Super Tycoon

Chapter 208: Wen Quxing

Three days later, Zhang Yang flew to Beijing.

   As soon as he left the airport, he saw Duan Yongping. After riding in the bus, he drove all the way to the office of Beijing Zhiduoxing Company.

   "Mr. Zhang, this largest office is reserved for you. I asked Sun Tengfei that it was newly renovated according to the decoration style over the ice city, and it has been empty."

  Zhang Yang nodded: "I am determined. I heard my dad say that the handheld learning machine has been successfully developed? How is the test done, did you find any problems?"

"We are still doing tests, and we have not found any loopholes. Whether it is system software or hardware, we can meet the requirements. And this product, almost no one has seen it in the domestic market. With our Zhiduoxing brand, sales don't have to worry. "

   "Take it here, let me try it." No matter how good others say, he might as well try it himself.

   A palm-sized electronic product was brought in, Zhang Yangwei measured it, weighing less than half a catty, and still counted as a battery.

   Open the screen, it is still a gray screen, the screen is about 4 inches. At the top of the compact keyboard, there is a power button.

   After turning on, some lights turned into the icon of Chistar. Enter the main interface, there are several options above. English-Chinese dictionary, Chinese-English dictionary, idiom dictionary, leisure and entertainment.

There are four choices in total, which are simple and clear.

  Zhang Yang briefly tried English-Chinese translation and entered a few simple English words. The translations are all good, and they are also pronounced.

   But it belongs to some complicated professional words, this can not be translated.

  After seeing this scene, Duan Yongping quickly explained: "Mr. Zhang, there are only a few thousand words in common use, which is enough for middle school students and non-professional English college students. We will add some words in the future."

  Zhang Yang nodded: "Yes, there is no need to do this in one step. You need to make this product first. In fact, there are already electronic dictionaries in island countries, South Korea, the United States, and even Baodao."

   "But in terms of functionality, it's actually not very good, ours is pretty good. There are just a few points you need to write down and improve later, to solve these problems in the new generation of products."

  Duan Yongping took out a small book and a pen from his pocket. Like a pupil, he opened the book and prepared to record.

   looks a little funny, but it seems very serious, no wonder that Duan Yongping's previous life can succeed, and with this serious energy, work will not be bad.

   "You also know the first point, that is to increase the vocabulary. It is best to refer to the English dictionary of the United States or Britain to let us become a real electronic dictionary."

"The second point is your input method. I think you made two input methods, one is Pinyin input method, and the other is Wubi input method, but this Pinyin input method experience is too poor. Not much, think of ways to make some improvements to this."

"The third point is the service life of the buttons. This product requires users to press the buttons often. According to the ordinary frequency of use, of course there is no problem, but don’t forget, this also includes several of our handhelds. Games, when playing games, the buttons will not be so gentle."

  When many people play games, they simply can't feel how hard their keys are. How many game console keys are damaged in this way. In the future, those who play computer games are also the most easily damaged buttons.

   "Fourth, this product has external sounds, right, why is there no headphone jack? If in some places such as libraries, using external sounds will disturb others, or play games, external sounds will be heard by others."

   "The fifth point is that the functions are not enough. The simplest calculator function, I don't know how to add it to it? Is it difficult? Is it possible to add a function?"

   "Some calculators now have perpetual calendar, clock, and alarm clock functions. Why can't they be added?"

"Although we are focusing on the function of electronic dictionaries, since we have considered leisure and entertainment, we should consider other aspects. Those that can be added to it, try to add and enrich the product features. It will make people think that our product can do many things. Not just an electronic dictionary."

"The sixth point is that we have only Chinese and English translations. Can we add some other language translations in the future? Although in secondary schools, the foreign languages ​​studied are mainly English, but there are also some Russian schools and Korean schools, as well as some ethnic minorities. Language school, can this be added?"

   "The seventh point, since ours is a learning machine, can it be used for programming? Or is it programmed on a computer and installed on the machine?"

   "What is the memory of this product, can it be expanded? We need to give the product a function that can be upgraded, so that when we launch new software in the future, they can take the product to our after-sales point and upgrade the software for a fee."

"The last thing is that this product will be thinner in the future, the screen size is ok, but thinner, it can reduce the weight. As for making the product less sturdy, this is okay, if it breaks, they can get it back for repair If you can’t fix it, buy a new one. There are few children willing to fall for such expensive things. They will protect them carefully."

   "Another thing is to pay attention to the power of the You haven't tried it. If you don't shut down and play games, how long will it consume electricity?"

Duan Yongping was stunned by some words of Zhang Yang. He thought that this product was already very good. He didn’t dare to say perfect, but it didn’t have too many shortcomings. How did Zhang Zong only try it a few times? What are the disadvantages?

   "Mr. Zhang, we are doing the tests you said. As for other problems, I will solve them as soon as possible."

"You misunderstood what I meant. This product is good. I can be satisfied with it. I mean, after one or two years, you can launch the second-generation product. On the second-generation product, make progress. Now."

   "When will this product be mass-produced, how about the production capacity, and how high is the cost?"

   This is what Zhang Yang is most concerned about. Product performance can be improved from generation to generation. For example, in the future, you can also use a gray screen that can be handwritten, or you can launch a color screen, and the function can continue to increase.

   "At present, it is estimated that the production cost is about 360 yuan, which is higher than that of Zhiduoxing. It is mainly due to the increase in keyboard cost. The CPU performance has not changed much."

"If half of the production lines of a factory produce this product, then the monthly production capacity should be about 30,000 units. The production line of each of our factories can be debugged to produce this product. Now only one factory can, if the test is completed, Mass production is possible immediately."

   "Okay, then this product has a new name, or simply create a new brand, how about it called Wenquxing?"

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