Super Tycoon

Chapter 261: New agency team

Just after the New Year, the agents of Zhiduoxing Company hurried over and signed a contract extension. I told them the terms of the new contract many years ago.

Those who are unwilling to sign, come to get the deposit, and those who are willing to sign need an additional deposit.

All the agents came with money, who is stupid who doesn't sign it, obviously making money, why do you want to let it out. It is just that some people have other thoughts. Can those who have entrusted the agency power of two provinces have one before?

Of course no one is willing to let!

The market that is subsidized by the five autonomous regions of Northwest China is slowly getting better. It took them five years to expand their channels, how could they let them out.

Although the margin increased, the agency commission decreased, but they did not reduce the profit, because Zhiduoxing products increased, sales and sales also increased.

"Everyone, the contract has been renewed for five years, and everyone should rest assured. Then let's make money together, making Zhiduoxing better and better, and everyone better and better."

"By the way, there are still some new products to be handed over to you this time. It is a game called Lianliankan. We launched two versions of the computer version and the learning machine version. The computer version is a 3.5-inch floppy disk and the learning machine version is Traditional cassette."

"This product, like the fairy sword, is our attempt to expand computer games. I said that as the price of computers continues to decrease and performance continues to increase, the penetration rate of computers will increase in the future."

"But the computer can not only be used for office, study, but also for entertainment. The characteristics of this product are very simple, it is to test eyesight, character image, and temporarily use the inside of KOF."

"Everyone also has their own game development company. The games developed by us can be sold as long as we review them. Everyone is working hard to make games suitable for Zhiduoxing G, but don't ignore it. After our Zhiduoxing Z2 is listed, The performance is also very good."

"If you can make a game that meets the Z2 standard of Zhiduoxing, I will definitely buy it at a high price, or increase the share ratio."

Nintendo’s VB failed not only because of the inconvenience of carrying and color hurting the eyes, but also because the software games above were too few.

There are only a few at present, and there are only a few models launched in the United States, which are very different from the past.

I heard that Nintendo has produced millions of VBs, but now it is seriously unsalable, and I don’t know how Nintendo will stop losses. Is it a price reduction promotion, or is there a way to provide more games, or to upgrade the product?

But in any case, this year's handheld sales rankings, Zhi Duoxing Z2 is a must. It's just that there are too few follow-up games. Zhang Yang wants to try to sell game cards to make money.

"Mr. Xiaozhang, our company has a game, just made it, you can lower some parameters, or will you show it later?" The agent over there in Hangzhou asked with a smile.

"Yes, you can also try it, lower the parameters of the games you develop. I believe you have also learned how prosperous the foreign game market is. They have a fun game that can be sold for more than RMB 1,000 and sold. One million copies, that is one billion in sales."

"Our company has always pursued a strategy of small profits but quick turnover. After all, in the international game market, we are just newcomers. But after this Z2, we will increase the price of some games. At present, we have begun to make some attempts, and the market response is not bad. ."

"If the selling price increases, then everyone's dividends will also increase. I know you all want to make more money. I have told you the opportunity. Can you catch it? It depends on you."

Some people looked at each other, and it was not easy for them to jump from 8-bit games to 32-bit games. Now they are asked to go back and do 8-bit games.

But regardless of him, as long as they can make money, Zhiduoxing says what they need, they will do.

"That, Mr. Xiao Zhang, can we make the software used on the learning machine?" someone asked.

"Yes, but before doing it, it's better to go to the company for the record, to prevent everyone from doing the same thing, and someone has done useless work."

"Xiao Zhang, in addition to the 8-bit game we made, can we also join Wenquxing in addition to the Z2 star?"

"Yes, this can divide the money."

Everyone kept asking questions, and Zhang Yang answered them patiently. Agents who have been cooperating for many years, after the initial break-in, the cooperation is now more pleasant.

However, compared to these domestic agents, Zhang Yang is more concerned about foreign agents.

The contract of Wanxin Company expired, and the CEO of Wanxin Company came to Bingcheng in person. He sought Zhang Weiguang several times, but Zhang Weiguang did not agree. He came to Zhang Yang again, and was naturally rejected.

Part of the agency power was given to Zhang Yang to invest in the Xiangjiang Zhiduoxing Company founded by Zhang Benxiong, and the island country was given to the Huadao Elf Company. The United States is the company of Wan Yan’s shareholder Sun Yansheng.

On the European side, Zhang Benxiong also found several agents, each responsible for one language market.

With the outbreak of Zhiduoxing's products in overseas markets, the cost of sales to be paid in overseas markets has also increased course, he hopes to reduce it.

Wanxin Company was hit hard at this time. Their two largest customers, one is Bandai Company of the island country, and now the operation is declining and falling into losses. The other is Zhiduoxing, and they did not renew the contract with them.

At this time, the CEO of Wanxin Company also regretted it. At first, he listened to Zhang Benxiong well, and kept in touch with Zhiduoxing Company to discuss the contract renewal issue in advance. By the way, Zhang Benxiong’s equity issue was also resolved.

Who knows he hasn't thought about it yet, Zhang Benxiong went out and established his own portal. No, the company was invested by Zhiduoxing at the earliest. Zhang Benxiong was considered a job-hopping, and also took away many downstream customers of Wanxin Company, which caused the sales channel of Wanxin Company to be greatly affected.

Wanxin Company was also cruel, turned to contact Sega, and won Sega's agency rights in Xiangjiang, Aocheng and the mainland market.

Since you are not cooperating with me, then I will cooperate with your competitors. With the previous cooperation with Zhiduoxing, it was easy to sign an agency agreement with Sega.

Wanxin Company also guarantees that Sega's products will definitely open the market in China's mainland and seize the share of Zhiduoxing!

Zhang Yang also got the news, but he was not worried. The products of Sega and other companies are not well sold in the Mainland, not only because of sales channel problems, but also because the domestic market has some resistance to these high-priced entertainment products because of poverty.

Even if it is Zhiduoxing G, is it not good to sell? Moreover, Zhiduoxing G has already opened the market of game halls, and the share left to other companies is really not much.

After all this was done, Zhang Yang did not go directly back to Beijing, but continued to wait in Bingcheng, waiting for the arrival of Kurishenko.

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