Super Tycoon

Chapter 188: copyright? Not for sale!

The Island Country Pictures Company is a company that has developed rapidly in fighting games in the past two years. The legend of the hungry wolf produced by the island is very popular.

Whether on an arcade or video game console, the performance is very good. At the same time, it also developed derivatives such as comics, and its popularity is quite high.

The company has found that fighting games are more popular than traditional level games, because of the short time, strong operability, and confrontation factors, and excellent playability.

Now they plan to integrate some fighting games, even the popular characters in other games into one fighting game, and even think of changing the single player game into a team game.

They found that in sports, there are more spectators in the team game than in the single game. The team game has a great advantage, that is, there are many people, and there is always one that fans like.

If fans have disputes because they like different characters, they will continue to increase the number of group fans.

But just when they had begun planning and preparing for development, the company's chairman discovered a new comic that his son bought home.

Before, he would also chat with his son about some comics and other plots, in order to understand what young people prefer, so that the company can make adjustments.

But this time, he was not worried, but worried.

The company's plan actually crashed with a comic. If they launch a new game, they will inevitably be attacked by fans of this comic, or even be sued by the copyright owner of this comic.

Once defined as infringement or plagiarism, it will be a fatal blow to their company, and competitors will not let this opportunity pass.

For today's sake, only contact the copyright owner of the comic and purchase the copyright of the other party. It is best to let the other party adjust the characters to become their game character comics.


"Teng Fei, how is the second comic book? The main plot is almost the same, and it's starting to color? Well, take the time, remember to proofread carefully, and leave a suspense at the end to facilitate the launch of the next book."

"Have you taken charge of this project, are there any complaints?"

Zhang Yang and Sun Tengfei were talking on the phone. Sun Tengfei was originally in Beijing to take charge of the Beijing Zhiduoxing Company. Later, Duan Yongping went away. Zhang Yang dropped Sun Tengfei to take charge of the comics development. There is obviously a clear difference between the importance of the two things. Learning machine is the company's main revenue.

"Mr. Xiao Zhang, work is not expensive or cheap, and this is an area I have never been in contact with. You can trust me and let me take responsibility. I am grateful that it is too late."

Sun Tengfei is very open to this, but he knows that there is still a person in charge at Bingcheng Zhiduoxing.

Mr. Xiaozhang will not completely hand over the company to Mr. Zhangzhang, and Mr. Zhangzhang is not very willing to manage the company and prefers to do some product development. This is his chance.

More than a year later, Xiao Zhang must definitely go to university. I heard that the university in Beijing has been chosen. Who was responsible for Bingcheng then?

What he is aiming at now is the vice president of Bingcheng Zhiduoxing. He does not feel that he is worse than others. Although he is young, he has experienced many developments in the company, as long as he can satisfy Xiao Zhang.

"Tengfei, this is a warm-up for the company's upcoming new game. You can listen to market feedback to facilitate future game improvements."

"You are now in contact with some book dealers. Ask them what students prefer, understand consumers' preferences, and target development. It is easier to succeed."

Developing comics not only makes money, but also promotes future game characters. When the game is launched, it is easier for players to accept.

This is equivalent to not only advertising, but also no advertising costs, and even make money.

In the future, we can continue to make money by developing peripheral products. This is the ultimate performance of developing a product.

"I understand that it will definitely collect a lot of valid data for the company."

Zhang Yang and Sun Tengfei chatted for a while and hung up the phone. He glanced at several new game plans locked in his drawer, thinking about which one to take next, and the phone on the table rang.


"Xiao Zhang, it's me, Sun Tengfei."

Ok? Didn't you just hang up the phone? What's the matter?

"What happened?"

"Well, an island game company contacted us and said they wanted to buy the copyright of our King of Fighters."

"Do they say what to do to buy copyright? How to buy?" Zhang Yang vaguely guessed.

"Speaking of developing games, I am willing to give us one million RMB and buy all the copyrights of the games. It has nothing to do with us in the future. I refused. We are not going to develop games ourselves." Sun Tengfei carefully held the receiver. He refused directly, wouldn't Xiaozhang be upset?

"Good rejection!" Zhang Yang Gaosheng said, "we should keep our own development of this copyright, then call and tell them that there is no one million don't think about it."

I want to buy the copyright for one million, what good is this? This series of games in the previous life brought hundreds of millions of dollars in profits to the island country painting company. At the same time, it also established the company's brand and became the top game production company in the island country. Many top game development talents have gone here.

What's more, this game was developed by Zhang Yang for the new game console, and he wants to run it exclusively. This is related to the sales of the game console and the development of Zhiduoxing in the game industry.

Zhang Yang finally thought of how to sell this game. Competitors are uncomfortable, which is good for the company. If the island nation is willing to let him hold a controlling stake, it is no problem to sell the copyright.

Obviously This can only be thought of, no one will sell the chicken with golden eggs.

The Island State Film and Painting Company held another meeting.

"Everyone, the company that made the King of Fighting comics mentioned last time has been found. We contacted the other party and wanted to buy the other party's copyright. The first offer was one million RMB, and the other party directly refused."

"Later call again, the price increased several times, but the other party said, don't talk about not having one hundred million. It is one hundred million RMB, not Japanese Yen, they want money to go crazy?"

"President, what's wrong with us continuing to make this game? The three-person fighting mode, they said how we can imitate, the law will not judge us to lose money." Some people suggested.

"It's not a combination fighting mode, mainly because some of the character settings inside it even overlap with us. I even doubt if the person who proposed this setting has read the other's comic manuscript!"

"If we change the settings, the whole thing has to be redone. But if we don't change it, it will become plagiarism. Think about it, what else can you do to recover?"

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