Super Tycoon

Chapter 228: Crazy sales

A woman led the child on the street, and suddenly the child stopped and looked up at a poster outside the mall: "Mom, what is that? So cute."

Mother looked up, electronic pet? This seems to have been seen on TV.

"Mom, will you buy me one?"

The mother hesitated, thinking about the child wanting to raise a puppy, but she didn't let it, or buy an electronic pet to make the child happy.

"Okay, let's go to the mall and ask."

Enter the mall and walk to the counter of the Zhiduoxing brand: "Is your e-pet outside?"

"Yes, ma'am, do you want to buy one for your child? It's not convenient to have a pet at home. You can buy one of this. It's fun. At the beginning, you gave 1,000 gold coins, which can be used to buy pet rations or toys. Play, you can also buy books for it to read, so that it can learn and improve, in the future can go to work to earn money."

"It’s important to remember that when it is hungry, it must be fed to it, otherwise it will starve to death for a long time. It will have to defecate, and it must be cleaned up, otherwise it will get sick. This pet arrives at nine every night I go to bed at seven in the morning, so that my child can sleep together, and I can use this to exercise my child's sense of responsibility..."

The shopping guide warmly introduced that she said not only to the child, but also to the child's parents.

"Mom, mom, I want to buy."

The woman touched the child's head, smiled lovingly, and then looked at the shop assistant: "How much is this?"

"Normal 4,900 yen, this special kind, has a certain probability of opening rare pets, priced at 5,900 yen."

"Mom, mom, I want to advertise that Pikachu." The child tugged at his mother's skirt.

"Then recommend that you buy this 5,900 yen, and tell you a message quietly, now the probability of opening Pikachu is very high, the next batch of products may not be."

"Then I bought a 5,900 yen, you teach me how to turn on."

"Give me, give me, I'll get it." the child shouted, hopping.

"Don't move, let your aunt teach you how to play."

"Yeah, you are so lucky. You have a rare panda. This is the rarest pet. It has a lower probability than Pikachu. Congratulations."

Panda, the woman saw this morbid little bit and immediately fell in love, but her son was very unhappy.

"I want Pikachu, I want Pikachu!"

"Good, then buy another one, hoping to open Pikachu."

The second one really opened Pikachu, and the mother and son happily left.

Many people don't like the good electronic pets, and they caught fire in the island country in a short time. The sales volume on the first day was only more than 10,000 units, the next day it soared to more than 80,000 units, and the third day it increased to 170,000 units.

In just one week, sales exceeded 500,000 units! Fortunately, Zhiduoxing Company had already prepared there, otherwise it would have to be out of stock for more than a week.

When this data came out, many game manufacturers were unbelievable. The last time such a hot-selling product was Nintendo’s gb

What is Nintendo's gb sales, which has exceeded 30 million units, and sales are still growing rapidly, making it the world's highest-selling handheld.

Matsushima Shinji walked to a mall and saw a long line up in front of a counter. What are you queuing to buy?

Ok? It is actually the counter of Zhiduoxing Company. The queue is not the Zhiduoxing g, but the electronic pet. This little thing is so easy to sell?

He returned to the company, made a phone call and asked the sales staff to make a statistics. In some game stores, this product is also the fastest selling.

How many people bought more than one, and others opened pet eggs in front of the counter, and bought another one if they didn’t like it.

Songji Shinji suddenly remembered that when the company held a meeting last time, he said that the main factor of gb's success even made a simple summary of future handheld games.

Collecting, cultivating, exchanging, and fighting, this is what they think of the four attributes of handheld games in the future. Whoever masters this will succeed.

This electronic pet currently has three attributes, collection, breeding and exchange. If it can be played again, it will definitely be even hotter.

Fortunately, he inquired. At present, electronic pets have no online function, so naturally they can't play. There are only three, this product will also be in flames.

Sure enough, news came back from the United States. In many cities in the United States, some people lined up to buy electronic pets in front of game stores and raised electronic pets.

At school, you can see many classmates get together and hold a small pet egg in their hands.

"Oh, my kangaroo is hungry. I have to buy it something to eat. It's too good to eat."

"My kitten pulls up and defecates. I have to clean it as soon as possible, but it's too late, otherwise I will get sick."

"I bought a book for my panda and I have to let it learn more so that I can work and earn money in the future, otherwise these gold coins will definitely be consumed soon."

"Wow~ you have a panda, luck, so good luck. But why study? Isn't it possible to work directly when you grow up?"

"You must not read the manual, learn more, and get a higher salary when you work part Also, you may press some more buttons, maybe some special effects will be triggered. The panda suddenly accelerated."

Some students who didn't buy it all came together: "What are you guys playing with, gb?"

"No, it's an electronic pet. This one is more fun than gb. I have a koala, and my movements can be slower, but I'm in a hurry!"

"Eh, e-pets? Can you still have e-pets? Where did you buy them and how much?"

"Go forward to the game store in front of the school. You buy it early, otherwise it will be sold out. I heard that it was out of stock the day before yesterday. It was only replenished yesterday. Many people went to the queue."

"Then I let my brother go to queue for me, anyway, he doesn't have to go to school, and can save my pocket money." The elementary school student was smart.

"Yeah, I can ask my sister to line up for me and she will cry if she doesn't agree."

Many students find that if you don't buy an electronic pet, it seems that you can't go with others.

Those pets are so fun, there are dinosaurs, and there are nine headed monsters and three headed dragons. However, they are rare and difficult to open.

A classmate who doesn't have any money at home buys an electronic pet with three flying dragons directly from someone else. Playing two at a time is more enjoyable.

No, the two are not enough. He will have to keep everything in the future. He must have what others have, and he must have what others do not have!

Ten days after the global listing, Zhiduoxing released the product sales. 950,000 units in North America, 880,000 units in island countries, and 930,000 units in Europe, total global sales exceeded 3 million units!

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