Super Tycoon

Chapter 223: Game Development Association

Zhang Yang found that foreign game development companies are more mature and more demanding. Some of the 35xs have to sell dividends, some have to pay in advance, and some have to guarantee a dividend.

Why? Because there are many people who want to buy games, especially the Schneider Company, which directly raises the price.

These companies think this is a good thing, but they haven't thought about it, when the company re-enacts rules, how should they resist?

In fact, the game that might have been a big fire is now only a small fire, and the dividend is actually reduced. But for many small game companies, this is the spring.

As a result, the price of small game companies has also risen. Zhang Yang found that the cost of buying games is getting higher and higher. Over time, I am afraid that the profit margin of Zhiduoxing will become lower and lower.

Among the games released by Zhiduoxing, the most profitable one is the alloy warhead, developed by itself. The two games with the highest user satisfaction are kof and alloy warheads.

Although kof was developed by Wang Liang, the idea was provided by Zhang Yang. The two parties have already signed a contract. All subsequent development versions are handed over to Zhiduoxing for free. Wang Liang only enjoys dividends.

The success of Wang Liang's company has also allowed many agents of Zhiduoxing to see the business opportunities. Previously, they did not care much about game development, and they felt that they would not make any money. 35xs

But if you can let the game give away with the sales of game consoles like Wang Liang's company, then sales can rise. More than three million copies, each with two dollars, that is six or seven million!

This data is something they could not earn back for years.

Although it takes a lot of money to develop games, what's the point? Isn't Wang Liang spent kof93, which was developed by millions of people, and I heard later that the development cost has increased, even if it doubles.

I heard that kof94 is already on the market, and the current sales situation is also very hot, hundreds of thousands of copies have been sold.

As more and more families buy game consoles in China, there are more domestic game developers. However, many companies are better off as small workshops, where several students buy computers for development, and some teams can't even make one computer per person.

At this time, the computer is still an absolute big piece, although the price has dropped in the past two years, but if it is bought, it will not be able to get off without 15,000.

Many of the game developers used second-hand computers. They thought they could sell a game and they would be able to pay for it. There are still some people, thinking of their company bigger and stronger, Wang Liang is now the idol of how many game developers.

As the agents of Zhiduoxing Company began to enter the game development industry, many game development companies that could not continue to operate have attracted investment. 35xs

They are unwilling to work for others, only accepting shares, so that in the future the game will be profitable, they can also receive dividends, not dead wages.

From the middle of last year to the beginning of this year, Zhang Yang discovered that domestic game development companies seem to have surpassed hundreds. Some people have invested in more than one game development team, and some have not yet registered a company, just signed a simple agreement.

At this time, some problems also emerged, that is, many game development ideas, crashed.

The creativity is the same, although there is a gap between the finished products developed, but there are actually many similarities, then only one of the two games will be purchased by Zhiduoxing, and the other one will be scrapped.

As a result, some agents and his team were dissatisfied, and even disheartened. It turns out that not everyone is suitable to eat this bowl of rice. It may be hard for half a year, but they can't earn any money.

Especially when the game team of the agency and some foreign teams collide with each other, and the quality is obviously inferior to others, when Zhang Yang chooses the foreign team, it will make the agency feel that Zhang Yang takes care of the outsiders.

The truth of these things is actually very simple, who's game is good, who I want. But after all, agents have been cooperating for many years, which will inevitably dispel the idea of ​​some agents playing games.

So Zhang Yang thought of this approach and established the China Game Development Association, he came to serve as the first chairman.

This association is to unite some game development companies. Everyone's creativity crashes. They can cooperate to develop, learn from each other's weaknesses, and also make the game available faster.

Or maybe there is a lot of creativity in a certain party, this crash, just change one. Or come first, come first, who will file first, who will first develop.

"Everyone, everyone knows the original intention of setting up the association, in order to let everyone develop better. Of course, I know that you also have some doubts, such as whether the game developed can only be sold to our company, or whether the association has other Right and so on, I will give you an answer now."

"The creative crash has already been explained to everyone. After all the game development teams have filed with the association, we will feedback to other teams and can also act as a bridge to introduce you to cooperate with each Obey the rules of the association. This rule is for the time being I worked out with several directors. If there is any doubt, I can make a suggestion later, or have a new proposal, you can also say."

"For all games developed by the company, the copyright belongs to you naturally. Whether you want to sell to our company, the decision is still in your hands. Of course I hope to be able to buy the copyright of your game, and the license to us is not necessarily an exclusive license. You can license to multiple companies."

"Our company can also sell your games to other channels, and we can negotiate a distribution ratio for the profits."

"There are some penalties in this agreement, such as who steals other companies' ideas, game content, etc., to be punished. We will also submit some of the collected evidence to the judiciary to protect the interests of the infringed company. "

"Of course, I don't want this to happen. The purpose of our unity is to fight against foreign game companies. They have developed earlier and faster than us. To catch up and surpass them, everyone has to twist a rope."

Zhang Yang said a lot on stage, and many company representatives under the stage were listening carefully, and some people were talking in a whisper. They also see the benefits of this association, and the invited teams are also willing to join them.

Some of these teams are not yet companies. After seeing the requirements, they plan to go back and register a company, which will make it more convenient in the future and will be protected more.

It's just that there is a small group of people inside, with hesitation. They came from Treasure Island, is it appropriate to join this association?


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