Super Tycoon

Chapter 206: Mainland listing

After the college entrance examination, Zhang Yang began to implement the next plan of Zhiduoxing Company.

  After receiving the notice, all agents rushed to Bingcheng, all with happy faces on their faces.

   Zhiduoxing G is finally going to be sold to them. They were waiting before. Seeing that Xiangjiang’s agent made so much money, who of them didn’t feel itchy?

   "Mr. Xiaozhang, does this Zhiduoxing G sell so expensive?"

  When everyone got the price list, they were not so happy anymore. How much can you sell at such an expensive price?

  Look at the imported game consoles abroad, the prices are very expensive, and the sales are so poor. Isn’t Chiduoxing always a cheap route? How has it changed this time?

"The production cost of this game console is more than 2,000 yuan. I originally planned to sell 3500, but considering the market environment, I reduced the retail price to 2998, and the wholesale price to you is 2600, which is cheaper than foreign markets. Our Zhiduoxing company hardly makes any money."

   "You have also seen that the guaranteed sales volume has lowered for you, so you have the opportunity to get a higher commission. I know that some people may not believe it and think I have said the cost is too high."

"But this is the fact, because this game console adopts a new design and the hardware used is very expensive. Our company did not intend to make money by selling game consoles, but instead learned the business model of foreign game console manufacturers. Make money."

   has been a Zhiduoxing agent for so long, this group of people also have an understanding of foreign models, but the domestic market is different from abroad.

"Mr. Xiaozhang. The protection of copyrights abroad is very good, but in our country, it seems to be not good? Let’s say that the production of game cassettes has been increasing recently. It is said that those copyrights are all Nintendo. Wait for the company, no one cares."

   "If we want to make money by selling game cartridges, I don't think it's realistic. Once you sell it, someone will stare at the crack and sell it at a lower price, which makes our games unsaleable."

"You may not know that there are many people who are stealing at the entrance of the mall. Seeing that you bought a game console, he will recommend it to you at the door. There are some women who hold their children. It is difficult to control. The child will cry, and there will be many people around you pointing at you."

   This situation is also widespread in many areas of the country, Zhang Yang naturally knows. However, their game discs can be different from game cassettes.

   "Everyone, I understand your worries. But we are using VCD discs, not the ordinary 60-pin cassettes. If they want to imitate, they must first have a production line."

   "And the price of this production line is not cheap. And the production line they can buy can only produce CDs, which is different from our specifications."

   "At present, there is only one factory in the world that can produce VCD discs, that is, our factory in Hefei. So if they want to pirate, they must have this ability."

  Zhang Yang felt that he might be able to help the domestic game market go further and become more orderly.

  He has the technology that others don't have, so others are not so easy to pirate, when the players want to play fun games, they can only buy their game discs.

   "Everyone remembers that when selling, we must focus on publicity. To tell everyone that we are using a special game disc, we can be responsible for any non-human damage."

   "We provide better after-sales service, and let the technical staff of your respective after-sales point come to the factory to study for a week, and you must learn basic maintenance. If you can't repair it, old rules, return to the factory."

   "There is one more thing to talk to everyone today, that is, game development. I told you before, let you develop games, 32-bit games, many people do not care."

   "Of course, there are a few people who did it, not to mention whether it was good or bad, I bought it without letting you lose. The most outstanding one is Wang Liang."

  Wang Liang stood up and waved his hand proudly at everyone. During this time, the dividend he received was not a small amount.

"Everyone knows now that we make money by selling game discs, and every game you develop can give developers a dividend for every sale. Maybe one disc will give you two or three dollars. , But if one hundred thousand copies are sold, it is two or three hundred thousand. If one million copies are sold, it is two or three million."

   "The KOF developed by Wang Liang was developed in cooperation with Zhiduoxing. The idea we provided was developed by the team organized by Wang Liang. A game disc, I gave him a dividend of two dollars."

"This is the company's main game, so it's a random gift, and I don't have any deductions for Wang Liang's dividends. Currently, the number of Zhiduoxing G sold overseas exceeds one million, and the sales volume of this game disc is also It has exceeded one million, and Wang Liang has now received more than two million dividends."

   "Maybe you don't think this ratio is particularly large, after all, some people are only divided into two or three hundred thousand, because their games are generally sold."

"However, as the sales of game consoles increase, the sales volume of game discs will also increase. I can't guarantee that every game you develop can be as hot as can have such high sales, But none of the people who developed the game according to my requirements lost money!"

"In this business, I can guarantee that you can protect the capital, whether you can make a lot of money, depends on your own. Some ideas, I can let my team develop it, the reason I tell you is that you want to make money with Zhiduoxing. , Develop together."

   "For the specific development requirements of the game, you can consult Director Li later. Do or don't do it, I don't force it. The time for everyone to cooperate is not short, and my personality, everyone should also be clear."

   "Okay, please add the game agent agency agreement of Zhiduoxing G. You can sign it if you see no problem. The deposit of 300,000 is nothing for everyone. Don’t let me hear who is crying."

   No one will cry poor, how much money they have made with Zhiduoxing in recent years, not only they understand it, but also Zhiduoxing.

   300,000 is indeed not a small number, but the value of the Zhiduoxing G they took away is more than 300,000. Although the commission may be a little low, no one would say to give up or not.

  Now looking at three thousand game consoles is relatively expensive, there may not be many people buying it, but as long as one person buys it, this person may buy a lot of game discs and double their sales.

After the meeting ended, Wang Liang did not leave, sitting in Zhang Yang's office, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Zhang, I heard that the company over there in Beijing has developed a new learning machine? When will it be listed?"

  :. :

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