Zhiduoxing, and a boss like Xiaozhang, would it make me an ordinary person?" Duan Yongping asked instead.

"Mr. Duan is not an ordinary person. I'm greeted by the arrival of Duan. From this moment, you are the deputy general manager of Zhiduoxing in Beijing. The person in charge there is Sun Tengfei. I will call him. , Let him cooperate with your work."

"After you arrive in Beijing, you should quickly recruit all the staff that the company should have, but not too many. The company has rented a house for you and is also equipped with a Santana. If you can’t drive, you will hire a driver yourself. Any requirements can be mentioned now."

   "I don't have to hire a driver. I can drive. The company is really thoughtful. I will definitely let the company in Beijing be up and running quickly. I will also find ways to increase the sales of learning machines and increase the company's profits."

  Zhang Yang took the tea cup and took a sip: "For new educational electronic products, can manager Duan have an idea?"

  Duan Yongping looked at Zhang Yang: "Mr. Xiao Zhang, in fact, I found that the company's learning machine has some shortcomings. We can produce some products in response to these shortcomings and fill the gaps in the market."

   "Disadvantages? Talk about it." Zhang Yang Rao looked at Duan Yongping meaningfully, he vaguely guessed what Duan Yongping wanted to say.

"The main selling points of the learning machine are learning English and learning computers. Zhiduoxing uses two selling points on one machine. I think it is a bit redundant. In the future, we should find a way to split the two selling points to form two. A learning machine with different functions."

After Duan Yongping finished, glanced at Zhang Yang and found that Zhang Yang did not look unhappy, he continued: "There is another shortcoming of the current learning machine, that is, the functionality is not strong enough. Whether it is learning computer or learning English is relatively basic."

   "There are a lot of English words stored on the cassette of the learning machine, but it is only a word, and it does not contain sentence making, grammar, etc. It can spell words, but it does not mean that it will be English."

"The above basic programming is indeed very basic. I have asked the professional learning software. The learning of the Kari teaching of the learning machine belongs to the initial level, and the teaching method is also wrong. Many people can type out those according to it. Code, I don’t understand what it means."

   "So after we disassemble the two products, we can strengthen the functions of these two aspects, so that it can help students more and achieve better results."

"Another disadvantage is that the learning card of the learning machine is a cassette compatible with game machines. This is indeed very popular among students, but parents are not very happy when they know it. The learning machine is bought to learn for children, not In order to let children play games."

   "There will be many parents who are hesitant and unwilling to buy our children's learning machine. The more people know this, the more they will hinder sales."

"Our new products should use some storage devices without games, such as tapes. I heard that in some new textbooks in some cities, a tape for learning English listening will be included to prevent students from learning dumb English. Our equipment If you can use this tape, it will definitely be more popular."

"And the tape has another advantage, just like the learning machine is compatible with game cartridges, now songs can be stored on tape. Parents bought this product for students, which can be used not only to learn English, but also to listen to songs. ."

   "I also think of a shortcoming, that is, this learning machine must be connected to a TV, and it is large and not easy to carry. If it can be made into a small thing, as big as a handheld game machine, it will definitely be more popular."

   "For the time being I think so much, Xiaozhang don't be surprised, it's just a family word."


Zhang Yang slapped: "It's very good to say, and the analysis is well-founded. The next two products that the company will do are mainly used to learn English. I have made a plan and wait for you to implement it. "

  Zhang Yang took out two pieces of information and handed it to Duan Yongping.

   Duan Yongping looked for a while, the expression on his face was shocked and shy. He talked eloquently here. It turned out that the problems he had thought of had already been thought of by others, and he also made the next product development plan.

   A product is the same as the handheld that he said, it is a very small handheld Chinese-English translation machine, named electronic dictionary. Not only can it be used to translate Chinese and English, but also input into idiom dictionary, pinyin dictionary and so on.

   And also added a few small games in it, this is another combination of games and learning products. This product will be more popular when it is put on the And the second product, named the repeater, is a small electronic board added to the recorder, which can repeatedly play a piece of audio, So that students can listen to a sentence in English repeatedly and read it.

   And this product is what he said, using the tape of the recorder can still be used to listen to songs, and will certainly be popular with students.

  As long as the students are welcome, they will be entangled with parents to buy, thereby increasing the sales of products.

   As for the learning machine used only for learning computers, the materials have not been introduced yet. It seems that Chidosa has not thought about it yet.

"Mr. Xiao Zhang, it seems that what I said just now is an axe. You can rest assured that these two products, I will take someone to study immediately. My original factory, there are several people with good technology, they are willing to follow me to Beijing ..."

   "No problem. The company's technical staff is generally 500 yuan to 1,000 yuan a month. If you make outstanding contributions to product development, you can get a certain percentage of sales dividends."

  Wait for Yongping to finish, Zhang Yang agreed. If there is a good person coming, he will not push it out.

   "However, there is no R&D laboratory on the other side of the capital, so you need to arrange them on the factory side of Beihe. I will communicate with the people there in advance."

   "I request to make an electronic dictionary first, and the related software has been developed by someone. What you have to do is to ensure that the product is compact and the performance of the product."

"I'm waiting for your good news!"

  :. :

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