Super Tycoon

Chapter 264: Atari was sold again

"What are you talking about? Atari has been sold? So fast! Which company acquired Atari?" Zhang Yang did not expect Atari to sell out so quickly.

Atari had many negative assets at this time, and the ones who dared to buy were all werewolves. Of course, it also includes some valuable assets, and it can take a long time to strip off some negative assets.

In Zhang Yang's view, it is more cost-effective to wait for Atari to go bankrupt and then acquire some assets.

Among Atari’s assets, Zhang Yang looks at three parts. The first part is Atari’s game copyright. Although many of them are 8-bit games, they can also be developed in depth and become 32-bit or even 64-bit, just like Super Mario, don’t you keep upgrading?

And Atari also has the copyright of the game ET. The copyright of this game was originally purchased by Atari. However, it was developed very badly, causing Atari to lose a lot of money, directly from the first echelon game machine manufacturers. , Became the second echelon, and gradually fell behind.

The second part of Atari’s assets is that they developed the first color handheld AL. Although it has fluttered on the street, some design concepts and related technologies can make up for the shortcomings of Zhiduoxing at this time. Zhang Yang has always wanted to To launch the color handheld.

With the color handheld, his Pokemon can really catch fire, and the black and white experience is not a little bit worse. And with the color screen, many games can also be ported to it, such as Bubble Dragon or something. Even the color of Super Tetris will become different.

In the third chapter, the asset Yang valued was the 64-bit model produced by Atari, which was actually only 32-bit, and even part of the performance was not as good as the 16-bit Jaguar game console.

This game console does have many shortcomings, but it also has many advantages. If you get the relevant technology, you can allow Zhiduoxing G to upgrade. In the future, you can compete with Nintendo's N64 and the PS1 PS3 3D game market.

As for others, such as game developers, game console developers, sales staff, etc., can also be regarded as valuable assets, but the value is not high in Zhang Yang's eyes.

So he knew that Atari was going to bankruptcy and sold, and the price of entrusting Sun Yansheng to contact was not high, because he really felt that it was not worth that price.

But when Atari was bought by others, he regretted it. The company still has so much liquidity, even if it spends more now, as long as it can be earned in the future, it will not be a loss.

"It was bought by JTS. They are a hard disk manufacturer, and they seem to want to use this to enter the gaming market. They seem to want to try to upgrade the Atari Jaguar to really achieve 64-bit performance. The total cost is external Claimed to be 50 million dollars."

Fifty million dollars is the price that makes Zhang Yang feel worthless. Although the value of some assets is not low, there are still so many negative assets. Zhang Yang's psychological price is actually only RMB 200 million, less than USD 40 million.

The price difference is so much that Atari no longer contacted them and sold it to others as normal.

"Mr. Sun, please contact JTS. I think they pay more attention to Atari's hardware technology and factory. I want to purchase Atari's AL handheld assets and game copyrights. You can ask me for a price."

"Okay, I will help you get in touch here. Mr. Zhang, last time you talked about VCD technology upgrade, I talked to Lao Jiang and several partners. They said that it is impossible to completely shake off other companies. If we can cooperate, it will be better for our development."

Zhang Yang smiled: "Wanyan company's operation, you are the master. I said, Zhiduoxing Education Fund is just a shareholder, waiting to distribute some money to donate to domestic education, others will not intervene."

"However, I can provide you with a direction of development. You found that no. The mobile storage devices used by current computer hosts are still floppy disks. What is the storage capacity of floppy disks? Why not use VCD technology?"

"VCD can not only store data, but also store audio and video materials. You think, if all the computer hosts will use Wan Yan's technology in the future, how much will the licensing fee be for one year?"

Sun Yansheng hesitated for a while: "So you can use a computer as a VCD, will it affect the sales of VCD? Someone who previously wanted to implement a CD-mode storage device eventually failed."

"CD is very good in sound performance, but what about video? VCD does not have this shortcoming. Now you know how well VCD machines are sold. But the market will eventually be saturated. You don't have to prepare a way until the market is really saturated, or After the emergence of the next generation of products, how do you develop?"

"What's more, how much is a computer and how many families can afford it? The sales volume of VCD will not be affected much. TV screens are much larger than computer screens. Isn't VCD now focusing on the concept of home theater."

"Mr. Zhang, I know. I communicate with Lao Jiang about this matter. Thank you for your reminding."

Jiang Wanmeng is mainly responsible for technical upgrades, and Sun Yansheng is mainly responsible for product sales and patent two people cooperated together is also a tacit understanding.

Although in contrast, both of them are small shareholders, but the major shareholder is the Zhiduoxing Education Fund. Regardless of the company's operation, in fact, the company's management is still discussed by the two of them.

But the two will not really decide everything on their own. They will still call Zhang Yang frequently. On the one hand, they respect Zhang Yang, the representative of the large shareholder. In addition, they also think that Zhang Yang is stronger than them in management. Take fewer detours.

"That line, remember to contact JTS company quickly, so as not to be started by other companies. Let's talk first, the price is easy to discuss."

Atari was sold, not just Zhang Yang's attention, other game console manufacturers, game companies are very concerned, after all, this is the founder of video game consoles, once the industry leader.

I just didn't expect it to decline so fast, I made several wrong decisions. However, the original founder had long sold the company and entered the catering industry.

I don't know if the founder was not optimistic about the industry, or still have differences with other people's ideas. There were people who wanted to bring that person back, but they were rejected.

At this time, not only Sun Yansheng, but also many companies contacted JTS. They were also interested in some of Atari’s assets and hoped to be able to buy them after disassembly.

All of a sudden, many companies sent representatives to the United States, even including Bandai. If you can get some technical support from Atari, Bandai feels that it does not need to merge with other companies, they can also rise in this industry again.

As for the funding gap, with these assets, someone will be willing to invest, even if it is a loan, it will be much easier, they suspiciously mortgage some copyright.

At this time, Nintendo announced that their GBP is officially on sale.

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