Super Tycoon

Chapter 221: Can't keep up after sale

Zhang Benxiong's cell phone on the sofa rang, and he took a few words and hung up, watching Zhang Yang hesitating.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yang poured a small cup of tea to Zhang Benxiong.

"We have damaged the machine again and can only return it to the factory for repair. Consumers are very dissatisfied."


Zhang Yang thought about it in empathy. If he is a consumer and the gaming machine breaks down, he finds a retailer, but the retailer can't solve it. He said that it will be returned to the factory for repair.

I bought the game console just for playing, but now I can’t play it for a month, can I be in a good mood?

"Lao Zhang, did you find a local agent in every country, didn't you tell them about the establishment of an after-sales maintenance point?"

Zhang Benxiong carefully looked at Zhang Yang: "They all have after-sales service points, but they haven't disassembled the machine, and don't know how to solve many problems."

"Some agents talked to me and wanted our repair drawings."


Zhang Yang directly refused. The maintenance drawings are directly said to be their design drawings. With the drawings, all the secrets of Zhiduoxing will no longer be secrets.

"Mr. Zhang, this drawing can always be cracked. Now giving them can also increase the quality of our service and no longer allow game consoles to always be returned to the factory for repair."

"Especially in the island market, the after-sales service of others' game consoles is much stronger than ours, and that is one of the best game markets in the world."

"And I said something that is not very pleasant. I remember you said to our agent meeting that Zhiduoxing's technology is not the best. In 32-bit game consoles, it can only be regarded as low-end. We mainly sell games. ."

"The development of this product mainly uses Russian-made electronic components. They don’t export much now. Even if others know it, it’s not easy to imitate?"

"Again, what else do people imitate? Doesn’t our product architecture have patents? We still use technology, aren’t they good to imitate?"

Zhang Yang smiled and shook his head: "In fact, it is not much stronger, but it is more difficult to upgrade the technology, and this technology is considered elementary and can continue to upgrade."

"Anyone who knows technology, in fact, it is not difficult to crack our technology. Moreover, Wanyan Company has also authorized some related technologies of electronic enterprises, which is not unique to us."

In fact, this is a gimmick at the same time, it is also a standard isolation, so that their game discs are not easy to be pirated.

The game discs of companies like Shunyi have done some protection in them. Game discs made by different companies are difficult to run on other game consoles.

A compatible program was added to Zhiduoxing. At first, he thought it was too simple. He thought it would be compatible. In fact, it can only be compatible with Sega's game discs. At present, no one has thought of doing this.

Zhang Yang actually hopes to be able to be compatible with the Schneider's game disc, because he is very clear that the winner of this 32-bit machine war must be Schneider.

Not to mention that the performance of Niuni's hardware is extremely outstanding. It is said that they have signed game development contracts with dozens of game companies, including the authorization of some popular games, which makes players excited enough.

"Mr. Zhang, how can our after-sales service keep up? Now a small number of people are saying that as our sales increase, this kind of thing will become more and more frequent."

Zhang Yang froze for a moment: "Are there many game machines returned to the factory for repair?"

Return to the factory for repair, it must be very serious failure, can not play. Their game consoles are so easy to break? When I first checked, I didn't find these.

"At present, I have already surpassed 1,000 units, and the return rate is 0.3% per thousand."

The return rate of 0.3% per thousand may continue to grow, even if the failure rate is very high. If it is okay in the country, agents in every province in China have after-sales maintenance points, and basically do not need to return to the factory.

But there is no abroad, especially those in Europe and America that are far away. It takes one month to return to the factory once. This is publicized and will have a great impact.

"What are the main areas?"

"Mainly in North America and Western Europe. My suggestion is that we set up a manufacturer's after-sales repair point in at least those two areas, and we can't do it all the time."

"Every time we return to the factory, we will compensate each other for a game disc to satisfy consumers. This money is nothing, but I am afraid that other companies will seize the opportunity to publicize and magnify this matter."

"You get a few people to learn from the factory. The after-sales service must keep up. Follow-up service will be available in each country. Now, even if they are given drawings, can they understand it?"

Wanxin Company is responsible for the after-sales service in the contract. It's just that Zhang Benxiong wanted technical drawings, but Zhang Yang was reluctant to give them.

"Oh, is there any problem with the after-sales of other game console companies?"

Zhang Benxiong shook his head: "They are all established companies, and they have done a good job in this regard. And the main markets of those companies are in the United States and the island They all have branches, and the after-sales are also very natural. it is good."

"The after-sales are as bad as ours, Atari Corporation, they are not able to make ends meet, I think it is not far from bankruptcy."

"Are you really going to buy Atari? This is not necessarily a good choice. Atari's technology is outdated, and there are no new games in recent years. The company's debt ratio is very high, and some shareholders are obviously trying to get out."

There are actually many ways for shareholders to get rid of a company with a high debt ratio. The simple way is to sell the company. Another is to get a shell company, transfer all debts, and then let the shell company go bankrupt.

"Come on for me, if Atari goes bankrupt and sells, I want to see if I can buy some game rights."

Maybe some Atari games are out of date, but there are always some nostalgic people. When the time comes to launch an Atari game collection, I believe it will sell well.

Whether a commodity is valuable, sometimes depends on where it is sold. A bottle of water can be exchanged for a gold bar in the desert.

At the same time, companies like Johnny are also staring at their competitors. Finding the shortcomings of competitors and magnifying them can make your products sell better.

They suddenly found that Zhiduoxing had just started selling very well, mainly through discounts and other means. The gaming machine did not make money, and the profit of game cassettes also dropped a lot. This means that Zhiduoxing is very confident in their subsequent games.

But the after-sales service of Zhiduoxing Company seems to be not very good. In many after-sales service points, the game console cannot be repaired at all and can only be returned to the factory.

This matter must be known to all players!

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