Super Tycoon

Chapter 210: Lead the wave again

In a conference room of an electronics factory, several people sat together and studied what the factory could do next. Each of them smoked and the room was smoky.

"I said, don't say anything, we have to decide what to do next. If we let the machine go idle again, the workers will get their wages next month, the pensions of the retirees, and the sickness in the factory. How to reimburse people’s medical expenses?"

"Planter, we all know what you said, what can we do? Before we tried to make a game machine, the first one was okay. One can earn dozens of dollars, but it was not warned last time. , Saying that our game cassette infringement must be discontinued."

"Without the included game cassettes, our game consoles sold for two hundred and eighty, but in the end no one bought them. What do you think those people think, would rather buy three hundred instead of our two hundred and eighty, we Is this not easy to use?" the chief engineer mumbled.

"It's not that it's not easy for us, but it's that our brand hasn't been heard by anyone, and it can't imitate the brand of Zhiduoxing. Last time there was a factory doing this, didn't let Zhiduoxing's people report it? Anyway, people have after-sales service Do we have this?"

   "The same learning machine that we sell is the same. People recognize Zhiduoxing's brand. Besides, we don't have a learning card. You can easily be accused if you use another Zhiduoxing's learning card."

"I said, let's make some new products. We can't compete with Zhiduoxing. They can't rob them. Which of the other people's advertisements, sales channels, and popularity is not much stronger than ours? Look at the award that people have won. Consumers believe this when there is a recommended unit."

   "If I want to say, let's take it for granted. We produce spare parts and sell them, and this one is also good. For example, we sell game controllers, light guns, and even TV cables, power cords, etc. Someone always buys this."

   The factory manager watched it for a long time. What did the gang say? You haven't visited the mall recently. You have a new product these days, and it's selling very well.

"Cough, since everyone can't make up their minds, let me say a few words. Well, this new product is what I want to do next. Let's take a look, this is called Wenquxing, it is a handheld learning machine, also called an electronic dictionary ."

   "I think many parents have bought it. Let's try the function, and then take it apart to see if we can do it."

"Also, this time we have to find the person who develops the software, so as not to be affected too much by this. Our factory can't stand tossing. If we can't succeed this time, I'm afraid that after this year, the factory will never send again. Salary paid."

   At this time, many electronics factories and electrical appliances factories, including some electronics research institutes, were studying this Wenquxing that suddenly became popular recently.

   They found that Wenquxing’s function is very simple and straightforward, that is, Chinese and English translation, idiom interpretation of what, there is no other special cattle function, but this simple selling point, but impressed consumers.

   Such a simple thing, others can do it, they can do it. Even if they can only sell 10,000 units a month, they can make a lot of money.

   One of the companies called Jin Yuanyuan, when he saw Wenquxing’s products, the boss was going crazy! Isn't this the product they are developing? When he came to the Mainland from Baodao, he was optimistic about this market and wanted to develop this product, which was popular in the mainland.

   Even the name and trademark of the product, he thought of Wenquxing, but it was first developed by others, and the trademark was registered.

   What should he do? No, he can also strengthen the function, change a loud name, he has to compete with Wenquxing!

  One month after the listing of Wenquxing, Zhang Yang received a phone call from an agent. In Nanyue, he already has electronic dictionaries of other brands.

"Xiao Zhang, this is clearly imitating our products. They just changed the color of the shell, the layout of the buttons, and the procedures inside are exactly the same. Except for changing the boot screen, the contents are the same, even the games are the same. ."

   "Go and sue them. The translation software can be said to be developed by themselves, but the copyright of those small games is all from Zhiduoxing Company. They are not authorized to use it."

  Zhang Yang guessed that someone would imitate their products, but did not expect to imitate so thoroughly. This group of people thought, thought that changing the boot screen would not infringe?

   There is also a software system that is not protected, so it can be cracked so easily?

   At this time, many people in China had no copyright awareness. They felt that others could do it and they could do it. The problem is that they take other people's things and use them directly, without even changing them.

  Some companies actually have good technology, but they don't know how to develop products or innovation. Only imitate, how can you make it?

  Zhang Yang hung up the phone to let the agents notify each agent, check their agent area, exclude some competitors as much as possible, and ensure the interests of everyone.

   The interests of all agents are the same as Zhiduoxing Company. The better the products are sold, the higher their commission will be. If one day Zhiduoxing's products can't be sold, they will have no money to make.

  Following Zhiduoxing in recent Each agent has not made less money. Some of them have also developed other side businesses, or agent Zhiduoxing is their side business, but no one wants to give up, after all, this is very profitable.

   For the requirements of Zhiduoxing Company, they also carried out exactly what they had done. Besides, letting its own agency area have no competitors, it is also to increase their profits.

  At the same time, the game production companies opened by the agents also received a notice that Zhiduoxing continued to acquire handheld pixel games.

   This time I even made further requests to let them look at Nintendo's GB games. There must be some plots. The picture may not be clear due to technical reasons, but the plots must be smooth and people can continue to play.

  The agents soon guessed that Zhi Duoxing Z is coming out of the second generation. Thanks to the increase in overseas sales of Zhiduoxing G, even the sales with Zhiduoxing Z also increased a lot.

   has grown from the domestic market to the overseas market, and sales have also increased.

  These agents know that if they can make a fun game and get a share of sales, they will definitely make a lot of money.

   Soon, various agents began to check in their own agent area. Many people found that when they did not check before, they thought that there was only an electronic dictionary of Wenquxing. You can check it carefully and find that there are already several models.

   There are different shapes, different colors, and even some electronic dictionaries with color screens appear.

  Electronic dictionary has become the hottest electronic product in this summer vacation, surpassing Zhiduoxing G.

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