Super Tycoon

Chapter 213: Can't easily authorize

Wanyan VCD's overseas sales rights will no longer be handed over to Wanxin Company as an agent. This company is good at channels such as games and toys, but they have no experience with this kind of video products.

Fortunately, Mr. Sun contacted several companies when he acquired video copyright in the United States. They were also very interested in Wanyan's products.

It's just that the other party wants more than just sales or agency rights, but wants to get technology authorization so that they can produce their own products and make more profits.

At this point, Yang also analyzed the pros and cons with President Jiang. In Europe and the United States, this kind of technology monopoly is often subject to sanctions, so the technology must be licensed to other companies to avoid monopoly.

But selling the money directly doesn't work, that's too much. Zhang Yang's requirement is only one. Use technology authorization in exchange for the technology authorization of some other electronic products.

In the field of consumer electronics, Europe and island countries are currently in the first gear, and the United States can only be regarded as the second gear. Of course, if you count on the computer, the United States will be able to take over later.

President Sun is negotiating there, and it is estimated that it will take some time to complete. In the domestic market, VCD has begun to market.

Many foreign companies in the consumer electronics field have noticed this car product. They have discovered the advantages of this product and believe that this product can indeed change the status quo of the industry.

As the resolution of the camera is getting higher and higher, the screen definition is getting higher and higher, so the storage capacity of ordinary video tapes cannot meet the requirements. It really needs a larger storage capacity, lower cost, and a product that is convenient to carry. This VCD , Happens to meet this requirement.

Some companies started investigating which company produced the product, and whether they could bypass the other's technology blockade and produce the same product.

But after they disassembled, they discovered that you couldn't get around the original core technology, and this technology patent was in the hands of the company that produced VCD.

So what are you waiting for, whoever gets the authorization first, is likely to occupy the market!


"Mr. Zhang, 16 companies have contacted Wan Yan in the past few days. They want to obtain the patent authorization of our VCD. They are all sincere. Why don't you ask me not to agree?"

Jiang Wanmeng looked at Zhang Yang puzzledly on the sofa in the hotel room. So good conditions, why not agree? Could it be for the sale of Zhiduoxing G?

But the original agreement was very clear. The game console enterprises authorized by Wan Yan’s VCD technology are only Zhiduoxing, and no other enterprise will. These are also stated in the contracts authorized to other companies. Zhang Yang is also worried. what?

"Good conditions? You don't know the value of the VCD product. They gave you a million buyout licenses, do you feel good?"

Zhang Yang glanced at Jiang Wanmeng. With this small amount of money, can you beat you?

"Mr. Zhang, is this not a small amount of money? And there are sixteen companies, one million, that is 16 million. And there will definitely be more companies that want to be authorized, and we can sell them again at that time. Go to twenty or even thirty authorizations, that is, tens of millions of funds will be returned."

"Professor Jiang, what is the retail price of this VCD? What is the cost? At present, there is no competitor, and this profit is entirely ours."

"Do you know the company that makes LD big discs, their company has almost monopolized that market, with annual sales exceeding one billion RMB, even if the profit is only 5%, it is also 50 million, 100% Ten is one hundred million."

"Now that we want to make this industry bigger, it is very difficult to rely on our family alone, so we must find powerful companies and cooperate to make this cake bigger than that of video recorders and LD discs. "

"What we have to do is replace others, not just take a piece of the pie. What is the current output value of video recorders and video tapes in the year, tens of billions of dollars, this is because many markets have not been developed, and video recorders are not sold very much. "

"If you think about it again, if a VCD can replace a video recorder, how big is this piece of cake? I dare not say more, there are always hundreds of billions of dollars."

"But if we don't promote it well, then we can't replace the recorder. Maybe our product will become a flash in the pan. At first, I was a little worried, but now that I'm looking for so many companies, my worry is superfluous."

"Everyone can see the advantages of this product, and naturally can analyze the shortcomings. At least in terms of stability, VCD is still not as good as a VCR, and in terms of sound quality, VCD is not as good as records."

"But we also have the advantages of large capacity, low price, and convenient storage. With the function of family KTV, it is not difficult to sell."

"What we lack are some technologies that help us improve the quality of our products. We don't have them. It is very difficult to develop, but many companies have existing ones."

"There are only two options for licensing to other companies. The first option is technology exchange. Let them authorize us with a technology related to electronic products that can be used on our products. We can not charge patent licensing fees."

"The second option is to share sales. For every CD they sell, or every VCD they sell, they have to give us a sum of money, based on their production volume, not sales."

That is, as long as you produce, whether you sell it or not, you have to give money. This is the advantage of having a patent, which allows you to take absolute initiative.

"You think about it, if we charge a license fee of RMB 100 for a then they can make 1 million if they produce 10,000 units. You are about to sell out one million now, yes Isn't it a loss?"

"It is true that if you authorize more than one, it looks like you can make a lot of money, but this will add a lot of competitors to us. Especially some competitors are stronger than us in terms of hardware and other technologies, and in turn will suppress our products. Is not impossible."

"Don't you find that the major companies in the consumer electronics field who are going to buy licenses this time? They are all prepared with both hands. While discussing patent licensing, they are studying how to circumvent our technology, or use our Technology upgrades, in turn, clamp us down."

"General Sun is talking about this standard, otherwise why would it be so long? Professor Jiang, have a little patience. At least our products have already been sold in China, and the response is not bad."

"It’s not just the VCD that sells well, the CD sells well, it costs 20 yuan a piece, it’s not much more expensive than a tape, it’s much cheaper than a video tape. And there are many people who bought our products to open a video hall, song and dance hall."

"Only sales of this part can exceed 100,000 units. What else can you worry about? Wait, those companies will take the initiative to increase their bargaining chips."

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